Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
Needs vs. Desires
19/03/2019 Duration: 13minDo you have a lot of unmet "needs" in your relationship? It might seem like a small thing but I have a little experiment for you that could dramatically change your relationship for the better. Most couples have a lot of turmoil over their needs and desires and this episode will help get it all straightened out. What you will learn: why your needs are killing your relationship why desires get elevated to "need" status how to make requests of your partner that won't feel manipulative how to get what you want If you are ready to figure this out in your relationship once and for all, request a consultation and learn more about how to revitalize your relationship.
How to Stop an Argument Before It Starts
12/03/2019 Duration: 19minI recently recorded a short class for some potential clients on how to end arguments (before they start). This is just a fraction of what I offer clients in my 8 Week program Revitalize Your Relationship. If these ideas resonate with you and you are sick of arguing, feeling disconnected or resentful in your marriage I can help you change things for the better. Request a consultation to learn more about the program and find out if it is the perfect fit for you here
New Relationship, Same Old Problem
07/03/2019 Duration: 10minIn this Facebook Live I will tell you about a friend of mine who is thinking of leaving their marriage and really wanted to know my opinion. Here it is and why I think that leaving one relationship won't solve your problem most of the time and what to do instead. You can read the whole thing here:
Getting More Attention
05/03/2019 Duration: 15minIf you sometimes feel like you are invisible in your own relationship, you don't want to miss this podcast. I have some things to tell you that you need to hear and practice including: the cause of your feeling why feeling invisible is rotting your relationship what is really going on here (maybe some tough love) how you can actually get more attention If you are ready to take this work further, you can request a consultation here, or head to the show notes for more awesome bonuses to help you revitalize your relationship.
26/02/2019 Duration: 12minThis is a common emotion in relationships that are struggling. Its also a common one for many parents I coach too. In this episode you will learn: - the raw truth about what creates this feeling - how you can use this feeling for GOOD - how to deal with it so it doesn't effect your relationships - how to deal with the aftermath of resentment generated drama Read the article that inspired this week's episode here Learn how to work with me by scheduling a free consultation here
19/02/2019 Duration: 15minCompassion is for you. And yet coming from a spiritual yoga background, I have heard the word "compassion" thrown around without much thought and often mis-used. Today I want you will learn one way of generating compassion and why it is a loving choice you get to make...FOR YOU. This feeling can change the tone of every interaction you have with other people and how you show up in the world. Use this idea to: stop assuming the worst in other people improve how you interact in your marriage, your workplace give other people the benefit of the doubt And if you are ready to change your life for the better and you want to do it with me as your coach, book a consultation here.
Thriving Relationship: The Keys You Need
14/02/2019 Duration: 22minThese are the main ingredients you need to thrive in any relationship. I talked about them on a Facebook Live today. If you missed it, head over and "Like" us so you can join next time and ask questions.
12/02/2019 Duration: 16minImportant: This podcast is the tip of the iceberg in dealing with feelings of being betrayed. It is a great start, but if you are serious about working through it in a way that empowers you to do what is best for your life, book a free 20 minute consultation with me here and find out if coaching is the best path forward for you. If you feel like there has been a betrayal in your relationship and you don't know if you can move forward beyond it, listen to this episode and consider what I am offering you. If you missed my episode on Trust it will set the context and give you a foundation for taking this further. When you feel betrayed, there are a few things you will want to do that don't help you in the long run. Instead I am going to teach you a different way to begin to deal with the negative thoughts and feelings you have about what the other person did so you don't harm yourself further or make their actions mean something horrible about YOU. Get the full show notes here
49. Creating Trust
05/02/2019 Duration: 12minIf you think you have "trust issues" or have ever wondered if someone has earned your trust, this episode will blow your mind. When you think about it, trust is just your assumption and belief about how someone is acting or will act in the future. In this episode you will learn: where trust really comes from how to decide whether to trust someone or not the actual way trust can be created Join our free Facebook community here: You can find out more about how to work with me on a 30 minute consultation here
Find + Deal with your Thought Cockroaches
31/01/2019 Duration: 08minToday I want to share the tell tale signs of thought and feeling "cockroaches". Here is how to spot them and start dealing with them. And if you want to really transform this year I have 3 spots open for a new program. Hop on the phone with me to learn more here P.S. These spots will be gone quickly so if you are interested please reach out right away so you don't miss out.
