Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
247: Strong Boundaries for Leaders
28/06/2023 Duration: 27minBoundaries help you stay strong and focused as a leader because they protect your energy and mental space. But did you know they also help create connection? Many leaders shy away from strong boundaries because they think they'll be perceived as cold, inaccessible, or mean. But boundaries are the exact opposite. They help you perform at your best, which helps all the people who depend on you to thrive. If you find yourself stretched too thin, people pleasing, or resentful of a team that doesn't respect your boundaries, this episode will help you take back your time and energy. You will discover: How to set a boundary that actually works, instead of simply hoping people will respect it How to reinforce a boundary in a way that results in more connection How to use boundaries based on your values to create a better work culture For full notes and transcript visit the show notes page here:
246: Being a Great Boss with Jen Frey
21/06/2023 Duration: 35minHave you ever worked for—or been—an indecisive boss? How about someone who swoops in and “saves the day” time and again? Neither of those feel very good, either to the team or to the leader, yet they are far too common in today’s workplace. Why is it so hard to find—or be—a great leader? The fact is, leadership is its own discipline, one that requires study and practice. Today’s episode features a special guest expert on leadership development, Jen Frey. Jen is a Master Certified Life and Leadership Coach, speaker, and host of the Think on Purpose podcast. You’re going to learn: How to build self-confidence so you can get over indecision and evolve as a leader How to empower your team to rise to their best and why "being lazy" will help you do that How to motivate people towards a goal, and why celebration works better than deprivation in this department For the full show notes and transcript visit:
245: Getting Your Team to Meet Your Standards
13/06/2023 Duration: 23minWelcome to the first of this mini-series of episodes specifically devoted to leadership. Whether you have a team of 1 or 100, these episodes will help you be more clear and confident in your leadership so you can get the results you want for your business. When managing a team, most business owners and leaders find themselves on one end of the Standards Spectrum: They either leave their desires so vague that their team has no chance of meeting them, or They are so detailed about everything that they micromanage out the magic. Today's episode will teach you how to avoid both of these unhappy points of the Standards Spectrum and create a work environment that your people love and that gets results that grow your business. You will discover: How to give your team autonomy while still holding high standards How to create a culture of success rather than rule-following, which will help your people access their fullest potentials in service of your highest standards The massive price of not holding your people t
244: Light Your Next Business Lantern
06/06/2023 Duration: 17minIf you want to achieve important things in your business without getting depleted or exhausted, this episode is for you. In it, Erin and Steve introduce you to a new way of thinking about your goals and milestones: lighting lanterns. You will discover: Why lanterns are more soulful, inspiring, and human than goals, and how this small change in wording can help you align your business with your deeper calling in life How to create a worthy lantern for your business with 3 steps Why lighting lanterns with others makes the process easier, faster, and more fun, and how to get exceptional support for your next milestone For the full show notes and transcript visit the show notes page here.
243: When Your Marketing Is Not Working
30/05/2023 Duration: 13minIf you are frustrated and overwhelmed by marketing, or just not doing it because... you're frustrated and overwhelmed by it, you need to listen to this week's episode of the Superabound podcast. In the episode, you will discover: The easiest and fastest way to solve any marketing problem, so you can stop guessing and start reaching your ideal customers How to create authentic and lasting relationships with your customers that make them raving fans who love to tell others about your business How to have more fun and creativity in your marketing, so you can enjoy the process and get better results Don’t miss this episode if you want to transform your marketing and grow your business faster. Go to for the full show notes and transcript.
242: Making Friends With Money
24/05/2023 Duration: 24minIf you want more money in your life, you need to examine your relationship with it, since the world around us has some very unhelpful beliefs about money that we may have picked up without knowing it. The fact is, it feels amazing to be "in the money stream," and as a business owner you are in a position for that to be happening. And all you may need to increase the flow of money towards you and your business is a small shift in how you think about it. This is a must-listen if you are a business owner or leader who may have some unhelpful money beliefs kicking around in your mind. In this episode, you will discover: Why making friends with money will help you sell more and enjoy the abundance you create How to be friends with money even when it doesn't feel like you're on good terms, i.e. there doesn't seem to be enough Erin's breakthrough insight that helped her work less (gasp!), take better care of herself, and make more money Money-friendly thoughts you can practice to bring more of it into your life
241: Strategy and Spirituality
17/05/2023 Duration: 25minIf you’re tired of following rigid and linear frameworks that promise business growth but leave you feeling empty and disconnected, this episode is for you. You’ll learn how to integrate spirituality and strategy in your business, so you can create a company that aligns with your values and fulfills your purpose. In this episode, you will discover: How spirituality can help you navigate uncertainty and complexity in your business How to identify and align your business with your core values How to use challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and transformation For full episode notes and transcript, visit the show notes page here.
240: Boosting Team Morale
10/05/2023 Duration: 19minHow do you keep your team motivated and engaged, especially during challenging times? In this episode of the Superabound Podcast, we share insights on how to boost team morale by clarifying the game your business is playing, and helping your people win it. You will discover: What to do—and what to avoid—when morale is low The role of feelings in helping your people do their best work Why you don't have to know what's going on to help your team recover from a low point For the full show notes and transcript visit
239: Better Meetings
03/05/2023 Duration: 19minDo you spend too many hours each week in meetings that could have been an email instead? Is work not getting done to a level that makes you proud of your people and your business? This week's podcast will help you and your team get more done and at a higher level than before. You will discover: The hidden reasons work doesn't get done the way you expect it to, and how to bring those dynamics to the surface so you can deal with them How to use vision and accountability to help people rise to their best and ensure your meetings move your team forward A simple thought experiment to determine whether to have a meeting or not To get the full show notes and transcript click here. And to download the free Superabound Meeting Template, visit
238: Resetting Your Energy
26/04/2023 Duration: 20minWhen your energy dips, it doesn't just affect the way you feel personally. As a business owner, your energy ripples out to everyone you touch. Being grouchy all the time with your team, your customers, or your loved ones will lead to things falling apart. And being a great leader means knowing how to handle the moments when you feel off so you can lead intentionally, not reactively. In this episode you will discover: Signs you might need to reset your energy, and how to do it Practices that reset your energy on both subtle, mental, and physical levels so you can find what works best for you based on your situation Why "thinking positive" isn't enough to get your energy back on track and what to do instead. For the full show notes and transcript click here.
237: Meditation for Business Owners
19/04/2023 Duration: 21minAs an entrepreneur or leader, all the responsibility is on your shoulders and there is no place to unplug from the performance and metrics of your business. And when you're always on, you can't recharge, make room for new ideas, or enjoy success when you create it. That's why meditation is so important for business owners. In this episode you will discover: The different types of meditation and how you can use them to manage your mind and energy Why many people fail to make a habit of meditation and miss its long-term benefits for health and well-being How to avoid getting frustrated when meditating and why the goal of quieting your mind can backfire To join the 5-day Meditation Exploration for Entrepreneurs and Leaders visit For the full show notes and transcript click here.
236: Smart Accountability for Entrepreneurs
12/04/2023 Duration: 21minDo you struggle with accountability, either for yourself or with members of your team? If you don't have accountability for results in your business, you'll never be able to get out of the weeds and grow. The secret to creating real accountability is to go deeper than most leaders go, and tap into Smart Accountability. In this episode you will discover: The problem with accountability the usual way, and why it often backfires How to facilitate smart accountability in your business, so you don't need to check in on your people all the time A happy side effect for your work relationships you might not have thought of To get the full show notes and transcript, visit
235: Feelings at Work
05/04/2023 Duration: 19minSome feelings are welcome at work, while others are seen as unprofessional. Is it okay to cry at the office? How about yelling out of anger? If your company has unwritten rules or norms about "good" or "bad" feelings, you might be preventing people from being as connected and creative as they can be. In this week's episode of the podcast you will discover: How to stay connected with people regardless of their emotional responses to the moment Why feelings can be such tricky territory at work, and how to get better at navigating them Why a deliberate approach to handling feelings at the workplace will help your business thrive for the long term For the full show notes, click here
234: Sales Mistakes and How to Fix Them
29/03/2023 Duration: 29minAs a business owner, sales create the fuel for your company to realize its purpose in the world. Getting better at selling not only means reaching your goals sooner, it also makes the work of business ownership more fun and fulfilling. Yet many people still think of "sales" as a dirty word. So they don't develop their skill and love for it. Yes, you can love selling. And you can be great at it. This episode will introduce you to some of the common mistakes we see business owners make when they sell their product or service, and how you can fix the ones you may be making. You will discover: The feeling in your body that lets you know that something might be off with your selling, and how to realign with what's best for everyone involved The words in your sales copy or conversations that turn prospects off and which ones let them know that you're on their side Why it sometimes backfires to put a lot of energy into a sales process, and what to do instead so that you only sign the best clients For the transcrip
233: The Truth About Vacations as a Business Owner
22/03/2023 Duration: 32minMany business owners have issues around taking vacation. They either won't do it at all, won't take as much time as they really want, won't be able to fully unplug, or will feel guilty that they're relaxing while their team is grinding it out back home. If any of these describe your approach to vacations and unplugging, this episode is a must listen. We just returned from 3 weeks in Maui and are sharing the good the bad and the ugly of it all. Yes, even in Maui things can get ugly sometimes. You will discover: The mindset required to take an extended vacation Why it matters to your business and well-being that you take time off How to roll with the inevitable disappointments and frustrations of travel so you don't "waste" any of those precious days off For full show notes visit the show notes page here.
232: Growing a Beautiful Business with Vanessa Dineen
15/03/2023 Duration: 35minVanessa Dineen is an inspiring Canadian entrepreneur. As the co-owner of Toronto’s Sash and Bustle bridal boutique, she has grown it from an 800 square foot space with room for only 1 client at a time, to a 5-room bridal experience and a staff of nearly 20. Listen to the conversation with Vanessa and discover: How unpleasant experiences in your life can unlock new doors for business growth How to set up a low-risk experiment and why that skill is one of the biggest factors for success How to create a vision that allows you to grow your business while loving your life For the full show notes including video and transcript click here.
231: Writing for Love and Profit with bestselling authors Ellen Daly and Carter Phipps
08/03/2023 Duration: 48minEllen Daly is a New York Times bestselling collaborative author, having written books with relationship expert Esther Perel, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, and many others. Carter Phipps is the co-author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Conscious Leadership, author of Evolutionaries, and co-founder of the Institute for Cultural Evolution. In this episode you will discover: How to grow a business that has impact and purpose in the ways that feel right for you The importance of relationships in creating the business of your dreams, and how to cultivate them both for their own sake as well as in service of your bigger vision What makes for an amazing business model, and how to know when you’ve got one Get the full show notes including the transcript and video of the conversation here.
230: Creating Time—a Conversation With Vikki Louise
01/03/2023 Duration: 48minIf you ever found yourself wishing you had more time, today’s episode is for you. Vikki is a feminist time and rest coach as well as a close friend of ours. You will discover: How to use time for what matters most in your life Why resting is never a waste of time, despite how our culture continues to glorify hustle, long hours, and poor sleep Which common thoughts about time actually cause us to get less done Get the full show notes here.
229. Grow Smooth
22/02/2023 Duration: 22minDiscover a countercultural process to help you have a sustainable business and an incredible life. Rather than focusing on growing as fast as possible, growing smooth means you are more interested in long term sustainability and health, not just in your business, but also in your personal life. This episode of the podcast will introduce you to Grow Smooth, the new business course from Superabound. We believe business is a spiritual practice. Explore how that might be true for you and what you can do to have a more aligned personal and work life. Discover what one activity will help you make sense of your setbacks and put today's challenges into a big picture, so you can have more energy and creativity in your business. To learn more about the Grow Smooth course, visit
Follow the Fun: With Marketing Legend David Meerman Scott
15/02/2023 Duration: 41minIn addition to being the author of bestselling books The New Rules of Marketing and PR and Fanocracy, plus being a sought-after keynote speaker at events such as Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery, David Meerman Scott is a ridiculously thoughtful, kind, and fun person to be around. David’s message matters to business owners because he shows how to have a massive impact in the world on your own terms. He also shares stories of major life transformations—from being a corporate executive to being a brand new business owner, as well as from living a rather unhealthy lifestyle to being in the best shape of his life in his early 60s. You will discover: How to manage setbacks so they open up greater opportunities How to build rewarding business relationships Why getting fired from a job can be a gift, and Why “Have fun” can be a great business plan. To get the full show notes for today’s episode head to and while you’re there make sure to sign up for the free Business Growth Grader that you’l