Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
The BEST gift for your relationship
20/12/2018 Duration: 08minImagine sitting by the fire with your husband or wife this time next year feeling loved and supported. All the tension you used to have is gone. You don't pick fights anymore and you don't feel resentful of them. AND imagine that they didn't have to change a thing! It isn't some crazy fantasy. This is in fact the goal of the program I will be taking 4 more people through beginning in January. This is a stake in the ground for you in your relationship to stop fighting and be empowered. IF you want to give the most meaningful gift for your marriage, sign up for this course before it sells out by setting up a quick call with me to make sure it is the right fit: And if you missed the window to speak with me and just want to get the course for yourself or your partner you can get the details here.
18/12/2018 Duration: 14minLet's talk about sex baby. Intimacy is not ALL about sex, but definitely includes it. When you are with your partner for awhile, if you aren't paying attention you may feel a lack of intimacy between you. In this episode you will learn: why "Date Night" or doesn't equal intimacy why you can't create intimacy just by spending time with your partner the harmful things you may be doing to fill the void in your relationship the simple thing you can do right away to increase your feelings of closeness in your relationship The doors to my January Revitalize Your Relationship program are now open. If you want to transform your marriage over six weeks, claim your spot here. The next group is open for just four people Wednesday nights @ 7:30pm EST beginning January 6, 2019. If you are new to coaching with me and want a preview of what we will work on in the program, you can book one of the five strategy sessions this week here
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
13/12/2018 Duration: 09minThis is the MOST popular relationship question of all time and I want to give you the simple, real answer once and for all. I just made a brand new (free) mini-course called End the Argument Before It Starts. Begin the course now and change your relationship forever:
Thrive Through the Holidays
11/12/2018 Duration: 24minThe holidays can be a big red sack full of stress and tears for some couples. Let's not do that this year ok? In this episode I will give you the tools you need not just to survive through the holiday's, but to thrive in your relationship. You will learn: How to stop blaming and fighting with your partner during the holidays (hint: you need this free resource to do it) Why you need to establish a strict self-care routine (and my ideas from my personal routine) How to deal with money and gift drama before it becomes a problem How to avoid eating and drinking away your emotions this year Don't forget to sign up for a free 20 minute strategy session with me to get started on your personal plan for thriving in your relationship this holiday season
Quality Time
06/12/2018 Duration: 11minHow do know when you are getting real "quality time" with the one you love? Do you have to argue to get it or convince them? Quality time is defined by your thoughts and in this Facebook live episode I want to help you re-think what quality time is and why you shouldn't wait around for it to happen anymore. In this episode I mention the new Facebook page where you can get bonus content and join these Live episodes: Revitalize Your Relationship Facebook Get free coaching and learn about my 6 week Revitalize Your Relationship program that starts again in January
Revitalize Your Relationship
04/12/2018 Duration: 17minHello there LOVERS! It is a big day here for us because this podcast is getting a renovation. Alive With Purpose is now Revitalize Your Relationship and in this episode I will tell you: -a little bit about why I decided to make this huge change (hint: it's going to be amazing for YOU). -why you NEED to revitalize your relationship now (especially if you have kids) -the number one thing you need to do to bring new life and vitality in your marriage Get a free 20 minute strategy session coaching call with me here and learn how to revitalize YOUR relationship.
Big News for Your Relationship
30/11/2018 Duration: 05minToday is my birthday and I want to let you in on my big secret. I am thrilled to be able to offer this life changing work for my clients. Start improving your relationship here:
Emotional Empowerment
27/11/2018 Duration: 17minAre you emotionally empowered or do you give the keys to your emotional life to other people to handle? You can not miss this episode PLUS I am offering you a hugely valuable gift, its a free 20 minute strategy session and you can sign up for one of the five sessions I make available every week here. If you want to have a beautiful relationship with your partner then you need to hear this episode and you will learn: - the number one thing you have to do if you want to stop fighting with your partner - why your expectations are keeping you from feeling the love in your relationship - how to be emotionally empowered Head over to to get the show notes and book your free strategy session with me.
Is Instant Gratification Killing Your Dreams?
22/11/2018 Duration: 11minThe holiday season is here and bringing with it a truck load of ways you can satisfy every little urge and desire. Instant gratification is great for a lot of things, but it can also leave you feeling kind of soft. Discomfort builds resilience and in this Facebook Live I have a loving kick in the pants for you.
Instant Gratification
20/11/2018 Duration: 15minMost of us live in a world where instant gratification is so much a part of our lives that most people believe that any discomfort is a bad thing. In this episode you will have a chance to consider: -the long term negative effects of avoiding discomfort -why those "innocent" things you do to feel better are hurting you -a simple way to override your habit of instant gratification Don't forget to book your free strategy session with me here.
Self-Care for Productivity
15/11/2018 Duration: 07minYou need to fill your tank if you want to do great things people! I know you already know it, but I popped on Facebook Live today to talk about some of the things going on in my life that would normally send me into a tailspin of overwhelm. Instead, with a few simple tools I am feeling relaxed and awesome and my hope is that this is the reminder you need to do the same. Also, if your relationship needs a little love before the holiday's there is the opportunity to join a small group who is going through my 6 Weeks to Strengthen Your Relationship course. If you are interested in learning more, head over to this page, fill out the form letting me know.
Self-Respect in Relationships
13/11/2018 Duration: 16minHow do you know if you have a healthy respect for yourself? Some people think it depends on how you "let" other people treat you, but as you might guess by now, I have a different take on it. In this episode you will: - learn how to determine your level of self-respect -how to have self-respect even if you don't feel respected by someone else -why other people can't shake your self-respect once you have it Book your free strategy session with me today and learn about my upcoming relationship course. Get the full notes and all the resources here
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
08/11/2018 Duration: 12minAre you a fan of the Alive With Purpose Podcast page? If not, you are missing out on great stuff like this. Follow it here: Today I want to share some things to consider if you think it might be time to break up with someone. In this episode I mention a few free bonus resources for you to help: End the Argument Workbook Dream Relationship podcast Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Part 1)
Baby Proofing Your Relationship
06/11/2018 Duration: 18minIt goes without saying that life changes after you have kids, but some couples find that as their family grows, their relationship takes a backseat for a long time. In this episode I want to offer you some techniques to: - help you keep your relationship with your partner free from resentment - protect your couple-dom from some of the common issues that come up in a family with kids - feel more compassionate when things don't go your way - deal with stress in your relationship These ideas are simple but ESSENTIAL to creating a strong loving relationship. I would love to help support you as you strengthen your relationship. Head over to: to book a free 20 minute coaching session with me.
Clean Up Your Thinking
02/11/2018 Duration: 11minThis week I am trying something new. If you haven't liked me on Facebook yet then you are missing some great bonus stuff. I want to start to share a little bit of it over here for you all so I am taking the audio from the odd Facebook Live and turning into a bonus episode. You can watch this episode and get ALL the bonus content on Facebook @AliveWithPurposeCoach Once you try this tool, take it further and book yourself a free mini session with me here:
Sticking to Your Goals
30/10/2018 Duration: 19minIts been a big few weeks around here and as I start to focus my work more on coaching I have had a LOT of mixed reviews. So first, a big thank you to those of you who have reached out and left me a positive review on iTunes because each time you do it makes my day! This episode is all about how to find something purposeful in your life and sticking to it even if you don't have a big cheering section or any support at all. I share my personal insights and some practical things you can do to stick to your goals. You will learn: - why the thought "It wasn't meant to be" is poison when it comes to achieving your goals - why trying to work on ten different goals almost never works - how to get clear on your purpose and start to work on your goals - why "acting differently" without thinking differently almost never helps you achieve a goal - how to outsmart your doubts So pick a goal, and go through the exercise I offer you in this episode. And if you are ready to create a plan to make it happen, book a free 20 mi
Being Authentic
23/10/2018 Duration: 23minToday I want to take you through my own work around what it looks like to "be yourself". In this episode I will share some deep concepts around: - what it means to "be authentic" and why sometimes its not a good idea to respond that way - how some people use "authenticity" as an excuse to be negative - how thought work can help you be the best version of yourself - some VERY vulnerable realizations about how I have been showing up for you, my listeners and what I intend to do in the future Take me up on my offer for coaching at:
Sex, Money and Chores
16/10/2018 Duration: 20minToday is a GOOD one. If you are in a relationship chances are and your partner do not see eye to eye on at least a few things. For my community, the top three things they argue about are: sex, money and Household chores. In this episode I want to give you some concepts to help you: ease the tension in your relationship what you need to do BEFORE you talk with your partner so it doesn't cause a fight Enjoy this episode and don't forget to grab your free workbook to teach you how to stop arguments before they start in today's show notes:
Going Easy On Yourself
09/10/2018 Duration: 18minGoing easy on yourself doesn't sound like a path to your goals, but today I want to clear a few things up. If you are someone who pushes yourself to the point of exhaustion and then falls short on your goals, this episode is for you. In it I will share: -how you can develop and stretch yourself without being mean to yourself - why you need to learn when it is time to oscillate between rest and work - how spot the negative thoughts you think about yourself and begin to shift them - the difference between "going easy on yourself" vs. delaying your discomfort Get the show notes and take me up on my offer for a free mini session here:
Finding Freedom In Your Relationship
02/10/2018 Duration: 14min"Freedom" and "Commitment" are concepts that don't sound like they go together but they absolutely can. This week is taking the ideas about how to create a dream relationship (last week's episode) one step further. In this episode you will learn: - how to feel like you and your partner are on the same team - why your expectations of your partner might not be as harmless as you think - how to find freedom inside of your relationship If you are ready to take this work further in YOUR relationship, I invite you to join me for a 20 minute free mini-coaching session. Book your session in today's show notes at: