Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.
Demonic Foes: Experiences of a Psychiatrist in the World of Exorcism
25/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minRichard E. Gallagher, M.D., is an American board certified psychiatrist. He is a Professor of Psychiatry at New York Medical College and also on the faculty of the Columbia University Psychoanalytic Institute. where he trained as an analyst. Dr. Gallagher is a magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Princeton University, where he studied the Classics and won the class scholarship prize in ancient Latin and Greek. After playing professional basketball in Europe, he trained in Psychiatry at Yale University. Dr. Gallagher served for many years on the governing board of the International Association of Exorcists and has addressed its plenary sessions on numerous occasions. He has collaborated with many Catholic priests, rabbis and ministers in the assessment of individuals being evaluated for possible diabolic attack over the last twenty-five years. He has written widely and given many talks, including on TV and radio and in documentaries, on the topic of diabolic possession. As a physician, he emp
White Spirit Animals - Prophets of Change with Zohara Hieronimus
22/04/2018 Duration: 01h17minCombining sacred elder lore, science, and her own telepathic dreams, Zohara Hieronimus looks at the special role played by White Spirit Animals in spiritual traditions and prophecy around the globe, where they are seen as guardians of animal wisdom, each with a special purpose and gift. She reveals how they have collaborated with humanity since the last ice age, inspiring spiritual practices and conferring shamanistic powers, and are considered the stewards of the great spiritual transformations that occur during transitional times. Sharing the waking vision of White Spirit Animals that called her to write this book, and their message of CPR for the earth–conservation, preservation, and restoration–she explains how to use shamanic dreaming and trans-species telepathy to communicate with these great spiritual teachers. Exploring each one of the major White Spirit Animals–White Buffalo, White Lion, White Elephant, White Wolf, and White Spirit Bear–and the cultures in which they are honored, the author shows, fo
Life Experiences On the Other Side with Psychic Medium George Lugo
21/04/2018 Duration: 01h18minGeorge Lugo has dedicated his life helping people through communicating and delivering messages of hope, love and respect from loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. As a child George, always felt alone in the knowledge of what he could see and experience. He could see and feel souls that watched over and protected him. He became aware that he could step in and out of what he describes as this incredibly loving river, the space in which the spirit world flows through him. George is considered to be the best of the best. He works with clients worldwide as well as several police departments including Scotland Yard. Tune in to hear his stories of what its like on the other side and how his gifts bring people hope and understanding.
DREAMS That Can Save Your Life!
18/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minCan your dreams provide inner guidance filled with life-saving information? Guests Larry Burk, MD and three-time breast cancer survivor Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos say yes! Hear amazing research and true stories of physical and emotional healings triggered by DREAMS. All of their stories are confirmed by pathology reports from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives. Don't miss this show!
FREE Psychic Readings with Corbie Mitleid!
11/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minCorbie is a psychic, channel and medium, reading since 1973. She travels coast to coast and into Canada as a full time intuitive counselor, appeared frequently on radio and television and is an inspirational teacher and facilitator. She is a featured channel in Robert Schwartz’s breakthrough series, YOUR SOUL’S PLAN and YOUR SOUL’S GIFT and is herself the author of CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET and the just-released THE PSYCHIC YELLOW BRICK ROAD. Corbie’s certifications and affiliations include being a Certified Professional Tarot Reader (through the Tarot Certification Board of America), a member of the American Tarot Association and an ordained minister of the Sanctuary of the Beloved (Order of Melchizedek). Her specific skills include Tarot and Oracle/Divination deck readings, spiritual/intuitive counseling, past life retrieval and analysis, mediumship, and spirit guide conferences (including speaking with one’s Soul or Higher Self.
Spirits of the Old Southwest ~ Ghosts of Outlaws, Miners & Pioneers
04/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minInvestigators Dan Baldwin, Dwight & Rhonda Hull investigate the paranormal side of the Old Southwest. Many of the dead they encounter offer EVPs and tell their stories for the living to hear. Outlaws, Miners & Pioneers provide colorful tales of life in Arizona with the good and the bad of life in the wild west.
HEALER! The Remarkable Jerry Wills Talks Healing with the Power of the Spirit
03/04/2018 Duration: 01h32minFor as long as he can remember Jerry saw and felt "life force essence" around living things. During his early years he had no idea others were unaware of this. After many scoldings he learned to keep intuitive flashes and comments to himself. The Great Spirit had other plans for him, though, and during a near death experience Jerry was told he had one more chance to use his healing abilities for the good of humankind. Tune in to hear from one of the greatest healers of our century.
