Are you an active person who loves food a little too much? If so, this podcast is for you. The Abs Are Made in the Mind Podcast is your go-to resource for learning how to re-wire your brain and stop obsessing over food, feel your best, ditch your distractions, and create the life you know you deserve. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from the Certified Life and Performance Coach, Felicia Broccolo, exactly how to re-wire your brain and change your mindset to stop thinking about food so much, stop overeating, and feel SO much better. Each week she will guide you through the steps she took that helped her improve her relationship with food, stop overeating, and stop using food to deal with stress. This is different from anything you've ever tried, and it leads to permanent, deprivation-free results. We work at the root of the issue, your thoughts and mindset. And once you learn to overcome this, you can use these tools to apply to ANY area of your life. Felicia went from being very unathletic and overweight to an NPC Bikini Competitor and half-marathon runner. You can learn more about Felicia and sign up for a free personalized coaching session at
How to Change Your Past
04/07/2019 Duration: 42minIn this episode, learn how to re-write your past into a story that doesn't suck. Your past doesn't have to define who you are today. This is the ultimate freedom. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Get my free How to Change Your Past Worksheet. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
Stop Overeating by Creating the Best Life Ever
26/06/2019 Duration: 53minDo you find yourself overeating to avoid living your life? To avoid doing the dishes and taking care of the kids? Are you using food to make your life better? In this episode, I talk all about making your life amazing so food ain't shit in comparison. ;) Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
How to Be Productive
20/06/2019 Duration: 37minI'm learning to relax. To not feel the need to be constantly doing something. To ditch my distractions. Is thinking that you ALWAYS need to be productive benefitting you? How can you produce more results in your life? I discuss beliefs around productivity and how to be more productive. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
What to Do When You Don't Know How
15/06/2019 Duration: 22minI used to constantly change my macros and diet plan. I tried all of the cleanses and 30-day challenges. I didn't know what to do or how to lose weight. It felt horrible. I thought I would always be struggling with my weight and always have bad thoughts about it. Now I know exactly what to do. I know the next step to take and I know exactly how to get my dream body. No questions. No hesitations. It feels so much better. I am in control. This is how you can get there too. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
Free Food, Wasting Food, & Why Something Sucks
05/06/2019 Duration: 29minMany of us believe that we should eat free food and not waste food. I used to believe that for a long time. But those beliefs did not help me get to my goal. In this episode, I talk about how to find what you are believing about food, if you want to keep those beliefs, and some other thoughts to think that may align with your goals. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
12. What I Learned From Doing a Bikini Competition
30/05/2019 Duration: 33minI competed in an NPC Bikini Competition in January 2019. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I learned so much. I was so proud of myself. Check out this episode to hear about my experience competing and everything I learned along the way. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
How to Find Your "Why" ...That Actually Works
22/05/2019 Duration: 38minWhat's your why? Is it compelling? Does it help you stick to your plan and reach your goals? So many of us have a hard time coming up with an amazing reason to stick to our plan and do the hard thing. This is how I've found a why that really works. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
25 Questions About Me
16/05/2019 Duration: 33minToday is my 25th birthday, and to celebrate I want to share a surprise Q&A session with my best friend, Aubrey, and I. Listen in to find out a little more about me! Follow me on Instagram here. Follow Aubrey on Instagram here.
How to Stop Stress Eating - Interview with Michelle Arant
16/05/2019 Duration: 46minOn Episode #10, I interview Certified Life Coach, Michelle Arant about her overeating and weight loss journey. She now specializes in how to stop stress eating. We discuss how to reduce desire for our "favorite" foods, how to experience stress without using food to feel better, breaking habits, and what she learned from coaching that changed all areas of her life forever. Michelle stopped overeating and stopped habitually diving straight into the candy drawer to avoid feeling work and home life stress using these tools. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Find Michelle Arant here. Follow me on Instagram here.
What to Do When You Fail
08/05/2019 Duration: 21minWe all fail. We all have times when we feel like a failure. But how can we take that and use it to benefit us? Find out why failure is there to benefit you and is an essential part of your journey, listen to my failure, and get a whole new perspective on what to do when you fail next. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here.
How to Take ACTION to get ANY Result
24/04/2019 Duration: 55minALL actions are caused by our feelings. And actions ALWAYS are what create the results we have in our lives. We have the power to be in control of all of our actions. We can find the reason why taking action is hard and change our mindset so that we can create new patterns of action to create the life of our dreams. This way of thinking can change everything. It can help you stop thinking and feeling on auto-pilot, and create exactly how you want to think, feel, and act on purpose. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Get my FREE self-coaching worksheet. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
Why FEELINGS are Essential to Getting Results
18/04/2019 Duration: 43minALL feelings are caused by our thoughts. And feelings ALWAYS are what drive all of our actions. We have the power to be in control of all of our feelings. No one can hurt your feelings or make you feel a certain way. You are creating all of them yourself, and because of that, you can be in total control of your life and the results you are getting. This way of thinking can change everything. It can help you stop thinking and feeling on auto-pilot, and create exactly how you want to think, feel, and act on purpose. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss, self-control, and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
The Power of Thoughts & Beliefs - How They Drive Everything & How to Change Them
10/04/2019 Duration: 45minOn Episode #6, I explain how thoughts and beliefs are the driving force for everything we do in our lives and how to change them. Our mindset is the basis of everything. And we can rewire and reprogram our brains to work for us instead of against us. I use this topic to discuss how our thoughts affect everything including our weight loss, health, and fitness. This way of thinking can change everything. It can help you stop thinking on auto-pilot, and create exactly how you want to think, feel, and act on purpose. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
The Number on the Scale & Your Weight is Neutral - How to See Life's Circumstances as Neutral Facts
03/04/2019 Duration: 35minOn Episode #5, I explain how all circumstances in our lives are neutral. They are only good or bad once we think they are good or bad. I use this topic to discuss how your weight and the number on the scale is just a fact and does not have any power to make you feel a certain way. This way of thinking can change everything. It can help you stop thinking on auto-pilot, and create exactly how you want to think, feel, and act on purpose. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
Using Coaching to Lose Over 70 Pounds - Interview with Master Certified Life Coach, Lisa Hatlestad
27/03/2019 Duration: 34minOn Episode #4, I interview Master Certified Life Coach, Lisa Hatlestad about her overeating and weight loss journey. We discuss learning overeating from childhood, how a new diet doesn’t work without changing your mindset, and what she learned from coaching that changed all areas of her life forever. Lisa lost over 70 pounds using life coaching and kept it off for the first time ever, without the deprivation and struggle that seems so necessary when losing weight. We also discuss what Master Coach Training at The Life Coach School is like, and that the worst part is always just in our heads. Listen along for some amazing tips that you can apply to your own weight loss and overeating journey. Book your coaching session here. Find Lisa Hatlestad here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
Why Your Diet Sucks and Isn't Working - This is What You Need to Know to Get RESULTS that LAST.
20/03/2019 Duration: 46minOn Episode #3, I talk about why your diet sucks and isn't working. There are factors working against you like overhunger, overdesire, and ALL of the feelings you'll need to overcome to stick with it. You have to be willing to fail. You have to be patient. You have to find a diet you love and can stick with. You have to think about WHY you're choosing to do what you're doing. You have to be willing to be the odd one out. You have to be willing to feel negative feelings without needing to distract yourself. You have to re-program your brain and stop doing what's easy and efficient. If not, you'll just stay in that cycle of overeating, feeling bad, beating yourself up, and overeating to feel better. It's not easy. But this works. And it's SO worth it. If you want to lose weight, this is the deprivation-free way to do so and get results that last. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
Why We're Obsessed with Food - Understand Your Brain and Stop Overeating
13/03/2019 Duration: 19minOn Episode #2, I talk about why we are so obsessed with food and think about it so dang much. Our brains are there to keep us alive. It works to avoid pain, seek pleasure, and be efficient. All 3 of these things are being done when we overeat. We get to escape our feelings momentarily and get a hit of dopamine from food. We get pleasure when we eat. And our brain is super efficient - it does what it knows, and keeps repeating that over and over. Thus the never-ending cycle. I also talk about why beating yourself up will make it worse, and how to treat yourself in a way that is productive. If you want to lose weight, this is the deprivation-free way to do so and get results that last. Book your coaching session here. Follow me on Instagram here. Shop my favorite supplements here.
Ep #1 How to Get Motivated
05/03/2019 Duration: 25minFeeling like you just aren't motivated any more? You don't want to work out. You don't want to meal prep or eat healthy. In this episode, I teach you how to get your motivation back and keep it EVERY day. This will help with your workouts, fat loss, diet, and make you feel a heck of a lot better. These simple steps are exactly what you need to get motivated. And they're not what you'd think. Learn more and book a coaching session to help you find what is preventing you from being motivated at