Who Knows? is a podcast that was brought to life in an effort to create a space where it is ok to be confused. We all have questions, fears and uncertainties that try to stop us from living. We talk to people with different perspectives and along the way we find the commonalities and differences that allow us to understand that not everyone has it all figured out. And there is no one way of doing things in this world because everyone has different experiences and we all create our own normal.
Season 4 Finale: “What are you most passionate about in life?”
23/08/2021 Duration: 38minOn this finale of Season 4, each of our guests from the season come together to answer one question: “What are you most passionate about in life?” They all share answers that are just as unique as the people they are and the experiences they have had in life. It was such a joy to get the opportunity to speak to all of them this season, and I hope you enjoy one last moment of insight and inspiration with all of them. I also share a bit of what this season has meant to me and what my hopes are for the future of Who Knows? and my own life. It was tough to find the right words, and it’s even harder to say goodbye to such a pivotal moment of the growth of Who Knows? and of the podcast, so we are going to just say see you later. This is not the end by any means, this is only the beginning of what I hope to create in my journey of mental health advocacy. Never forget that MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS! Every day and in every way. Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! Is a one time donation more your th
Season 4 Episode 8: "Health and Wellness" with M Camellia
09/08/2021 Duration: 01h13minOn our final interview episode of Season 4, we dive into the topic of health and wellness. There is so much to be said about how all of the toxic ways that health and wellness is portrayed can affect a person's mental health. The conversation needs to be had more often regarding how so many have been led to believe that food is bad, thin is the only acceptable body type, and that wellness only looks and acts one way. Not to mention its relation to accessibility, racism, and so many other, often forgotten, important pieces of this flawed concept. We begin as we always do with a topic breakdown from Jessica Sheriff, where she affirms the reality of a drastic need for radical shifts in the health and wellness industry, and helps us to explore the concept of being well and the many ways that we can express wellness in our lives. In our conversation, we are joined by M Camellia. Yoga teacher, accessibility, agency and consent advocate, head of Found Space Yoga and Co-Founder of Trans Yoga Project M shares their
Season 4 Episode 7: "Me Time" with Casey (@caseyandthebear)
26/07/2021 Duration: 01h09sOn this episode, we are coming together to talk about being alone. Some people hate it, and others want nothing more than to have a little me time every day of the week. There’s a balance to be struck between company and solitude, but either way you dice it, there are important benefits to finding the joy in spending time with yourself. Jessica begins with a fantastic topic breakdown, citing the major differences between alone time and being alone in an unhealthy way. She shares a few ways that indulging in me time can greatly improve your mental health and offers suggestions on a few ways you might try to spend some quality time with yourself. In our conversation, we are joined by Casey, wildly creative and talented owner of Parkbound Buttons, often found online @caseyandthebear or in a theme park with friends, as well as very often on her own. Casey is a person who greatly values her me time. Today she is sharing what makes that time so enjoyable for her, some of her favorite activities to do solo, and ev
Season 4 Episode 6: "Sobriety" with J.Timber
12/07/2021 Duration: 59minOn this episode we discuss sobriety. We pull back the stigmas and tropes that we see so often and explode the realities of addiction and the benefits of choosing to stay sober. The research we begin with that Jessica brings to this episode is filled with layers of information that you may not have even begun to think about when it comes to this topic. From an introduction to the sober curious movement to the realities of the alcohol industry and their deep pockets. All the way to the current state of addiction statistics as a result of the pandemic. In our conversation, we talk with J. Timber. A musician based in Greensboro, North Carolina who can be found playing all over town. He brings joy and fun to local spots and smiles to the faces of hundreds of people who get to experience the one-of-a-kind soul and story in his music. JT shares with us how his life-long passion for music saved him and shifted his path to finding sobriety. Leaving drugs and alcohol behind made room for him to not only find clar
Season 4 Episode 5: "Male Mental Health" with Cody Tapoler
28/06/2021 Duration: 49minOn this episode, we attempt to scratch the surface and start the conversation on a very large topic that seems almost unconquerable: Male Mental Health We begin as we always do with a topic breakdown from Jessica Sheriff, our resident mental health professional, who shares some of her amazing research regarding this topic. The statistics of the severity of mental illness among men, the realities of societal pressures on men, and the important consideration of the difficulties faced by men of marginalized groups when attempting to seek mental health care or simply begin the conversation about taking care of themselves. For today's conversation, we are joined by Cody Tapoler, otherwise known as Cody T. Cody is a multi-talented individual. Creating music under the Cody T name, creating theme park and pop culture inspired apparel (and even more music) as the owner of The Lost Bros, and still finding the time to show up in the world of mental health advocacy. He makes knowledge and creativity as much of a priorit
Season 4 Episode 4 :“Self Expression” with Kyle Rowe
14/06/2021 Duration: 43minOn this episode, we tackle what I think to be one of the biggest simply complicated topics of all: Self expression. Living your truth, loving what you love and being who you are. It seems like all it takes is to it, right? But I’ve always found it much more complicated than that. So many of us have a hard time feeling comfort in all that we are and want to be. Past trauma, unkind words, and the fact that everyone seems to have an unsolicited opinion about what we choose to do! It sometimes feels like we live in a world where simply being you can be a rebellious act, but it’s also one that is most essential for a state of positive mental health. As always, we begin with a topic breakdown from Jessica Sheriff, who shares with us all of the ways that a person can express themselves as well as the importance of doing so. She reminds us that indulging in the things that make you feel most you can bring invaluable peace to your mind and your life. To dive into conversation on self expression,
Season 4 Episode 3: “Coming Out” with Olivia Meeks
31/05/2021 Duration: 01h39sOn this episode, we are bursting into pride month with a conversation about coming out. That journey of moments in the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals where we come into our true selves in our own way and with our own story. Each coming out journey is very different. Some are filled with joy and acceptance, others are unfortunately terrifying and confusing. Thankfully we have our resident therapist to kick us off with some affirming and protecting info to remind us that while coming out is wonderful and important, the MOST important thing to do is take care of and be yourself in your own way! We are lucky to have Olivia Meeks with us to share her coming out journey. Olivia is a writer, teacher, and a content creator who centers her work around helping everyone feel a little more confident around coming out. She is not only helping those who are trying to find their way out or those who are there and facing new challenges, she is also graciously teaching LGBTQIA+ allies how to give their support in the strongest
Season 4 Episode 2: "Codependency" With Jo Westwood
17/05/2021 Duration: 01h33sIn this episode, we are diving into a kind of emotional state that hides in plain sight, one that may show up in many areas of your life without even realizing it, and one that you may think you know the meaning of, but might want to revisit with new eyes. Enter: Codependency. And to better understand this topic, along with a fantastic topic breakdown from our resident therapist, Jessica Sheriff, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Jo Westwood, AKA “The Codependency Coach” and creator of the “Lovingly Fierce” Codependency Recovery Course. Jo is not only here to talk to us all about what codependency is and how to spot it, but she shares her own personal history as a recovering codependent. What brought her to realizing her own codependency, how she was inspired to start coaching others through it, and how she’s made a career out of empowering others to face their own codependency head on and find the joy in life that lives within themselves. Jo really calls me out on this one. And she might call you o
Season 4 Episode 1: "Pet Love" With Lauren Paris
03/05/2021 Duration: 59minIt’s our FIRST episode of SEASON 4! And it feels so good to be back! On this episode, we begin by introducing the newest member of the Who Knows? Family, Jessica Sheriff! She is our resident therapist for this season who is hosting a new segment on the show that we are calling “Topic Breakdown”. Each episode this season, Jessica will give some professional mental health perspective on our episode topic! We are so lucky to have her and to have the opportunity to get some professional insight, as well as a sample of what it's like to chat with a therapist! Our subject for this episode is PET LOVE! Those inexplicably big feelings we have for our animal children who, as much as we wish they could, can’t even talk to us! But when we look into their eyes and see all of their cuteness, we just can’t help but love them more than life itself. And who better to dive into a conversation about pet love with than Lauren Paris!? A member of the Who Knows? Family who previously joined us on Season 3 Episode 2, telling us a
Who Knows? Season 4 PreSeason Episode- "We are BACK!!"
30/04/2021 Duration: 10minIS THIS THING ON!?! HELLO OUT THERE!!! WHO KNOWS? is COMING BACK!! After over a year of restructuring, rebranding, reevaluating and figuring out just what the heck is going on in the life of Who Knows?,we’re coming back for a brand new season of the podcast! But before we get started into SEASON 4, I wanted to come back on the mic for a solo chat and share a little bit of what we have been doing in the last year. I’ll tell you all about what I’ve been going through mentally and emotionally, about the exciting fundraiser that we did!, and share with you what the future holds for Who Knows? beyond just podcasting. There were a few times in the last year where I didn’t think Who Knows? would survive. I was scared and I almost gave in to that fear and said goodbye, but I am happy to share with you today that we are BACK, we are here to stay, and we are going forth into a very exciting future. The first FULL EPISODE of Season 4 goes LIVE on May 3rd, 2021! Subscribe! Be there! It’s gunna be AWESOME! W
Mental Health Awareness Month-Covid Check In
16/05/2020 Duration: 06minIt’s Mental Health Awareness Month! And we are still in a pandemic! So I thought I would do a quick mental health check in. When I am feeling poorly, I find it to be super cathartic to be completely open and honest about how I am feeling. And I am not feeling great. But, when times are tough we can only push away those feelings for so long before it starts to really take a toll. That has been happening to me! So, I’m getting it all out there, and I’m giving myself a pep talk. Mental Health is a constant struggle no matter the circumstances, but opening up and putting in the work is worth it. Even when it feels impossible. It feels good to get back on the mic to say hello to my Who Knows? Fam! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shoutout--we might even read your rev
Season 3 Episode 12: Finale-"What Inspires You?
30/03/2020 Duration: 25minWe have come to the end of Season 3! And what a fantastic season it has been. We have had so many amazing, creative, talented, brave, thoughtful, encouraging, and inspiring guests on the show this season. We are so grateful to have had the chance to talk to every one of them. At the end of every interview we did this season, we asked our guests a bonus question that we felt summed up the entire season. And we are so excited to share their answers with all of you! Join us as we celebrate the end of the season with all of our guests answering the question “What inspires you?” *Music from Bluedot Sessions, Audio Clips from Whip It, SNL, The Little Mermaid Check out all of our guests from Season 3 and all the cool things they do! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shouto
Season 3 Episode 11 "Social Media and Youtube" with The Magical Miranda
09/03/2020 Duration: 55minOn our final interview episode of Season 3 we talk to The Magical Miranda! Miranda is a Disney Instagram and Youtube creator who provides fun content for all the Disney lovers out there as well as helpful tips and tricks for making your Disney trip the most magical that it can be! She shares with us how The Magical Miranda was born, what she loves about content creation and what some of her biggest challenges are. Miranda gives some great advice on how to push through those moments of creative block or the fear of being not good enough. She reminds us that the thing you love to do is just that, the thing you love! And that the most important thing to remember when you are creating is to have fun and do it for YOU. Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Check out our new podcast friends Welcome To My Vagina! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple
Season 3 Episode 10: "Comedy" with Lexi Ritter
24/02/2020 Duration: 56minOn this episode we talk to our new friend Lexi Ritter about making the funny in the world of comedy! Lexi is from Atlanta, Georgia and recently moved to New York to pursue her dream of being a comedian. She shares with us how she unexpectedly found comedy and how it changed her life in a way she never expected. She clues us in on how she writes jokes, some things she has learned in her career so far, what she loves about comedy and how comedy has become a seriously important part of the betterment of her mental health. Lexi loves to share her passion for comedy with others and we are so glad that she gets to share it with us! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shoutout--we might even read your review! If you want to be featured on the pod, send us a voice memo
Season 3 Episode 9 :“Writing and Authorship” with Nicole Zelniker
03/02/2020 Duration: 55minOn this episode, we get to know Nicole Zelniker, a writer, two time published author, and all around amazing person! Nicole is the author of “Last Dance”, which is a book of short stories, and “Mixed”, which is nonfiction and contains interviews with mixed race families discussing what it means to be mixed. Nicole shares with us her journey as a writer from her first story about a duck named Bill all the way to publishing Last Dance, which was released in January. She tells us what she loves about writing, clues us in on what writers block feels like, as well as some of the other challenges she faces, and gives a bit of advice for aspiring writers (who remembers writing prompts!?!). She also reminds us of the importance of using your voice in whatever way you can to elevate the stories and experiences of those who the world may be trying to erase or push to the side. I am so happy that Nicole and I found each other and were able to have this conversation to share with all of you! Want more from Who Knows?
Season 3 Episode 8: "Making Music" with Tory Silver
20/01/2020 Duration: 49minOn this episode, we dive into the world of music with Tory Silver! You may know her as the artist that has provided our outro and transition music for Season 3, but she’s got so much more story to tell! Tory is a musician based in Boston, Massachusetts who specializes in playing guitar and writing music. Tory shares with us how she started playing guitar, where she draws inspiration from when writing her music, and some of the challenges that come with doing the work to make it in the music biz. Tory approaches her journey and her passion with so much positivity and joy. She shares some tips on working through the confusion of making your passion your career, as well as some of the highlights of her career thus far. She reminds us all that “If they can do it, so can I!” So much inspiration to be had! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout
Season 3 Episode 7: “Creating Theatre” with RJ Silva
06/01/2020 Duration: 57minOn this episode, another member of the Who Knows? Fam returns to the show! RJ Silva is back and this time he is here to talk about his work as the Artistic Director of The Impulse Project! The Impulse Project is A Non-Profit theatre company created by him and his close friends that works “To follow artistic impulses that foster and create passionate works of performance that inspire and serve the community.” - The Impulse Project We talked about where his love of performing began, what fueled his desire to make The Impulse Project a reality, and what its like to do the work of running a non profit theatre company. Not only is it just always a joy to get to talk to RJ, he has AMAZING insight on so many things, but as a fellow theatre artist it was wonderful to get to chat about the business and get excited that companies like The Impulse Project are coming to life in the theatre world. Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at taylor@
Tinysode 1-"Something I Have Been Thinking About"-Holidays
24/12/2019 Duration: 05minHello Who Knows? Fam! I have been missing you all SO much during this holiday break! I wanted to take this time to try out a little something I have been wanting to do-More Minisodes! Or as I like to call them-Tinysodes! On this tiny, I talk about some thoughts that I have been having during this holiday season and share a small piece of a holiday tale I have been working on! (and will hopefully be done by next christmas) The greatest gift of all this season is all of YOU! Thank you so much for listening to Season 3 and the show as a whole! We could not do what we do without you and we are hoping to grow our family in 2020. It's gunna be a great year! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Love, Team Who Knows? Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shoutout--we
Season 3 Minisode: Its Mail Time!
25/11/2019 Duration: 53minIts Mailll Tiiiiiiime! On this episode, Lynn and I get together for our second annual Mail Time episode, where we answer burning questions sent to us from some of our listeners. We cover our podcasting inspirations, how we manage our busy work schedules, what our favorite snacks are, and so much more! These episodes are so much fun. Come hang out with us! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shoutout--we might even read your review! If you want to be featured on the pod, send us a voice memo or letter! We welcome questions you have for us, insight on topics we’ve covered, and tips for our listeners! Write us or record a voice memo and send it to For bonus info and behind the scenes, visit our website. There, you’ll find all our episodes, blog p
Season 3 Episode 6: “Buttons, Business, and Disney Life” with Casey (@caseyandthebear)
11/11/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode I am joined by Casey, Owner of Parkbound Buttons and seen frequently on instagram @caseyandthebear. Parkbound Buttons offers cute and fun buttons inspired by Disney and pop culture for all your celebration and style needs. I for one have a ton of them and I love them all! Casey shares with us how Parkbound came to life, stories of her entrepreneurial beginnings and what she has learned along the way. She also gives her perspective on some challenges that come with not only running a business, but what it's like to run a business in the age of social media and among the Disney fandom that thrives online. Speaking of the Disney fandom, we also touch the verrrryyy tip of the iceberg on what it means to be a Disney fan. Get ready for an episode filled to the brim with Disney magic and Parkbound fun! Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! If you’d like to work with us, contact us at We love partnering with small businesses like ours! Wanna