Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
172. Hard Days
17/08/2021 Duration: 11minThis episode is for your hard days. The days when it feels like nothing is working. There will be moments in your entrepreneurial journey that feel like you're not getting anywhere, and that you haven't had a win in a while. There is a lot of pressure being the driver of your business vehicle, the one with the vision, and the one that everything lands on. In this episode you will discover how to: Build resilience when it feels like nothing is working Create the mindset you need for success Trust yourself, your work, and your journey See the full show notes here.
171. Tools to Eliminate Overwhelm
11/08/2021 Duration: 25minAs an entrepreneur, you can often find yourself in a constant state of overwhelm, even after you close your laptop. Many people glorify being busy, but as an entrepreneur it can feel like a never-ending cycle with no escape. If you continue to let this feeling fester, it will inevitably spill into your personal relationships and overall health, making your business no longer sustainable. In this episode you will discover how to: Re-charge your battery beyond your business at least once a week Honor your body's natural energetic fluctuations when you are planning your schedule Avoid making decisions that are good for your business but bad for your life See the full show notes here.
170. Meditation for Entrepreneurs
04/08/2021 Duration: 15minThis week, the podcast gets a makeover. While relationships are still an important aspect of my business, I also want to share insight on how to be successful without sabotaging your relationships. You should never have to sacrifice one for the other. I can directly correlate my success in both to the practice of Meditation. Consistently taking the time to sit in this peaceful state is a declaration of your own inherent value. In this episode you will discover how to: Break the habit of waking up and checking your phone Release the overwhelm of constantly striving for the next goal without ever feeling like the present moment is enough See your worth just through existing See the full show notes here.
169. Igniting Wonder
21/07/2021 Duration: 11minToday, I'm letting you in on one of my most profitable business secrets. This technique is the key to love and success on a long-term basis. At the start of any new venture, we are filled with inspiration and wonder. The sense of possibility is undeniably exciting and we often project the fantasy onto our idea of the future. Yet over time, this excitement fizzles out. As humans, we are always creating problems in our brain; we are programmed to anticipate issues. Once you get used to an experience, it loses its allure. In this episode you will discover: How to reroute your brain from always finding something wrong How to tap into the magic that is there below the surface How to interrupt your problem-seeking mindset by shifting focus See the full show notes here.
168. Permission to Be Human
14/07/2021 Duration: 13minYour life doesn't have to be perfect to be okay. Perfect is boring. In this episode, Erin teaches you that your humanness is your super power. You will discover: How to make any messy part of your life easier to get through and even learn from When to rely on an expert versus muscling through something to bring your dreams to life Why things sometimes have to get a little messy before the transformation is complete Give yourself permission and space to have flaws, this is what makes you unlike anyone else. Find out how Erin can support you and find the full show notes here:
167. Creating Your Spiritually Aligned Business
07/07/2021 Duration: 16minIf you feel shame or doubt about trying to align your spiritual inspiration with your business goals, you're suffering needlessly. This episode will help you unravel the most damaging thoughts around creating wild success in your life. You will discover: The core beliefs that spiritual entrepreneurs often struggle with and how to make them work for you instead of against you How to think about money in a way that opens you up to more of it in your life and more connection with those you serve How to make your spiritual path fuel your business success and vice versa Apply for the secret mastermind here
166. Morning Rituals
29/06/2021 Duration: 17minAs an entrepreneur who wants more love and success in your life, you need to carve out time in your day—every day—to self-invest. You need to spend time by yourself and focus on your essence, free of all the identifiers of your life outside of your business. Because without a foundation of self-investment and prioritizing the most important person in your life—you—you risk burnout and arriving at your business milestones alone and exhausted. In this episode you will discover: How I make time for daily self-investment even while running a multiple six-figure business and raising two young children How to clear away mental clutter and put your life into perspective Practices to generate creativity and gratitude, no matter what is happening in your life See the full show notes here.
165. Flow Productivity
23/06/2021 Duration: 11minIf you have ever experienced a "flow state" in your work then you probably know why so many people think of this as rare and magical. But what if you could drop into flow state at will simply by creating a more aligned schedule? This is what Flow Productivity is all about. And when it comes to creating more Love + Success, learning how to work with your natural strengths and energetic fluctuations will not only allow you to have a more impact in your business, BUT you will find yourself with more energy at the end of the day to enjoy the life and relationships you have built. If this sounds like a skill you need to learn, join the waitlist for the Love + Success Formula program here: I can't wait to help you use your precious time and energy well.
164. Manifesting Money
16/06/2021 Duration: 26minMoney is a loaded subject for many of us and the Default Beliefs we have about it are directly related to how we deal with money as entrepreneurs. Today in my conversation with Master Coach Jamie Berman we are talking about a tool you can use to not only make money but to change the unhelpful beliefs you may have about it. In this episode you will learn: a simple technique to start to manifest more money the importance of being consistent with your manifestation practice why true wealth is an inside job And if you loved this episode and want to learn more about Jamie and her work, you can connect with her here in the shownotes:
163. Your Business Intuition
08/06/2021 Duration: 18minThis week I share how my intuition helped me make some big decisions recently, and how it's turning out. In this episode you will learn: When to work with an expert in growing your business, and when that's just a distraction from your own inner knowing. How to know what your own voice of intuition sounds like and how to use it to grow your business. When to use thought work so you get the most momentum from your intuition. To find out more about the Love + Success Formula program, opening this week, visit
162. Making Business Decisions That Are Good For Your Life
19/05/2021 Duration: 22minSo many entrepreneurs make decisions for their business that seem to make sense for their growth and impact, but don't take into account what's good for the person running the show and their relationships. Steve and I both know how to work hard to grow a business, and we have both seen what happens when the business becomes the sole focus. This week we are sharing some big, raw changes that we decided on mere hours ago and how we did it with drama free communication for the good of ourselves. When you focus on self-investing and show up to your life nourished, your business will thrive as well. And if you want to work with one of us this summer, privately or on a retreat, head over to: and book time to learn more about how we can help you create the love and success you want.
