More Travel In Life

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:23:52
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Conversations with folks just like you getting creative in making their travel dreams come true - whether combining with work, volunteering, family or some other way...and not letting limited vacation time or funds diminish their goals. Listen to great travel stories and creative approaches to inspire your next travel adventure. Hosted by 9th House Studios owner Jen Miller.


  • 024 Why Photography-Focused Trips Deepen Your Travel Experience

    06/11/2018 Duration: 55min

    Michael  Chinnici has traveled the world and knows the power of photography to elevate a destination experience. He is the Founder and CEO of Photo Workshop Adventures, a premier photo tour company offering photo-centric adventure vacations in over 100 destinations in over 50 countries. We talked about so many things highlighted below, but I'll share his two biggest tips for better memories and world-class destination photography. Be a storyteller: Find a way to tell a story with characters, backdrops, and movement Follow the light: Structure your day according to the sun (if you want killer photos) EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS:  Insight into what makes up an amazing photographic destination The ability of the camera to transform your perspective on a destination and level of awareness How he ensures that every aspect of the trip (hotel, food, and outings) is perfectly curated putting photography at the center of the trip How he justifies staying at a palace or castle (it's the experience + usually affordable in sel

  • 023 A Travel Curator's Tips to Create Ultimate Trip Experiences (+ her own to Greece)

    30/10/2018 Duration: 54min

    Felicia Ruiz works in the fashion industry, so she's always involved with stylish and in-the-know events and places. She has her pulse on what makes an experience memorable and on trend... and that includes creating personalized and curated travel experiences for clients as a travel curator. If you tend to bookmark all the hidden gems in exotic locations on Instagram, want to learn about how to find those top spots, or want some of the best travel tips to step up your next travel experience, you'll need to take a listen to this episode. And if you've ever dreamt about Greece (haven't we ALL?), she shares every awesome little spot and tip she has from her gorgeously curated trip. It's not-to-miss and you'll want to jot everything down!   Episode Highlights:  - How a paparazzi moment at Paris Fashion Week kicked off a travel curator side hustle - Her experiences in curating trips to Machu Picchu, Alaska, and New Orleans - Having a travel agent Mom embedded a travel planning gene in her DNA - The distinction bet

  • 022 Exciting Travel Update: What We're Doing, Where We're Headed, What Are We Forgetting?

    23/10/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this mini episode, my husband Kendrick joins me to share some fun upcoming travel news with me. It's a funny one!  We leave in 10 days. The house. The dog. Our incomes. Hear about the big, and little, things we've been stressing about and the items on our growing to-do list to be able to do a 5 week trip abroad. And most of all, tell us about that one thing what we’re forgetting about. Have something that we left off the list? Leave a comment or tip below for us. We need the help!

  • 021 'Digital Nomad Girls' Founder Empowers a Female Community of Travelers

    16/10/2018 Duration: 58min

    Jenny Lachs created a Facebook Group when she needed more information on how to do this "nomad" thing 3 years ago. That "Digital Nomad Girls" group grew to an 18,000 female member private community--posting about how they travel, what they do to earn an income, sharing job leads, and the best tips and destinations. It's an engaging brand and community and now serves as her full-time job to further develop this travel platform. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: How Jenny started her travel journey--growing up in Munich and living in London. How one (accidental) solo trip to Israel gave her a taste of the nomad lifestyle Jenny's perspective on the power of travel, in sharing stories, exploring new places, and learning about new parts of yourself What needs she had when creating the Digital Nomad Girls (DNG) Facebook Group How she took the community offline through retreats and deepened the connections among the group and with the DNG brand The moment she realized there was something unique to grow and expand the DNG Group o

  • 020 How to Pitch Your Boss for Remote Work

    09/10/2018 Duration: 40min

    What's the worst that can happen? You have to at least ask....  Well, it's not so easy when you have relationships, expectations, and commitments at work. People depend on you! How do you even start to figure out how to approach the topic of REMOTE WORK? Zoe Glade wanted to go explore the US with her husband, but she also wanted to keep her great job. She approached it all in a super smart way, pitched it, and won over her team. She made it work. And she gained so much more than a bucket list trip with her husband. She walks step by step how she handled the pitch. Hear how she did it, so you can try it too! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: How it took just one travel moment to say yes (after a bunch of no's) to her husband's 4 month road trip idea How she researched the heck out of wifi connectivity to stay connected on the road How she intended to balance work and traveling in an RV--so strategic! The single key attribute she gained that benefitted her work (can you guess??)  The time it takes to seed the idea within yo

  • 019 Never Done Solo Travel? How to Start + Dos/Don’ts

    02/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    Another 20 minute mini episode from your host Jen about women’s solo travel. Relevant to today’s news and themes, let’s empower ourselves and each other by gaining confidence through travel! If you’ve ever done it, you know what I’m talking about. The 3 tiers of solo travel: how to start to get comfortable with it The perfect type of solo travel if you want 1) relaxation & reflection 2) adventure & new skills or 3) a totally open itinerary Top 4 Do’s around how to plan your trip, how to plan your days, how locals can help, and staying present Top 4 Don’ts around how to choose your destination, eating solo, staying safe, and when to arrive. I shared a few of my experiences and lessons learned in this short episode, but there’s SO MUCH MORE that you all know too from all your experiences traveling. I’m looking to create and curate a super cool & super valuable upcoming podcast episode featuring you & your best tips. Leave us a comment with your best tip on this episode page! What’s your #1

  • 018 Airstream Travelers: Life, Love, and Quilting

    25/09/2018 Duration: 44min

    If you’ve ever had one of any three obsessions, you must listen to this episode… 1) Airstreams. These guys are experts and 'accidentally' bought their second Airstream. They've rebuilt it from the ground up, custom designing it just for their lifestyle (and it’s gorgeous). They talk about their journey on the episode.  2) The Great American Road Trip. That was the original goal and they keep living it daily. They’ve done it in unconventional ways, but now they’re doing it their way. They’ve now been on the road for over 5 years! 3) Romantic ‘how we met stories.’ I’ll leave it at that — it’s a cute one and they share it together. At the end of the episode, we talk about the 3 super tactical questions I had for their lifestyle: wifi solutions, dog hair, and her quilting career.  Newlyweds John and Laura live in an Airstream with two dogs and a cat. And they're newlyweds too. Their first project together, The Democratic Travelers, earned them the title of National Geographic Travelers of the Year and sent them

  • 017 Round the World Travel Planner Shares His Best Flight Tips

    18/09/2018 Duration: 42min

    Justin Baker has been helping people plan round-the-world travel for over 10 years, as part of AirTreks. They specialize in round the world (RTW) tickets, multi-stop international destinations, and complex flight itineraries. In this episode, he shares how he's not just an agent on the phone but a passionate and experienced traveler working to build amazing experiences for people. He also shares his 10 years of experience and his top tips for planning your flights. It's a must-listen! Episode Highlights:  - The definition and classifications of a RTW flight and plane ticket through an alliance partner network - The flexibility and benefits in using a company like Airtreks (+ the average cost savings!) - Who uses their services, how they work, and who their partners include - Key questions and considerations to think through when approaching your flight planning options (the tips start at 25:00 mark)  - The #1 tactic that can maximize the value of a flight itinerary, with more destinations for no extra (or a t

  • 016 Sabbatical Planning: 5 weeks, 3 continents, 1 Carry-on

    11/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    Been wanting to plan a travel sabbatical? Listen in! In a different format this week, your host Jen shares with you 1x1 this week! No guest this week. Just Jen. It's all about her travel sabbatical planning and approach, what inspired the 5 week travel sabbatical in 2017, and the learnings you can take away from the decisions and choices made along the way--all to inspire your own travel sabbatical. 

  • 015 Creating a Travel-Centered Business + Fitness-Infused Travel Vacations

    04/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    Wondered how to create a travel-centered business? Or maybe you're just into active vacations? Both topics are answered in this dynamic podcast episode!  Through week-long training retreats and far-away triathlon races, Laura Cozik is on a mission to build community and confidence and help women "travel with exceptional people, to precious destinations, for life changing experiences." Laura Cozik runs the triathlon training company Team Lipstick, NYC’s most supportive group of female triathletes.  She is also the Founder and CEO of Team Lipstick Travel, a fitness-infused travel vacation company for sporty women of all levels.    Episode Highlights include:  - how triathlon training builds confidence & community in women  - the magic of travel to inspire change  - taking a gamble in moving to another country to build a travel-focused business     

  • 014 Transformative Travel & Sharing Your Truth to Help Others

    28/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    What drives you to travel? What wisdom do you gain from travel? What's your truth and story--and who could benefit from it? We discuss all of these topics (plus couch surfing and real surfing) with Cam Adair, who we're now calling 'the wisest one.' Cam is a speaker and pioneer on video game addiction. He’s the founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support community helping gamers quit to get their lives back on track. If you like philosophy, wisdom, and inspiration, you'll like this episode.  Episode Highlights:  - The values and benefits inherent in travel  - The present moments of surfing (as an analogy to travel) - Sharing your authentic (and whole) truth to help others in need - Gaming addictions and travel serving similar 'human needs' (Tony Robbins '6 Human Needs' and what you gain understanding this framework)  - Designing your work and life as one holistic approach - Staying connected with friends and making friends on the road - Cam's couch surfing etiquette 101 (being a guest anywhere)  - Pr

