Supernatural Girlz

Physical Mediumship: Rare Communication from the other side w/ guest Kai Muegge



Physical Mediumship is VERY rare and most of the physical mediums come from Europe. Physical mediumship is a form of phenomena where external spirit entities manipulate the energies and substances of a medium, to form physical manifestations such as spirit bodies that in human form or voice boxes where a spirit can speak directly from their world to ours. The spirit communicators provide an interface of communication between our world on earth and their worlds known as spirit world. Other physical phenomena that can be produced are physical smells, hot or cold drafts, levitation, apportation of objects from mid air, transfiguration, spirit lights, raps or knocks, direct voice communication, and physical apparitions. ?Kai Muegge is one of the founding members of the ASSMPI and is also a research medium dedicated to Physical Mediumship and applied Science. Kai is a certified physical medium who demonstrates physical phenomena and has been one of the most scientifically tested physical mediums to date.