Who Knows?

Season 3 Episode 7: “Creating Theatre” with RJ Silva



On this episode, another member of the Who Knows? Fam returns to the show!  RJ Silva is back and this time he is here to talk about his work as the Artistic Director of The Impulse Project!    The Impulse Project is A Non-Profit theatre company created by him and his close friends that works “To follow artistic impulses that foster and create passionate works of performance that inspire and serve the community.” - The Impulse  Project   We talked about where his love of performing began, what fueled his desire to make The Impulse Project a reality, and what its like to do the work of running a non profit theatre company.    Not only is it just always a joy to get to talk to RJ, he has AMAZING insight on so many things, but as a fellow theatre artist it was wonderful to get to chat about the business and get excited that companies like The Impulse Project are coming to life in the theatre world.   Want more from Who Knows? Become a Patron for as low as $1!   If you’d like to work with us, contact us at taylor@