Psychic Profiler Robbie Thomas - Fighting Crime with Help From the Other Side
01/04/2018 Duration: 01h27minRobbie Thomas is a Psychic Medium/Spiritual Counselor, who helps families and Police fight against crime internationally while bringing solace to those who need it. Over many years of assisting in multiple murder/missing person’s cases, Robbie has been able to give great details to these devastating crimes or happenings, which have led to finding lost people, arrests being made in murder cases, and bringing closure to families who desperately need it. Robbie works closely with families in conjunction with Law Enforcement and in the past has never charged for his assistance or taken any monies as a reward. Being highly respected in both the Paranormal/Spiritual fields of work, Robbie continues to be a great presence, working alongside many individuals in Film, Television and Radio, lending his ability furthering along, his experience as a Spiritual Visionary. Robbie lives in Canada and is often called upon from the international community for assistance with his ability.
A Strange Little Place - The Unexplained Takes Over A Small Town in Canada
01/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minTune in to hear all about where the worlds of the living and the dead collide. Author Brennan Storr gives us spellbinding accounts of paranormal encounters in Revelstoke. You will hear more than ghost stories. Revelstoke is a hotbed of UFO sightings, missing time and Sasquatch. Brennan is a researcher, storyteller and former skeptic. He has had personal encounters with the Shadow People and currently works in a haunted office building in Victoria, the most haunted city on Canada's west Coast.
The Magical Faery UnderWorld ~ with Expert RJ Stewart
31/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minVisit the Magical Underworld with RJ Stewart Tune in to Supernatural Girlz to hear from Under and Other world expert RJ Stewart. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, R.J.’s father came from a Gaelic speaking family originally from the Western Highlands and his mother from a Welsh speaking family originally from the Gower Peninsula in South Wales. R. J. Stewart has taught workshops and classes in the UK and USA, Canada, and Israel. These include working with Celtic and classical mythological traditions, the Faery and UnderWorld traditions, music and consciousness, and his original ongoing program for transforming awareness, the Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation ® . In 1996 R.J. was admitted to the USA as “resident alien of extraordinary ability,” a category awarded only to immigrants of outstanding achievement in the arts or sciences.? He is the author of many books, including The Underworld Initiation, The Arch of Heaven, The Well of Light, The Spirit Cord and more.
ETs in Peru and Supernatural Events with Shaman Don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo
25/03/2018 Duration: 01h31minWant to hear one of the biggest UFO encounters that was witnessed by the press and silenced by the American Government??? Tune in to Supernatural Girlz to hear from Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo, a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, founder of The Heart of the Healer (THOTH), originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism. An internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher and healer, earth-honoring ceremonialist and author, don Oscar is OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology and member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and Birth 2012 Welcoming Committee. He has been guiding ethno-spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. Famed for his ritual mastery in Peruvian kamasqa and altomisayoq shamanic lineages, don Oscar’s apprenticeship in northern coastal huachuma curanderismo and initiation into the southeastern Andean paqokuna shaman/priesthood, formally took place between the years 1969 and 1986.His first immersion into
The Incredible Healing Power of Edd Edwards
21/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from the amazing Edd Edwards.? As a young boy, Edd played with energy between his hands and throughout his body. With a passion for science and physics, Edd searched for the scientific explanation of the energy he was experiencing. In 1994 he met the distinguished physicist, Dr. William Levengood of Grass Lake, Michigan. Dr. Levengood was able to measure and quantify Edd’s energy output in his laboratory. Along with his work with Dr. Levengood, Edd took part in laboratory experiments with Dr. John Gedye and Charles Pyler. Through their measurement and assistance, he learned how to increase his energy output, to turn the energy output off completely, to control the switch of the polarity of the energy from positive to negative, and to affect the lab equipment from a great distance (even thousands of miles). Edd and the scientists designed and carried out countless experiments with Edd’s measurable output of energy continually increasing with precision. Today, Edd
Get Rid of Your Karma with Crystals ~with guest Nicholas Pearson
21/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minGetting Rid of Karma with Crystals ~ Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from crystal expert Nicolas Pearson on how to free ourselves from Karma by using crystals. Chinese medicine uses stones to treat very deep levels of illness-- and nothing is deeper than our karmic hindrances. Tonight Nicholas provides many insightful protocols for cutting through and melting down the stubborn karmic entanglements that prevent us from moving forward in our lives. The information is grounded in his years of experience and contemplation of the minerals and crystals he recommends, and it is motivated by his sincere faith in our potential to heal ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet. Nicholas has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. A certified teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throu
The Stone Cradle~A Powerful Paranormal Place in Spain with guest Patrice Chaplin
19/03/2018 Duration: 01h30minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we speak with our incredible guest, Patrice Chaplin. Patrice’s journey into the Grail mystery first began at 15 when she happened upon the Spanish city of Gerona in 1955. She fell in love with the ancient Catalan city, and with its esteemed poet and Grail custodian Joseph Tarres. Over the years, Patrice became increasingly involved with the Grail’s historic origins, Gerona’s private Kabbalist society, and the history and purpose behind Rennes-le-Château. Now comes The Stone Cradle, a powerful stone in northeast Spain. Near the frontier, the area is vast and empty, a difficult terrain with dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, and just over the border in France, the oldest cave art going back 50,000 years. What special properties does this ancient stone have? Was it, in fact, Lucifer’s cradle? And does it connect us to the stars?
The Power of the Crystal Skulls with experts Joshua Shapiro & Katrina Head
18/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we speak with one of the foremost experts in the field of crystal skulls. Although Shapiro is not a caretaker of an ancient crystal skull, his "Portal de Luz" crystal skull has the distinction of being a very activated crystal skull - it has been in the presence of numerous ancient and old crystal skulls as well as visited a number of sacred sites in the world. Joshua Shapiro and his partner Katrina Head have eight other companion crystal skulls which travel with Portal de Luz ("Portal of Light") called Geronimo Golden Eagle-Eye (clear dark smoky quartz, about 1-2 lbs), Little Indian Princess (rose quartz, 1/3 of a lb), Purple Starbright / Zippy One-Eye (amethyst, about 2 lbs), The King / Laialani (1 lb amethyst Star Being Skull), The Guardian (rose quartz, less then 1 lb), Anton (clear quartz, 9-10 ounces), Atahualpa (clear quartz, 9-10 ounces) and T'chu'la (clear quartz with raspberry obsidian, a mongolian skull, 3 lbs). Joshua Shapiro has evolved into one of the
Forbidden Archaeology & Human Devolution: We have been deceived!
18/03/2018 Duration: 01h20minCome hear from one of the world’s leading figures in archeology, history and philosophy, Michael Cremo. Forbidden Archeology documented a massive amount of evidence showing that humans have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years. Such anomalous evidence, contradicting Darwinian evolution, catalyzed a global inquiry, “If we did not evolve from apes, then where did we come from?” Human Devolution is author Michael A. Cremo’s definitive answer to this question. “We did not evolve up from matter; instead we devolved, or came down, from the realm of pure consciousness, spirit,” says Cremo. He bases his response on modern science and the world’s great wisdom traditions, including the Vedic philosophy of ancient India. Cremo proposes that before we ask the question, “Where did human beings come from? we should first contemplate, “What is a human being?” Cremo asserts that humans are a combination of matter, mind, and consciousness (or spirit).
Bigfoot and Their Interdimensional Connection with guests Kewaunee and Kelly
18/03/2018 Duration: 01h19minJoin Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK as they invite Bigfoot experts Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis to share their ongoing encounters and 187 documented cases of psi phenomena involving Bigfoot. Kewaunee Lapseritis, AS, BA, MS, is a Holistic Health Consultant, Master Herbalist and Master Dowser with background in anthropology, psychology, conservation, and holistic health. His academic degrees are from: Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, Massachusetts; University of New Hampshire—Durham; North Adams State College, in North Adams, Massachusetts, and University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. Mr. Lapseritis is also a social scientist and both a Sasquatch and ET “contactee.” Kelly Lapseritis has a connection to souls of multiple dimensions and levels of consciousness. She is a clairvoyant and medium working with several interdimensional beings and practices ancient shamanics and is a spiritual life coach and wellness consultant. – ?
Black Swan Ghosts: Why is the paranormal dismissed? with guest Simeon Hein
17/03/2018 Duration: 01h18minWhy are paranormal experiencers treated so badly in our current culture? What is the reason for keeping the paranormal a secret? Sociologist Dr. Hein shares stories of encounters with the unknown by highly credible witnesses and the reasons they seek anonymity. Why does our media treat the witnesses with such animosity and disdain? Why does our own government perform surveillance on them? And most importantly what must we do as a society to have the paranormal achieve its rightful place as NORMAL?
Secret UFO Bases, ET's in Stasis, 30 mile wide Alien ships, ANTARCTICA
17/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio to hear the truth about Antarctica from X-Man, John DeSouza. Why are heads of state making visits to this frozen area of our planet? Is it truly frozen? Or is there vibrant life underneath? Reports of enormous motherships, ET bodies held in stasis, and decisions to be made on waking them from their sleep. Join us to hear all about it. Will this be the beginning of disclosure as these secrets can no longer be hidden? Former FBI agent and national security investigator for the U.S. government, John DeSouza, is also a researcher and experiencer of paranormal and spiritual phenomena. He is the author of The Extradimensionals
Vaccine Controversy with producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree
15/03/2018 Duration: 01h31minConspiracy, Vaccines, Censorship with Investigative Medical Journalist Del Bigtree Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from VAXXED producer Del Bigtree. Producer Del Bigtree is an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist, he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews and unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime television. When Bigtree began investigating the story of the CDC Whistleblower and the fraud perpetrated by the CDC, he soon realized that he had stumbled upon a story of corruption and deception beyond any he had ever seen. Further investigation into the wrongful destruction of Andrew Wakefield’s career orchestrated by Big Pharma and the UK Department of Health inspired him to focus all of his attention on what he believes to be the most crucial documentary of the year. Bigtree has created a documentary tha