Alive With Purpose

245: Getting Your Team to Meet Your Standards



Welcome to the first of this mini-series of episodes specifically devoted to leadership. Whether you have a team of 1 or 100, these episodes will help you be more clear and confident in your leadership so you can get the results you want for your business. When managing a team, most business owners and leaders find themselves on one end of the Standards Spectrum: They either leave their desires so vague that their team has no chance of meeting them, or They are so detailed about everything that they micromanage out the magic. Today's episode will teach you how to avoid both of these unhappy points of the Standards Spectrum and create a work environment that your people love and that gets results that grow your business. You will discover: How to give your team autonomy while still holding high standards How to create a culture of success rather than rule-following, which will help your people access their fullest potentials in service of your highest standards The massive price of not holding your people t