Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
Finding Your Purpose
08/05/2018 Duration: 21minOur past few episodes have focused on important tools to keep you focused and on track towards your goals and your big purpose in life. But are you even clear on what that is exactly? Today I want to help you think practically about the answer to the age old question "What is my purpose in life?" You might have an answer already, you might not, but this perspective will help you get very clear about how you are using your time and energy. I would love to hear your ideas on the topic. Headover to:
Getting Motivated
01/05/2018 Duration: 21minIn last week's episode I shared with you how I can be productive even when I don't have a lot of extra time. Would it surprise you to hear that often I look at my beautifully organized schedule and don't feel the least bit motivated to actually follow through? This episode is all about how I get things done even when I don't feel like doing anything. I hope it inspires you to adopt a motivational routine or ritual to keep you accountable to all the little steps that go into your big goals and deeper purpose. Check out the show notes to get an incredible free tool I use and some other seriously awesome goodies:
Ep 8: Getting Things Done (My Productivity Secrets)
24/04/2018 Duration: 24minYou have a lot going on. Here you are trying to live a life of purpose and acheive big dreams. Meanwhile you also have bills to pay, children or family members to care for, friendships to cultivate and creative pursuits you wish you could spend more time on. Chances are you need some refreshing ideas to help you become more productive so you can get more done. In this episode I share my personal secrets to getting an enormous amount of work done in far less time than I had when I worked a traditional 8 hour day. As a bonus, I am also sharing my simple organizational tool with you (for free) in the show notes along with some other great resources. Check them out:
Freedom from Fear and Anxiety
17/04/2018 Duration: 30minFear and anxiety are part of the human experience. But our reaction to these "states of being" is often trying to resist or deny these emotions OR reacting to them in ways that are not helpful in fulfilling our life's purpose. In part two of my conversation with spiritual teacher Jeff Carreira, we discuss how to be free within our experiences of fear and anxiety. He offers you some very practical ideas for what to do during times when we feel contracted and we talk about how you can shift from fear and anxiety to a new perspective using my story of going through a personal health crisis. Get the show notes and connect with Jeff at:
The Practice of No Problem
10/04/2018 Duration: 20minIn this episode I am joined by my favourite meditation teacher Jeff Carreira. His teachings and his friendship have made a positive impact on my life and inspired me to think about my own life's purpose more deeply. In this first part of our conversation, Jeff talks about his unique approach to meditation that makes it powerful for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. We also discuss how practicing "no problem" can create a huge shift off the meditation cushion during the ups and downs of life (even when your toddler is having a tantrum at the store). Learn more about Jeff and share you questions with us at:
Obstacles to Self-Care
05/04/2018 Duration: 14minI wasn't planning to record this podcast, but I unrolled my yoga mat this morning and was hit with a long list of things I "should" being doing instead of self-care. I know you already know self-care is good for you but if you find it hard to follow through on things that enhance your health and well-being, this episode is for you. Get in touch with me at:
Being a Parent
03/04/2018 Duration: 26minWhat is it like to spend 8 hours a day with two children? Today I talk with my husband Steve. He is an amazing partner and father to our two kids and has spent the last few months on parental leave. It has been powerful for him to experience the realities of spending a lot of time with young children vs. working a 9-5 job. If you are a new parent or thinking of becoming a parent you don't want to miss this episode full of our raw observations of the challenges and the beauty of this experience. Once you listen don't forget to share your questions and ideas over in the shownotes:
Stressful Days
27/03/2018 Duration: 18minIt's one of those days where it feels like everything is going wrong (even though its not). In this episode, I share in realtime how I am processing the experience of stress. If you find it challenging to shake yourself off after you have dealt with something that raises your blood pressure you will be able to relate to this episode and hopefully find some insights to help you through it next time. Get the show notes at:
Extreme Self-Care
22/03/2018 Duration: 20minWe all know self-care is good for us, so why do most people lack a good routine? In this episode I give you the main ways I take care of myself so I can look after all the people and projects in my life with a smile on my face (most of the time). If you know you need to start taking your health and wellness seriously, this episode will help you get started. UPDATE: This show has evolved and become Revitalize Your Relationship. Get the show notes here:
Alive With Purpose (an introduction to the old podcast)
19/03/2018 Duration: 21minWelcome to my brand new podcast. I am your host Erin Aquin of Aquin Yoga. If you enjoyed my last show The Elemental Yin Yang Podcast you won't want to miss this one. Alive With Purpose is for people who know that life is a precious and meaningful thing, but sometimes feel overwhelmed trying to stay aligned with their big intentions while keeping up with the speed of the world around them. In this episode, I share a few of my ideas around purpose and kick off this brand new show with a contest that you can learn more about by visiting the show notes @