Who Knows?

Season 4 Finale: “What are you most passionate about in life?”



On this finale of Season 4, each of our guests from the season come together to answer one question: “What are you most passionate about in life?” They all share answers that are just as unique as the people they are and the experiences they have had in life. It was such a joy to get the opportunity to speak to all of them this season, and I hope you enjoy one last moment of insight and inspiration with all of them. I also share a bit of what this season has meant to me and what my hopes are for the future of Who Knows? and my own life. It was tough to find the right words, and it’s even harder to say goodbye to such a pivotal moment of the growth of Who Knows? and of the podcast, so we are going to just say see you later. This is not the end by any means, this is only the beginning of what I hope to create in my journey of mental health advocacy. Never forget that MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS! Every day and in every way. Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1! Is a one time donation more your th