Supernatural Girlz

Get Rid of Your Karma with Crystals ~with guest Nicholas Pearson



  Getting Rid of Karma with Crystals ~ Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from crystal expert Nicolas Pearson on how to free ourselves from Karma by using crystals. Chinese medicine uses stones to treat very deep levels of illness-- and nothing is deeper than our karmic hindrances. Tonight Nicholas provides many insightful protocols for cutting through and melting down the stubborn karmic entanglements that prevent us from moving forward in our lives. The information is grounded in his years of experience and contemplation of the minerals and crystals he recommends, and it is motivated by his sincere faith in our potential to heal ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet. Nicholas has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. A certified teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throu