Supernatural Girlz

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 764:33:25
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Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.


  • The Carl Higdon Alien Abduction Story

    11/02/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    The Carl Higdon Alien Abduction Story Carl Higdon, a 41 year-old oil well driller, husband and father of four,  was an honest, hard working man, not prone to flights of fancy.  However on the afternoon of October 25, 1974, he had a close encounter with an alien being who took him on the ride of his life. This is the first audio/video interview in over 30 years with Carl and his wife Margery.   ?We will hear about the incredible physical proof that Carl experienced something from another world: 1.  A discarded 7mm bullet turned inside out and missing lead 2.  Carl's truck moved to an inaccessible spot 3.  Medical records ~ proof that Carl was  healed from what contemporary medical science deemed impossible, and more... Hear the true story directly from Carl & Margery Higdon. Don't miss this show!

  • The Super Natural and Why Its Real with Guest Whitley Strieber

    09/02/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    There are both giants and heroes in the world of the paranormal ~ Whitley Strieber is both. Whitley courageously shared his alien abduction experience in the book Communion, which became a movie in 1989 starring Christopher Walken. Now Whitley shares with us his understanding of the "Super Natural" and how all these "impossible" things from extra-dimensional beings to bilocation are not impossible at all.  These things are all a part of our natural world.  Tune in to this groundbreaking show. The truth is right here on Supernatural Girlz Radio!

  • Secret CIA Mind Control Experiments - Blowing America's Mind

    02/02/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    Princeton Alumni Paul Davids reveals how he got caught up and almost done in by the CIA's LSD -laced deep hypnosis research while a Princeton student.   Hear about the psychologists and psychiatrists working for MK-Ultra who used innocent human guinea pigs in their dangerous psychedelic experiments.  They did these experiments in over 180 institutions on unsuspecting hospital patients, prisoners, nursing home patients and college students. The truth is right here on Supernatural Girlz Radio!

  • Cannabis & Spirituality

    31/01/2018 Duration: 01h18min

      Cannabis is a truly ancient plant, an inhabitant of planet Earth long before the appearance of us “two-leggeds” and since our arrival a close companion with a great variety of gifts for humanity, from the most tangible and material to the most intangible and spiritual. After a period of misunderstanding, neglect, and suppression of this remarkable plant, we are now seeing a renaissance of knowledge and respect for our ancient friend and ally. But as cannabis becomes increasingly normalized and legalized, and as so many more of us develop a beneficial relationship with it, one of cannabis’ greatest gifts—some would say its most powerful capability—has not yet received much attention and understanding in this era of renewal. Stephen is a teacher and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines.  He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism, the Native American Church and with entheogenic medicines.  He is the author of Returning to Sacred World & the editor of Cannabis & Spirituality.

  • STEALING SOULS~ The Grey Alien Agenda

    30/01/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    WHO are they? And what are they doing here? According to our guest, researcher & author Nigel Kerner, the Grey Aliens may be creating the equivalent of Cybermen- part human, part AI, part alien.They need "parts" for their experiments, especially souls.   Does this account for the missing people from our National Parks? And for the young men missing from University locations, who's bodies turn up in water with no real cause of death? Are we secretly under siege by an Alien force? Is this the government's biggest Alien secret? Tune in to find out. The truth is right here on Supernatural Girlz Radio. Nigel Kerner is an author and freelance journalist. He was born in Sri Lanka, his mother from a British planting family and his father an officer in the British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. This international family base provided the background for an obsessive and serious interest in international human affairs and how these interface with science, religion and philosophy.

  • Sigil Witchery with Laura Tempest Zakroff

    29/01/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    SIGIL Witchery with Laura Tempest Zakroff Is there something you want for?  Want no more!  HAVE it with Sigil Witchery.  Hear from author/expert Laura Tempest Zakroff on how to easily construct your own Sigils to draw in what you want for your best life. Laura Tempest Zakroff is a professional artist and witch. She holds a BFA from RISD (The Rhode Island of Design) and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric through her drawings and paintings, jewelry, talismans, and other designs.  Laura has been a practicing Modern Traditional Witch for over two decades and revels in the intersection of her various paths with witchcraft. She blogs for Patheos as A Modern Traditional Witch, Witches & Pagans as Fine Art Witchery, and contributes to The Witches' Almanac.   

  • Rolling Thunder: Shaman, Healer, Legend, with Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

    28/01/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Tune in to hear about the legendary Native American Medicine Man, Rolling Thunder.  Known for his remarkable healings, and for his ability to call forth the forces of nature, often in the form of thunder clouds, his impact did not stop with his death. A passionate activist devoted to the Earth, Rolling Thunder used the money received from teaching to construct Meta Tantay, a community in the Nevada desert. His long-time friend, Dr. Stanley Krippner shares stories of the people profoundly changed by Rolling Thunder, and of his incredible interactions with animals and the forces of nature. Dr. Krippner is a professor of psychology at Saybrook University and a past president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology.  He is the recipient of several distinguished awards and author and co-author of many books including Healing States,  Dream Telepathy, and Extraordinary Dreams and How to work with them  

  • LUCIFER ~ Who is He? Where is he?

    27/01/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Patrice Chaplin talks about the remarkable material she has discovered about the true identity of the archangel Lucifer. According to ancient scripture, Lucifer was cast out of heaven as a result of his disobedience, gaining freedom for mankind in the process. In Spain, local legends tell that the fallen archangel appeared in an earthly body, thousands of years ago. As the Child of Light, he was rocked on a mysterious stone cradle by a woman from the East. Seeking to uncover secrets held for centuries, Patrice Chaplin’s research into her book The Stone Cradle evolved naturally into Lucifer by Moonlight. From the material she discovered, the rebellious archangel surfaced into the modern day – treading his way down dark streets, forever trying to make sense of his destiny.

  • FREE Angel Readings with Chris Alexandria

    10/06/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Are you looking for guidance from the Angelic Realm? Please join Supernatural Girlz hosts Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they offer FREE Angel readings with Chris Alexandria.  Do the Angels have a message for you? Call in to find out! 646-478-0828 Chris grew up near the ocean on the Eastern Shore. After a transformative trip to Glastonbury, England with her daughter over a decade ago, she pursued her dream of becoming an energy healer and counselor, and has since become a leading speaker and authority on angel healing. She is a certified Archangel Enlightenment Therapist, Soul Coach, Reiki Master and Crystal Therapist. Chris has since returned to the ocean, where she lives on a small island with her husband, two cats, and their goldendoodle dog, Gabi.

  • The Supernatural Mysteries of Blood: Spirit Power & Transformation

    03/06/2015 Duration: 01h30min

    Tune in to Supernatural Girlz with Patricia Baker and Patricia Kirkman to explore the supernatural mysteries of blood.  Author and guest Christopher Vasey, ND explains that blood does far more than transport oxygen and nutrients - blood is the bridge between the body and the human spirit.  Hear how blood radiates and actually communicates from body to spirit;  and eating processed food, vitamin deficiencies and heavy metal poisoning negatively effects blood and creates physical and spiritual imbalances.  Join us for one of the most fascinating discussions on the supernatural power of your blood!      

  • Awaken Your Third Eye with Supernatural Girlz

    27/05/2015 Duration: 01h31min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they find out how to awaken your third eye and possess cosmic vision. Can anyone do it? Is it safe?  Usually, you perceive the world by using your five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. But there is a sixth sense, an inner eye that can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. Developing this inner eye will enable you to view a previously invisible world of multiple dimensions, spiritual planes filled with light, and alternate realities of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named the third eye. Tune in to hear guest Dr. Susan Shumsky give her best advice for a Kundalini awakening to blast your awareness into other dimensions. Dr. Shumsky is a best-selling author, foremost spirituality expert, pioneer in the self-development field, highly-acclaimed and greatly respected professional speaker, New Thought minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She has authored Divine Revelat

  • Sacred Plant Initiations: Enter a World of Plant Healing & Power

    20/05/2015 Duration: 01h31min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they delve into the world of sacred plants with medical herbalist and shamanic practitioner Carole Guyett.  The Girlz find out how to commune with plants and their spirits through the traditional shamanic method of “plant dieting.”  Hear how common plants have powerful teachings and healing guidance to share with those who communicate with and honor them. The initiations, for both individuals and groups, work with the Wheel of the Year, honoring each plant’s sacred timing and connecting with one of the eight Celtic and Pre-Celtic Fire Festivals--the solstices, equinoxes, and the holy days of Beltane, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc.  Carole Guyett is a medical herbalist, shamanic practitioner, and Celtic priestess trained by a traditional wise woman in the Western mysteries. She has worked with healing plants for over 30 years. In 2010 she completed a 10-year apprenticeship with Métis Medicine Woman Arwyn DreamWalker, carrier of the Beauty Way

  • Alchemy: Rocket Fuel For Your Consciousness

    13/05/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Steeped in mystery and strange occult symbols, the gift of alchemy was a hidden secret throughout the ages. Want to hear the inside story on alchemy and how it can move you through blocks in your life?   Tune in to hear Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Patricia Kirkman interview a modern day alchemist who has cracked the code of gold, silver & mystical elements that can transform your life with a single drop.  Join us to hear about rocket fuel for your consciousness John H Reid III, is Chief of Laboratory Operations at Red Lion Labs, Inc.  He has been studying and practicing the Hermetic Sciences of Alchemy and Spagyrics since 1984. The author of two books, The Minor Opus, and  Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West, John studied within the tradition of Frater Albertus, maintaining association with some of his students such as Russ House, and the late Hanz Nintzel and Jack Glass. "Nature has granted me specific alchemical knowledge through my years of practical efforts in the lab, and I give Her the cr

  • Sacred Secrets of the Sun Gods: Transform Your Consciousness

    06/05/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Does pyramid archaeology reveal sacred ritual processes for accessing our higher states of consciousness? Would you like to know what all the mysterious and convoluted symbolism really means and accelerate your own personal evolution?  Tune in to Supernatural Girlz with host Patricia Baker and co-host Patricia Kirkman to find out!  The Girlz will be speaking with researcher and author Carlton Brown about using the Secret Ritual Meditation that he has uncovered to access Universal Consciousness (God), and other higher states of consciousness. Carlton Brown was born in UK, raised in New Zealand, and has led an interesting, eclectic, adventurous and purposeful life - a road less travelled. Carlton is a veterinarian, biotech entrepreneur, vaccine innovator, hobby archaeologist and private researcher, and author of Sun God Sacred Secrets. His lifetime fascination with pyramid archaeology and cultures, lost civilisations and humankind’s real history through the Holocene, is matched by his researches into the scien

  • Never Argue With A Dead Person: An Evening With Medium Thomas John

    29/04/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Patricia Kirkman as they interview Manhattan medium Thomas John, hailed as "the Hollywood psychic with the highest batting average" by The Hollywood Reporter, and as a psychic medium with "an impressive connection that impresses even the most skeptical minds" by Now he shares with our Supernatural audience what he's seen and heard on the Other Side. Do the dead really "watch over us?" And do they ever need our help?  Tune in to find out the real deal from this talented medium. Thomas John (aka Manhattan Medium) is one of the most popular Psychic Mediums in the US. He has wowed audiences across the world with his impressively accurate messages from 'the other side,' hosting sold-out events such as A Night with Spirit and Dinner with the Dead. He has been featured in People, US Magazine, New York Magazine, The New York Daily News, Vanity Fair, GQ and he has appeared on Dr. Phil, Entertainment Tonight, Dish Nation, as well as, The Real Housewives of N

  • The Witch's Eight Paths of Power

    22/04/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman to hear about the eight different components of evolution in witchcraft from author, Witch, and High Priestess Lady Sable Aradia. Tune in to hear how using exercises, meditations, and practical magick, any serious student of witchcraft will be able to master these eight paths and improve the effectiveness of their magickal work. From spells to sex rites to trance to flying ointments, Lady Sable Aradia has a step-by-step guide to mastering the advanced arts of witchcraft. Lady Sable Aradia (Diane Morrison) has been a practicing Witch for 25 years and is a Third Degree initiate in the Star Sapphire and Pagans for Peace traditions. She lives in Vernon, BC, Canada, with her husband in a cabin on the edge of the woods. 

  • FREE Readings with World Renowned Numerologist Patricia Kirkman

    15/04/2015 Duration: 01h38min

    Our listeners asked for numerology readings from Patricia Kirkman and TONIGHT she will be offering FREE readings! Do you have questions about finding your soulmate?  Making more money?  Or getting that perfect job?                                           Call in during our LIVE show:  646-478-0828 Join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker for this special night of FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman! Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". A talented numerologist, Patricia is internationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion. Patricia’s focus is always on the truth. She has a unique ability to take her clients’ personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. Through intuitive counseling she works to help clients understand the forces at work in their lives. Through Diagnostic Coaching and Rational Numerology© clients learn how they can neutra

  • Aboriginal Secrets: Healing, Awakening & Spirituality

    08/04/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Tune in to hear mysteries revealed of Aboriginal healing with Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman and their guest, Robbie Holz.  Hear all about Robbie's journey from being a bedridden patient to the discovery of her own healing powers and initiation into a secret Aboriginal women's ceremony in the Australlian Outback.   Listen to how principles from the 60,000 year old Aboriginal culture can transform your life and give you unwavering support through life's difficult moments.   Robbie is an international speaker and holistic wellness consultant.  She is the author of Secrets of Aboriginal Healing & Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening.

  • The Gift of Shamanism: Vision Power & Journeys To Other Realms

    01/04/2015 Duration: 01h41min

    Do you have dormant Shamanic Powers?  Do you want to hear how to ignite your own natural intution, turn your dreams into reality and foretell the future?  Don't miss this one!  Tune into Supernatural Girlz Radio with Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they speak with author and Shaman Itzhak Beery.  Beery is an internationally recognized Shaman, Healer & Teacher initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks in Ecuador. The founder of and cofounder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on the faculty of New York Open Center.  His work has been featured in the New York Times, films, and television.    

  • Spells, Rituals & Witchery with Orion Foxwood

    25/03/2015 Duration: 01h31min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they discuss spells, rituals & Witchery with expert, witch & author  Orion Foxwood.  For the first time on our show Foxwood reveals some of his own personal spells and rituals from his Grimoire of Witchery.  Do you hear the call?  A thundering deep within your very blood to become a healer, a reckoner, a protector of the magical arts and a guardian of the wild woods?  Be sure to tune in to hear all about the powerful witchery of old.    

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