Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
152. Good Partner or Successful Entrepreneur
02/03/2021 Duration: 17minWelcome to the Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs series. Today I am speaking with my husband Steve Haase about the conflict many entrepreneurs feel between their business and their ability to be a "good" partner. On this episode you will learn: how free yourself from thinking you are doing it all wrong and letting everyone down how to reconnect with emotions you shut off when you first started your business how to embrace your True Self as both a parter and an entrepreneur a simple exercise to help you get clear and actually start to use your emotions to help you If you this episode is exactly what you needed to hear today, this is just a tiny piece of what you will learn inside the Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs Coaching Program. Join here:
151. Overcome Entrepreneur's Guilt
23/02/2021 Duration: 17minIf you are an entrepreneur who feels spread too thin, chances are that comes along with a big dose of guilt on the regular. In this episode you will get the foundation you need to make the most of my upcoming free Masterclass which you can join here: Today on the show you will learn: - when to USE guilt to your advantage - how to stop beating yourself up - a simple technique to make sure you are aligned in your business and your personal life
150. New Relationship + Business Rules
17/02/2021 Duration: 13minAs someone who has always had a love/hate relationship with "the rules" I have come to see how creating certain guidelines in love and business can set us free when they are aligned with our highest purpose. Today I will share five rules that I follow and will be teaching inside the new Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs course because I think they are refreshing, loving and will help you create what matters most to you. Listen to this episode and use the rules that resonate with you. And if you know you need to create better, more supportive rules in your life, you can come and join us for our new Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs course here:
149. Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs
10/02/2021 Duration: 21minWelcome to Season 3! I have something very special for you if you are an entrepreneur who wants to create a better relationship. In this episode you will hear about some of the common pitfalls for entrepreneurs who are trying to scale their business and maintain a thriving relationship with the people who matter most. If you ever feel spread too thin, guilty about where you are spending your time, resentful for how much people expect of you and too exhausted to enjoy this wild ride of life, you are not alone. This episode will give you a place to start and if you want an invitation when we open our new program, you can join the waitlist here:
148. The Validation You Seek
01/02/2021 Duration: 15minAs humans it is very normal for us to look to the world around us for validation. We want our partner to shower us with adoration. We want our boss to tell us we are doing a great job. We want our friends and family to love our new business idea. But what happens when you don't get the validation you seek? In this episode I will teach you how to find validation from within and one of the tools I teach my clients to make it an ongoing practice This is something we are working inside the Wild Beautiful Love membership program Join us here:
147. Stop Pushing Love Away
25/01/2021 Duration: 22minAs a Master Relationship Coach, I watch a LOT of people push away love and not even know they are doing it. In this episode, I will teach you: - where love really comes from - how to stop throwing your "love cocktail" in your partner's face - the subtle ways you are pushing away love - how to stop doing it so you can enjoy your relationship And when you are ready to create Wild Beautiful Love, join our membership before the doors close again: If you need more one-on-one support, you can apply to work with me privately here:
146. Believing in the Future
13/01/2021 Duration: 26minCoaching is a powerful tool that can help with just about any problem you might be experiencing not only in your relationship but in your business. Part of what I consider the "real life magic" of this work is creating the future you want. But HOW do you believe something that hasn't yet happened? Today my guest is Selena Maestas. She is an expert at creating Belief Blueprints with her clients start with recognizing the stories we tell about ourselves and our life. Learn more from her and get a little gift from her here in the show notes: And if you want to learn the most important practices and tools I have used to build my business, join me for my live one day
145. Trust + Boundaries
05/01/2021 Duration: 22minToday I want to teach you about two important pillars needed for great relationships, trust and boundaries. In this episode you will learn: what trust is and where it comes from (its not what you think) why cultivating self-trust is important the difference between boundaries and expectations how to know when someone violates your boundaries how to trust yourself to do what is best for you In this episode I mention: How to do this work in our membership or privately: Ep 49. How to Create Trust
144. Allowing Love
30/12/2020 Duration: 18minIt may seem crazy because I am a Master Coach who has devoted year helping people create more love, but the feeling of falling in love is one I never really liked. As a recovering "Emotional Stuffer" I spent many years trying to hold back my emotions and downplaying my strong feelings...especially the good ones. In this episode, I will teach you a simple practice to allow your emotions starting with the one we all want more of-love. And instead of trying to figure this all out on your own going forward, Steve and I have created a way for you to get everything you need to create Wild, Beautiful Love inside our new program. You can join here for only $47/month:
143. How to Plan the New Year
22/12/2020 Duration: 17minToday I am taking you inside the Wild, Beautiful Love membership for a Live podcast recording. (Not in the program? Join using the link at the bottom of the shownotes) We are talking about how to intentionally plan for what you actually want in 2021. No overwhelm, no outlandish resolutions. Just simple, clear, effective planning and celebrating all the way along the path. Join me and plan your 2021 and if having a wildly, beautiful relationship is part of your plan, do yourself a favor and join our membership here:
142. Getting Unstuck In Your Career
15/12/2020 Duration: 30minWhen you feel stuck at work it is going to show up everywhere in your life. My guest today is Anthea Dunks who works with her clients to create new possibilities in their corporate jobs. After you listen to this episode, you can connect with Anthea and get her 5 Steps to Get Unstuck cheat sheet here: Do you want to create Wild, Beautiful Love in 2021? The doors to our new membership are open and we can't wait to help you create the life you want. Join here:
