Who Knows?

Season 4 Episode 2: "Codependency" With Jo Westwood



In this episode, we are diving into a kind of emotional state that hides in plain sight, one that may show up in many areas of your life without even realizing it, and one that you may think you know the meaning of, but might want to revisit with new eyes. Enter: Codependency. And to better understand this topic, along with a fantastic topic breakdown from our resident therapist, Jessica Sheriff, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Jo Westwood, AKA “The Codependency Coach” and creator of the “Lovingly Fierce” Codependency Recovery Course.  Jo is not only here to talk to us all about what codependency is and how to spot it, but she shares her own personal history as a recovering codependent. What brought her to realizing her own codependency, how she was inspired to  start coaching others through it, and how she’s made a career out of empowering others to face their own codependency head on and find the joy in life that lives within themselves.  Jo really calls me out on this one. And she might call you o