Supernatural Girlz

UFOs In Our Skies ~ Where are They & How Many Are There? with guest Cheryl Costa



UFOs in Our Skies ~ Where are they? How many are there? Ignored by the Main Stream Media, researcher and statistician Cheryl Costa recently interviewed by the NY Times gives us the REAL scoop on the enormous numbers and where these UFOs are being seen.  Where is your state in the list? Tune in to hear from UFO statistician & "Researcher of the Year," Cheryl Costa. Cheryl is a two-service military veteran, a retired aerospace security engineer and a published playwright. She has had a lifelong interest in UFOs. From 1998-2001 she hosted “The X Factor” talk radio program in Washington, DC, covering UFOs and many other paranormal topics. In 2013 she began writing NEW YORK SKIES a weekly newspaper blog for In the column she shares lively accounts of New York State UFO sightings.  Don't miss this one!