Supernatural Girlz

The Real X-Files with Former FBI Investigator John DeSouza



  Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from JOHN DESOUZA, a former FBI Special Agent investigator for over 20 years and collector of the real life "X-Files." These are true life tales of supernaturally gifted investigators. Today, he is revealing these stories as a leading researcher and writer on the paranormal. The truth is no longer out there--it's already here.  He will also  be sharing information for his NEW book, The Extra-Dimensionals - True ET stories. The truth of Para-Investigation revealed itself to the author through his own paranormal experiences and those of innumerable others across many professional fields. The author lives in the great Southwestern United States and devotes himself to his companies and to The Age of Mass Awakening (TAMA) series.