Alive With Purpose

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 133:59:47
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Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content


  • The Relationship of Your Dreams

    25/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    What does the relationship of your dreams look like? Does it look like the one you are in? If you feel like your relationship is strained or you wonder why you keep running the same pattern over and over again you NEED to hear this episode. In it you will learn: the cultural problem most of us take with us in every single relationship why telling your partner all your "needs" doesn't lead to happiness a new possibility for how to feel happy and fulfilled in your relationship PLUS I have a special gift for you to celebrate 30 episodes. Its a free 20 mini-coaching session! If you haven't tried coaching with me before, this is the perfect opportunity to see what it is like and learn how to move towards the relationship of your dreams. Click here to book your free session

  • The Extra Hour You Always Wanted

    18/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    This episode is a gamechanger. I also made a workbook for you so you could take the ideas in this show one step further and actually get back an hour in your day for something important for you. A simple change of thinking + the free workbook might be just what you need. Get the free workbook at:  

  • Getting Things Done (no matter what)

    11/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    When you set your mind to do something, do you know you will do it no matter what? Or do you think you have to feel inspired and in the "flow" in order to get things done? Most of us believe the lie that if we get to an appointment we have made with ourselves and we don't feel like doing it in the moment then there must be something wrong. Well I just finished a challenge with a group of people in my community that proved otherwise. Listen in to change your perspective and learn how to get things done no matter what. And don't forget to grab my awesome new and totally free workbook: The Extra Hour You Always Wanted at

  • The Early Days of Parenthood Pt 2

    04/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    Tune in today for the second part of my conversation with Allison Mecham Evans to learn the raw truth and a some fresh perspectives on birth and the fourth trimester. If you are pregnant, a new parent or you simply want to support someone you know who is in this process as they become a parent you will learn so much.  Also Allison is giving you two free gifts just for listening. Get all the details at:

  • Ep 26: The Early Days of Parenthood

    28/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    In part one of my interview with Allison Mecham Evans, birth educator, life coach and my dear friend. If you are a new parent or on your way to becoming one, then you need to hear this candid yet informative conversation. Get the full details on all of Allisons work including access to some free gifts she has for you over at:  

  • Ep 25: Facing Insecurity

    21/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Getting personal today, but if you have ever felt insecure, aka if you are a human you will be able to relate. I felt insecure recently, not because of anyone else, but because of my own underlying thoughts. Then I did an experiment and let this emotion wash over me and here is what I learned. If you want to learn how to work through emotions without avoiding, buffering or feeling ashamed of yourself learn how to get coached by me in the show notes for episode 25 here: www.AliveWithPurposeCoaching   

  • Ep 24: Choosing Your Path

    13/08/2018 Duration: 12min

    I wanted to save this last listener question for its own episode because so many people struggle with choosing their life path. It could be anything from where to live, your career, picking a partner or deciding to have children or not. If you think you are at a fork in the road and don't know how to choose, don't miss this episode. And if you want some personal coaching get more info on how to work with me at:

  • Ep 23: Your Coaching Questions Answered

    07/08/2018 Duration: 29min

    I work mainly with one-on-one clients and small groups as a coach. However, a big goal of mine is to help as many people as possible learn the power of managing their minds. Because of that I like to offer all sorts of free things (like this podcast) and last week I put out the call to all of you to send me a problem or issue you are dealing with and I would coach you. Today, I answered some questions about dealing with a child's feeling about spending time with her dad and a yoga teacher's relationship with a client who shows up late, doesn't accept help and is disruptive in class. Listen in and if you want some support head over to: to learn how to work with me

  • Ep 22: Self-Care for Mama Bear

    31/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    You already know that self-care is important to your health and well-being but if you are a parent I want to INSIST that you start taking this stuff seriously. This is a super fun episode that includes some of my current must have self-care rituals and routines. PLUS I have a fun little bonus for you in this episode that you can get over at:

  • Ep 21: Great Relationships

    24/07/2018 Duration: 19min

    What makes a great relationship? Some people think it is sizzling chemistry, others say it is about shared values and mutual understanding. Today I want to offer a few ingredients that you MUST have in order to have an amazing partnership.  Whether you are single and looking for love or are in a relationship you wish were more satisfying, this episode is for you. And after you listen, head over to the show notes to share your ideas on this topic and find out how you can work with me one on one.

  • Managing Drama

    17/07/2018 Duration: 17min

    Today it's all about how to recalibrate after you lose it. I created a whole lot of drama after a road incident. Luckily, I was able to coach myself out of near mania and into a space where now I not only have compassion for the other person in the situation but I also have compassion for myself (despite how I felt about my reaction). If you ever feel out of control or like drama just "finds you" do not miss this episode. PLUS, I am now taking a handful of 1:1 clients. If you want to test these tools for yourself find out how in today's show notes:  

  • Ep 19: The Path to Success

    10/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today's episode is a little different. It is for Wellness-preneurs. If you are a yoga teacher, life coach, massage therapist or work as a wellness practitioner there are six areas you need to have a handle on in order to be successful and fulfilled both in your business and your personal life. Tune in and if you are ready to take your business and life to the next level there is still time to sign up for my new course here: 

  • Ep 18: Mom Guilt

    03/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    Mom's put pressure on themselves in many ways. In this episode I share how my own feelings of guilt prevented me from enjoying my own space and how a coaching session has helped me begin to deal with it. This episode is all about seeing feelings of guilt and thoughts like "I should be doing more with my kids" might not be as sweet and lovely as you think. Share your story and get the info on my new course at

  • The Thought That Is Killing Your Dreams

    26/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    Some of our thoughts are clearly a blockage to achieving goals. "I can't do it" "I have never done this before and I am going to fail" Those are very obvious, unhelpful thoughts. However, in my mind the thought that is a real dream killer, at first sounds reasonable but I promise you it's a brutal one. That thought is: "I am too busy" Today we stop wearing "busy" like a badge of honour and see it for what it excuse. Share your thoughts over at:  AND get info on my brand new course.

  • Thought Work (and an embarrassing story)

    19/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    Not gonna lie, the story I am going to tell you is SUPER embarrassing. However, it is for a good cause since it demonstrates how I use an incredible method of thought work to change my outlook, my mood and create a more conscious and amazing life. Learn more about how to take this work further with me as your coach:  

  • Making Money

    12/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    Money is a huge part of our world. Love it or hate it, you need money to live a conventional life.  When I am coaching people, I hear so many thoughts about money that hold my clients back. In this episode we are talking about money beliefs and turning your purpose into something that makes money. Whether you are a yoga teacher, an artist or a passionate entrepreneur, this show will get your wheels turning. Learn more about how to take this work further with me as your coach:  

  • Smarter Self-Awareness

    05/06/2018 Duration: 21min

    Being 'Alive with Purpose' to me means that I want to use my time and energy to do something wonderful in the world. If you are spiritually open to the idea that our lives are meaningful, that also has probably led you to some kind of self-awareness practice. It might be yoga, meditation, working with a Life Coach, but many of us make the time to learn about our habits but don't take these insights far enough. Today is all about how to use self-awareness not to beat yourself up or get overwhelmed by things you think of as "flaws" but how to use your hard won insights to your advantage. Learn more about how to take this work further with me as your coach:    

  • Everyday Anxiety

    29/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    If you have low grade anxiety or are an "emotional prepper" who is constantly worried about all the things that could go wrong, I have some ideas for you. While this is a very personal episode, you will no doubt be able to relate and check out some ways to shift to another perspective to take the sting out of your anxiety. Join the conversation at:  

  • Picking the Perfect Retreat

    22/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    Have you ever wanted to go on a retreat but just weren't sure how to choose the right one? If you love the idea of retreat but aren't sure what to look for, don't miss this episode. I share some practical tips and questions you must answer before you commit the time and money and take the plunge. Get some of the resources I mention, ask more questions and share your story at:  

  • Overcoming Negative Opinions

    15/05/2018 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever received "feedback" that completely threw you for a loop? Whether you like it or not, when you go after your dreams you are bound to receive all kinds of input on whatever it is you are sharing with the world. When those opinions are negative, this can shape your path in ways you might not even be aware of. Listen to this episode to help you overcome your reactions to the negative opinions and feedback from other people and check out the show notes for some fantastic resources at:  

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