161. The Love + Success Formula
05/05/2021 Duration: 21minErin is cutting back her working hours without slowing down in her business. If that sounds interesting to you, this episode is a must-listen. She and her husband Steve walk through the exact process she's using to spend more time with her family and less time working, while still growing her business. In this episode you will discover: How to decide which things to cut out of your work day and how to manage your mind around them. The exact role of working with a coach to make sure this process is successful in your life. How to apply the Love + Success Formula in your life so you never think of your setbacks as failures again For episode bonuses, head to
160. Love + Success
28/04/2021 Duration: 24minDon't miss the live Love + Success Summit, bringing together best-selling authors and world-renowned coaches to help you create more love in your relationships and success in your business. Register here now: On this episode, we give you a sneak peak into the upcoming summit and why it's not to be missed. You will learn: Why love is the best foundation for a successful business and how to keep it front and center. Why creating more success (i.e. money) is not a cold and sterile thing but can actually be a spiritual good. How to practice self-love in a way that supercharges your productivity. We mention many of the speakers we'll be featuring. To learn more about each of the speakers at the Summit and register, visit
159. No Drama Communication
22/04/2021 Duration: 22minI'm joined by my partner, Steve Haase, for this episode as we share what we've learned about communicating well. If you find that conversations with your partner escalate, sometimes for no apparent reason, this episode will help you understand what's going on. You will learn: How to listen without "fixing" your partner or making their words mean something negative about you How to speak about your experience without it being a low-key blaming session towards your partner How to connect with your purpose as a couple to elevate the conversation and prevent it from spinning out To learn more about working with us to improve your relationship—including our upcoming free event, the Love + Success Summit—head to the show notes for this episode at:
158. Building Better Friendships
14/04/2021 Duration: 32minThis week's special guest is another wonderful client of mine, Jewel Hohman, the BrainBasedCoach. We dive deep into common misconceptions people have about creating more love in their relationships. These simple beliefs cause so much suffering, while changing them opens the door to love. If you think that being hard on yourself is the only way to keep from getting complacent, or that withholding love from people is the best way to keep from getting hurt, you must listen to this episode. From our conversation, you will learn: Why accepting yourself as you are is the first step to getting amazing things done. Why some goals drain you while others give you energy and fun. The most painful thought you're probably thinking about your partner and options that feel better and are likely more true. To learn more about Jewel and her work, head to the show notes for this episode at:
157. The Perfect Hobby for Entrepreneurs
07/04/2021 Duration: 30minThis past year I realized that every time I get a new "hobby" it becomes something I end up turning into some big think or making it part of my business. That is until I met today's guest, Valerie, the Knitting Fairy Godmother. In this episode you will learn why: every entrepreneur needs a self-care hobby outside of their work why using your hands to create is so satisfying in our digital world how to keep your hobby fun and not turn it into a perfectionistic obligation If you are intrigued and want to give knitting a try, you can learn everything you need from the Knitting Fairy Godmother here in the show notes:
156. Asking For and Receiving Help
01/04/2021 Duration: 24minI'm joined by my husband and fellow relationship coach, Steve Haase, for this week's episode about asking for help. If you usually wait until the world is falling apart before reaching out for help, this episode is for you. Whether it's in your business or your relationship, asking for help before things get out of control is a practice that will propel you faster to your dreams and save you needless suffering. In this episode you will learn: Why people often wait until they're in pain to reach out, despite the huge cost of waiting. How to ask for help in a way that creates less drama and more intimacy. How to drop the mask of "being fine" and live a richer life If you are an Entrepreneur who wants to scale your business but doesn't want to sacrifice your relationship in the meantime, join us in Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs here.
155. Confidently Achieve Your Goals
24/03/2021 Duration: 32minThis week's podcast features one of my former clients, Savanna Schiavo of Confidence With Savanna. Learn about all things confidence and entrepreneurship through Savanna's personal journey becoming a confidence coach and why that work is so important. I also share my own work on self-worth and how it directly relates to your financial goals and how you scale. If you're an entrepreneur who sometimes freaks out about your goals, you're going to love this episode. Learn more about how to be productive and present at our brand new, free masterclass here:
154. Relationship Expectations and Entrepreneurs
17/03/2021 Duration: 30minWhen your partner signed on to life with an entrepreneur, they may not have known what they were getting into. After all, unplanned work when you're struck by inspiration (or a deadline) can make it hard on your partner when they don't feel the same passion about your business. While you may know they aren't second fiddle to your business, chances are they don't. Today we are going to help you clean up the unmet expectations plaguing your relationship. In this live episode you will learn: why expectations are a problem for most couples how to clean up tense moments prompted by an unmet expectation how to drop expectations and create collaborative agreements instead This is just one of the ways we are helping entrepreneurs enjoy their lives. Join us inside
153. Turning Off Your Business Brain
10/03/2021 Duration: 24minAs an entrepreneur, do you find it hard to "turn off" at the end of your business day? Today Steve and Erin are going to share how to make the transition between work time and being with your partner and yourself. In this episode you will learn: why you can't shut off your business brain how to use self-investing to become more present for yourself and your relationship some simple ways to help you transition between work time and family time This is the episode that could change everything. And if you are ready to get started, join us inside the Relationship Alchemy Program here: