Supernatural Girlz

The Carl Higdon Alien Abduction Story



The Carl Higdon Alien Abduction Story Carl Higdon, a 41 year-old oil well driller, husband and father of four,  was an honest, hard working man, not prone to flights of fancy.  However on the afternoon of October 25, 1974, he had a close encounter with an alien being who took him on the ride of his life. This is the first audio/video interview in over 30 years with Carl and his wife Margery.   ?We will hear about the incredible physical proof that Carl experienced something from another world: 1.  A discarded 7mm bullet turned inside out and missing lead 2.  Carl's truck moved to an inaccessible spot 3.  Medical records ~ proof that Carl was  healed from what contemporary medical science deemed impossible, and more... Hear the true story directly from Carl & Margery Higdon. Don't miss this show!