141. Wild, Beautiful Love
07/12/2020 Duration: 09minI know how it goes. You listen to this podcast, feel inspired, think about the ideas for a day and then return to auto-pilot in your relationship by the next week. This episode is going to change all that. Steve and I are on a mission to help as many people as possible have the Wild, Beautiful Love they have been dreaming of but haven't yet figured out how to create. We want to invite you to a free Masterclass inside our Wild, Beautiful Love membership program here: And if you already know you are in and want to get a free copy of my brand new book, sign up for a one year membership at the special founders price here:
140. Leading Through Tough Times
01/12/2020 Duration: 12minSometimes in your relationship you will have to be the leader. Even though you are on a team with your partner, when they go through something challenging, it may be your moment to stand up and take charge. This week my husband got fired from his job (you can hear about that on his new podcast) and almost instantly I stepped into a leadership role, but that didn't happen by magic. It happened because I have a toolkit at the ready and today I want to introduce you to it. You will learn: how to generate gratitude even in tough times how to find the opportunity within a challenge how to honor your feelings and theirs without being insensitive or dismissive If I can create this in my relationship, so can you. Join the Wild, Beautiful Love Membership program here and I will teach you everything I know and be your support every step of the way here: Check out Steve's new podcast Life After Getting Fired here: http://lifeaftergetting
139. Spiritual Partnership
23/11/2020 Duration: 31minDo you consider yourself a spiritual or religious person? If so, is this something you connect with your partner on? In this conversation with my husband Steve Haase, we are talking about our very different spiritual paths before we met in a spiritual community. It's a highly personal episode were we share things we have never talked about publicly including: divorce celibacy daily spiritual practices how bringing your spiritual self to the table can create a better relationship If you have been holding back this part of yourself from your partner, today will give you some inspiration to get curious and open up. And if you want to make 2021 the best year of your relationship, apply to join Relationship CEO's right here and I will be your guide:
138. Creating a Self-Worth Habit
17/11/2020 Duration: 25minYour sense of self-worth says a lot about your relationship with yourself, but if you aren't consciously working to make it better chances are it is effecting everything from your core relationships to how you show up at work. In this episode I am going to teach you: why everyone needs to work their self-worth muscle the relationship between keeping your commitments and self-worth a simple daily practice that will help you cultivate self-worth Mentioned in this show Work with us: Join our free FB group:
137. Taking Responsibility in Your Relationship
10/11/2020 Duration: 11minThis week's episode is a Facebook Live I recorded in my free Revitalize Your Relationship community. It concerns one of the common missteps my clients make as they learn to take responsibility for themselves in their relationship. In this episode you will learn: - exactly what it means to take responsibility in your relationship - the quickest way to get on the same page as your partner - how to show up empowered instead of resentful - why it takes time for your partner to notice that you have changed If you aren't in my free Facebook group yet, you can join here: And if you don't already have a copy of my brand new book, buy it here:
136. Celebrating Your Sexuality
03/11/2020 Duration: 29minThis week’s episode features my conversation with Dr. Sonia Wright, The Mid-Life Sex Coach for women. Sonia helps women own their sexuality and bring more fun and intimacy back into their lives. In this episode, you will learn about the concept of “for you” sex, the different types of libidos we have, and why it’s important to do the work around exploring your sexuality not only for your relationship but for future women to come. Great sex is available to you at any age. Dr. Sonia is going to teach you how to have it. And if you want to learn more about her course, you can check it out in the show notes here:
135. Gender, Sexuality, and Rainbows
27/10/2020 Duration: 27minIn this episode, I'm talking to fellow Life Coach Sarah Kennedy. Sarah works with parents and supporters of LGBTQIA youth and helps businesses who want to improve their equality and inclusion. She is passionate about changing the way society thinks about gender and sexuality and nurturing partners and families in exploring their sexuality and diversity. In this episode you will learn: The difference between gender, sex, and sexuality How to navigate identity changes as a parent importance of support for parents, children, and families during those identity shifts Sarah also has a freebie for us. To help people who want to be supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community understand the common terms and ideas. I will link to it in the show notes. If you're ready to start implementing the tools I teach on this podcast into your own life, you can do so by purchasing a copy of my brand new book here: Available in paperback or on your Kindle.
134. Connection and Communication
20/10/2020 Duration: 16minIn this episode, I'm talking about how we create clearer communication through better connections. I want to walk you through how these intertwine and share insight on how my new book will help you work through these issues in your own relationships. If you've been feeling disconnected from your partner or anxious about having hard conversations-this episode is going to help you tremendously. You're not just getting the book when you purchase, you're getting access to my masterclass + book bonus website with written exercises to go with each section of the book. You can buy the book now here: Don't forget to let me know you are enjoying it on social media: Instagram: @revitalizeyourrelationship Free FB Group:
133. Relationship CEO
13/10/2020 Duration: 18minToday is the day. After 2.5 years of writing and coaching my latest book is finally ready for you and in it I not only teach you the tools and concepts normally reserved for my private coaching clients, I am also giving you exclusive bonus classes and tools to help you create a wildly, beautiful relationship. In this episode I introduce you to one of my favourite parts of the book, how to be a Relationship CEO. Buy the book now here: And don't forget to let me know you are enjoying it on social media: Instagram: @revitalizeyourrelationship Free FB Group: