Alive With Purpose

246: Being a Great Boss with Jen Frey



Have you ever worked for—or been—an indecisive boss? How about someone who swoops in and “saves the day” time and again? Neither of those feel very good, either to the team or to the leader, yet they are far too common in today’s workplace. Why is it so hard to find—or be—a great leader? The fact is, leadership is its own discipline, one that requires study and practice. Today’s episode features a special guest expert on leadership development, Jen Frey. Jen is a Master Certified Life and Leadership Coach, speaker, and host of the Think on Purpose podcast.  You’re going to learn: How to build self-confidence so you can get over indecision and evolve as a leader How to empower your team to rise to their best and why "being lazy" will help you do that How to motivate people towards a goal, and why celebration works better than deprivation in this department For the full show notes and transcript visit: