Alive With Purpose

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 133:59:47
  • More information



Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content


  • 85. Marriage Mindset Part 1

    10/11/2019 Duration: 19min

    Today we are talking about the mindset you NEED to have a thriving relationship.  This is part one and you will love it. And you are interested in hearing about the latest adventures you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram

  • 84. Emotional Control

    05/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    In this Facebook Live episode we are talking about how to own your feelings in any relationship. Most people think that their emotional state just happens or is at the mercy of the people around them. There is another way of looking at this that is more useful, with your partner, your co-workers or even your kids. Watch this video on Facebook here  And if you want to learn how to apply all these tools to your life, book a free consultation here.

  • Work Life Balance

    29/10/2019 Duration: 18min

    One of the crowning achievements in modern society is the attainment of "Work Life Balance".  The truth is, I can't think of one single person who has this locked down and I know a lot of thoughtful, brilliant people. Today I want to help you reassess this goal in your life and figure out how to be the master of your own schedule so that your relationship AND your work can thrive. If you are a hard worker or entrepreneur who has trouble switching off and needs some help to be present with your partner, I can help. Book a free consultation with me here.  

  • 82. Challenging Conversations

    22/10/2019 Duration: 23min

    A hurdle for many couples is around communication. More specifically those topics or lines of conversation that quickly turn into an argument. Today I want to give you a huge life line in your relationship, the steps to navigate a difficult conversation. This tool is one of the most popular ones I teach clients in my six month program. If you need help to figure out how to have challenging conversations and NOT let it devolve into a fight, this is your episode. And I want to invite you to transform your relationship in my program. All you need to do is get on a free consultation call to see if this is what you have been waiting for. Sign up for your call here  

  • 81. How to WANT to Have Sex

    15/10/2019 Duration: 18min

    It is very common for my Life Coaching clients to have issues around sex. Some of them just don't know how to WANT sex anymore. Its become a little dull or awkward for some. Other clients tell me they just feel too tired or stressed for sex. This podcast will teach you a few fundamentals to approach sex in your relationship from a new perspective. And remember, you don't have to figure this out alone. I work with people who are ready to create happier healthier relationships all the time and that includes learning how to enjoy sex again. If you want to learn more about how I can support your relationship, book a free consultation with me here.  

  • 80. Bringing First Date Energy Into Your Relationship

    07/10/2019 Duration: 14min

    Think of the best first date you have ever been on. How would your relationship change right now if you brought that same vibration in more often. Today I am going to help you bring that back into your regular life with your partner. And if you are serious about reigniting love, passion and generally having more fun in your relationship it is time to sign up for a free consult and learn how to make this happen on the regular in your life.

  • 79. Lessons from 5 Years of Marriage

    01/10/2019 Duration: 21min

    Welcome back to the podcast! Since we went on break, I had my 5 year anniversary of being married. What I did to celebrate might shock you. In this opening episode I am going to share the most important insights and lessons I have learned in my relationship and how they can help you make yours better. And if you are serious about having a thriving relationship, we should talk. Click here to book your free 30 minute consultation with me now.

  • How I Am Solving My Current Marriage Problem

    06/09/2019 Duration: 15min

    Listen, Relationship Coaches have marriage issues too. In today's very vulnerable Facebook Live, I will share the main issue I am struggling with and my step-by-step process for figuring it out. Get the full written breakdown here and this process on any issue in your relationship as my gift to you.  

  • FINALE: Changing The Thesis Of Your Relationship

    27/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    This is my last episode for you for the next few months, but its a powerful one. Today you are going to learn the most powerful thing you can do to make your relationship happier and healthier. I will also share a personal experience of how my husband worked through a time I was really, really mad about something. Let's stay tight until we are back: Join the 5 Day Bring Back the Love Challenge Follow me on Facebook and join me for some fantastic live content. Subscribe to the blog and get my fresh ideas for your relationship And when you are ready to take everything you are hearing and apply it to your relationship and your life, you can learn how to work with me here.  

  • 77. The Secret to a Romantic Relationship

    20/08/2019 Duration: 17min

    I just got back from an epic weekend away. This episode is going to teach you the core of why it was so romantic and amazing. Hint: It wasn't the hotel, the dinners, the city or anything else people usually expect. In this episode I am going to teach you the true key that you must have in place in order to have a romantic relationship + an exercise you can do before next week to help you dive deeper. If you are ready to get your relationship to a place that feels loving and romantic, I can teach you. Book a time to talk with me about coaching here. And once you finish this episode, share what you learned about your magical obstacle here in the comments of the show notes.

  • Rethink Your Assumptions

    13/08/2019 Duration: 24min

    Some assumptions we are taught to have in our relationship sound really sweet at first. your partner should be your best friend you should tell each other everything you should expect that they will always support you Today I want to take a deeper look at what we assume in relationships and find out if these ideas are helping you or hurting you. If you are ready to stop assuming and start creating the relationship of your dreams, get on the phone with me here. I only work with a few new clients each month so book a time now to avoid a long wait.  

