Supernatural Girlz

Vaccine Controversy with producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree



Conspiracy, Vaccines, Censorship with Investigative Medical Journalist Del Bigtree   Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from VAXXED producer Del Bigtree. Producer Del Bigtree is an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist, he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews and unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime television.  When Bigtree began investigating the story of the CDC Whistleblower and the fraud perpetrated by the CDC, he soon realized that he had stumbled upon a story of corruption and deception beyond any he had ever seen. Further investigation into the wrongful destruction of Andrew Wakefield’s career orchestrated by Big Pharma and the UK Department of Health inspired him to focus all of his attention on what he believes to be the most crucial documentary of the year. Bigtree has created a documentary tha