Cockroach Thoughts + Emotions
29/01/2019 Duration: 10minDo you have thoughts and feelings that skitter around in the middle of the night? Today I want to show you how the way you deal with these Thought Cockroaches is probably making the problem worse. You may have spotted one of these "Thought Cockroaches" running from the light of your self-awareness. And once you have seen it, you JUST know there are others. These are thoughts like: “He doesn’t love me anymore.” "I am a total failure." “I’m not good enough.” Or you have an undertone of shame, pain or resentment all the time. Most people deal with this by some combo of ignoring, distracting or resisting the cockroaches. Today I want to show why those three responses are actually doing you harm. If you are ready to deal with your Cockroach Thoughts and Emotions, then let's get on the phone. Book a free 20 minute call with me here. Link to the Show Notes here
Lessons Learned From Teaching Yoga
24/01/2019 Duration: 23minSince I am shifting to full time coaching, it means I am not teaching yoga anymore (except for retreats and special events). But I have learned a lot from this practice and helping my yoga students at a deeper level was the reason I became a Life Coach. Tune in to this Facebook Live episode and apply the lessons I have learned to your own life.
Change IS Possible
22/01/2019 Duration: 12minYou would think that as a yoga teacher, meditator and spiritual practitioner that I was an amazing girlfriend in the past. Well you would be wrong. This is a super personal episode folks, but if you are feeling the strain in your marriage or long-term relationship just know that it is for you. I have not had a great love life in the past and this is the thing that changed all of it for the better. Change is possible, and this is the path forward. Sign up for a free chat with me if you are ready to finally transform and have the relationship of your dreams here. Get the full show notes here.
Self Care Is Not Selfish
17/01/2019 Duration: 09minYou don't do it enough because you think you are being selfish or that your kids or spouse needs you too much. But I want to give you a little pep talk that I have given to my yoga students and coaching clients for years. Don't forget I also made you a little something this week... Get the At-Home Date Night Guide here
At Home Date Night
15/01/2019 Duration: 21minThis week I have something so fun for you. I am teaching you how to stop using your "busy life", your kids or your job as an excuse to not have a date with your honey. I even made you an awesome freebie that includes the most important things you need to make your at home date amazing. Get the free At Home Date Night Guide here
Invest in your relationship (special invitation)
10/01/2019 Duration: 06minThis year I am helping 100 people revitalize their relationship. If you are ready to invest in an making 2019 the most amazing year in your marriage yet, jump on a 20 minute strategy session with me and get a tool you can apply right away in your relationship. It's my gift to you but it won't last long. Sign-up here:
Stop Fighting About Money
08/01/2019 Duration: 33minNothing can divide a marriage like money issues. If you and your partner are not on the same page about how to spend, how to save and what to do when it seems like there is never enough money, then you need to sit down and listen to this one. I even invited a special guest, my husband Steve to talk about how we can have very different ideas about money and never fight about it. In this episode you will learn: - why more money doesn't solve the money issues in most relationships - how to talk about money without arguing about it - how to decide what is right for your family when it comes to $ Learn how to take this work deeper by joining my free mini-course: End the Argument Before It Starts See the show notes here
Stop Working on Your Relationship
03/01/2019 Duration: 10minAre you constantly "working" on your relationship? That seems kinda negative when it comes to your marriage doesn't it? How you speak about your relationship MATTERS. Today I want to give you some ideas about how to make positive changes in your relationship from the inside out. You can stop waiting for your partner to change and show up in a positive way starting now. Download my brand new free course to learn more here
Relationship Resolutions
01/01/2019 Duration: 25minHappy 2019 Lovers! Here is something for you to help you make 2019 the best year for your relationship yet. I want you to sit back with a pen and paper for this one. Let's set some goals for 2019 so you can get your marriage back on track. Once you listen head on over to grab your free mini course. It is small but mighty and gives you the first steps on the path to end arguments for good and rekindle LOVE. Get the full show notes here
A Day In The Life Of My Marriage
25/12/2018 Duration: 16minI thought it would be fun to give you a walk through of a day in the life of my marriage because listen, it is probably very similar to yours on the surface. BUT if you aren't in the relationship you signed up for, there are some small daily shifts you can make to: - show up for yourself so you can be present with your partner - protect your health and well-being every day - change the way you think and feel about your relationship - clean up any disagreements and stop fighting Life doesn't always feel calm and easy, but my relationship doesn't suffer because of it. If you are ready to stop fighting with your partner and enjoy your relationship again after listening to this episode, download my new, free mini-course here