  • How Working Out Helped My Marriage

    06/08/2019 Duration: 21min

    You guys know I love my Peloton right? I love it so much I decided to workout every day for a full month, something that I could never do even as a yoga teacher for 15+ years. It was both challenging and fun, but what I learned from doing that has changed my self-image...and my marriage. On this special Facebook Live episode you will learn the main things I took away from my July challenge and apply them to your life and your relationship.  And if you are ready to up-level your relationship, join my free 5 Day Bring Back the Love Challenge here

  • Putting Off Your Goals + Big News

    02/08/2019 Duration: 09min

    In September my coaching program is going to change. This PSA on waiting for the "right" time, shame, doubt and a mini-challenge could not be a better reminder of how often we sabotage ourselves with waiting for the next big event to be over. If you have been thinking of working with me, NOW is the best time to get started. Learn more here:

  • Power Struggle & An Unsupportive Partner

    30/07/2019 Duration: 17min

    When you don't feel supported by your partner it is easy to get into a power struggle. Maybe you both take turns withholding love or intentionally disconnect in order to punish them. Some couples engaged in power struggles using money or time against each other. Relationships where power struggles feel tense and adversarial and rather than engage to figure it out together, it drives a wedge between people. Many of my clients come to me with their relationship in this state and confide that they fear their partner won't support them or help to rebuild a healthy relationship. This episode might be the thing that changes all that. In it I will tell you how: to spot a power struggle and why it leads you to think your partner isn't supportive how to get the only support you need the keys to creating a relationship you want (hint: its actually quite easy)

  • Mental Load

    23/07/2019 Duration: 39min

    The concept of "Mental Load" is one we are hearing more and more about these days. I invited my colleague and friend Clotilde Dusoulier to the show to talk about Mental Load and its impact on our relationships and our lives. In this episode you will learn: what 'mental load' is how to recognize when you are feeling the weight of your household on your shoulders how to change your mindset before there is a problem how to reduce your 'load" To learn more about Clotilde visit her site here or find her on Instagram And if you are ready to take my 5 Day Challenge, bring back the love here

  • Emotional Maturity and Blame

    19/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    Blame feels easy to do when someone says or does something and you have a negative emotion afterwards. Today I want to share with you a radical concept. Blame is disempowering to you. In this FB Live I want to give you an alternative to blame that will help you stay in a more emotionally mature space where you can think and act in ways that best serve you. Don't forget to join me on Facebook so you can be part of these Lives and ask your questions. Like our page here. And if you are serious about ending the cycle of blame in your relationship, I want to invite you to a free coaching consultation here. You will learn how I can help you overcome this pattern so you can feel empowered and in control of your life.

  • Adult Tantrums and Overreacting

    16/07/2019 Duration: 15min

    When a little kid is mid tantrum it is easy to see what is going on. Something didn't go their way and they are freaking the f&*k out. But grown-ups have tantrums all the time as well. Overreacting, blaming other people for their negative feelings, making passive aggressive remarks and freezing people out are just a few signs of an adult tantrum. Today we are talking about another option for dealing with your feelings that no one taught you as a child. AND I will give you one mindset shift to help you stop acting in ways you aren't proud of. If you are ready for more personalized help, sign up for a free consultation with me. On that call you will get a customized plan to revitalize Your relationship.

  • Long Distance Relationships and Love

    12/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    If you are in a long distance relationship or you and your partner both travel solo often, then you know that distance seems to amplify feelings of loneliness and insecurity. In this Facebook Live, I want to share with you two simple mindset shifts to help you feel love and connection even when you aren't in the same physical space as your partner. Don't forget to "Like" our Facebook page here so you can interact with me on the Live's. AND if you haven't taken the Bring Back the Love 5 Day Challenge, sign up here. It's free and mind-blowing.

  • Insensitive

    09/07/2019 Duration: 19min

    One of the biggest complaints my clients have about their partner is that they are insensitive. This belief is a potent poison to many relationships. Today I am here to help you rethink what exactly your partner says or does that you believe is insensitive. One thing I teach my clients is that your beliefs are a cocktail made up of optional thoughts and feelings and often contain very few "facts". When you believe your partner is insensitive your brain isn't open to seeing anything but that. So today lets open this up and reconsider. I will give you an exercise to help. And if you done trying to have a better relationship all by yourself, reach out to me for a free consultation here to learn how I can help you in my one-on-one coaching program. You will leave that call with a personal Revitalize Your Relationship plan. 

  • Healthy Relationship Hacks

    02/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Truth be told, I am not a big fan normally of shortcuts and hacks, but when it comes to having a better relationship, I see so many people making it much harder than in needs to be. Do these five things and you will feel empowered to set a new course. In this episode you will learn: the five relationship hacks you can use right away why you need to actually practice these ideas in your life the mindset shift you need before you can feel love how to get personalized help for your relationship After you listen don't forget to take my 5 Day Bring Back the Love Challenge. Sign up free here.

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