  • BONUS: Finding Instagram-Worthy Renovated RV Trailers

    24/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    In this bonus episode, I caught up with NoETA's Scott & Kelsey and got the scoop on their new-to-them light & bright RV trailer. Listen for the key to finding instagram-worthy RV trailers and making memorable purchasing decisions, the accounts to follow trends, and even cost breakdowns. It's a short and fun episode. 

  • 013 RV Lifestyle Got You Curious? How to Have Your 1st Adventure

    21/08/2018 Duration: 42min

    Scott Kiessig and Kelsey Perceval live a life in the moment, unencumbered by deadlines or any agenda. With no estimated time of arrival. They are @No.E.T.A on Instagram. They explore the outdoors on weekends, locally on the West Coast near San Francisco, through their camping trailer and "glamping" lifestyle. They've done it their whole lives and shares their wisdom with us on how to approach this type of RV adventure. After listening to this episode, you’ll absolutely want to try it! Episode Highlights:  - Differences between RVs, trailers, campers, 5th wheels, and more - How to have your first (successful) RV adventure - The #1 piece of advice Kelsey had for any first-timer using an RV or trailer - The types of park amenities to look for as you ease into camping with a trailer - An audio tour of their previous trailer* - The characteristics of a great KOA (and why folks withOUT kids might want to avoid them)

  • 012 Trip Around the World: How to Plan, Stay on Budget, & Change Your Path

    14/08/2018 Duration: 39min

    Ever dreamed of taking a year off to travel the world? Wondered how  to start the planning when it can be so overwhelming on where to start? Learn the keys to get started in this episode. Photographer Josh Meister and Graphic & Stationary Designer Shari Margolin are the husband and wife team of @SocietyofEverywhere. While working full-time, they travel hacked their way to save up enough money to enjoy 11 months of full-time travel across Europe, Asia, and a bit of South America.   They chronicled their around-the-world travel adventure around the world. They also transparently shared their approach to saving, planning, budgeting, airbnb-ing, and adjusting along the way. Learn their biggest tips and lessons learned.    

  • 011 Essential Takeaways + Tips from 10 Episodes

    07/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Want a cheat sheet or cliffs notes for Season 1 to know which episodes you might want to dive into more?'s like ESPNLive with the season's highlights and commentary. I highlight for you the top 1 or 2 biggest takeaways or tips within each episode more travel in life. We all get different ahas out of episodes, so check out a past episode. And if you've listened to all of them, keep me honest and share a key learnings you'd add to this season's highlight reel.  

  • 10 Top 3 Attributes of Online Travel Influencers + Millennial Black Travel

    14/03/2018 Duration: 47min

    With over 22K Instragram followers, Rachel Hill shares with us the world of online travel influencers. Her site and brand brings education and inspiration to the millennial black traveler, and she now also helps other social and online influencers build their own brands.  - How she retired from Corporate America at 27 yrs old - Summoning the needed courage from within to change her own life trajectory (and how you can too)  - What the day to day looks like in working as an online travel influencer - The top 3 attributes of a successful influencer and content creator - How she’s generated income through various outputs, channels, and partnerships - Ways to approach potential partners & collaborators - Defining Black Travel and why it’s unique within the travel industry - Manifesting: why we’re (both) so passionate about that topic  

  • 09 Hack Your Way to More Miles & Travel Rewards

    22/02/2018 Duration: 43min

    Dream of being that couple that jets off every other weekend to travel? Jeff and Nichole Gunn work full-time but they know how to take advantage of rewarding credit card offers and other travel reward hacks. They both share tips and tricks and how they afford and enable first-class level travel. We talk about leveraging credit card offers, reward and loyalty points and programs, and anything else they could think to share (like tips on packing and favorite places to stay).

  • 08 Designing Your Life for Travel

    31/01/2018 Duration: 45min

    The travel bug bit Sarah Tarvin very early. She decided to follow her passions (any of them!) and she made travel a key passion, central to her life's adventures. She has lived on three continents and has traveled to more than 40 countries, and shares the ways she has designed her life with travel as a top priority. Episode Highlights: - How to approach travel as a primary life choice and designing your career for flexibility, optimized to enable travel - Tackling Mt Everest Base Camp as a solo woman traveler (mad props!) - How travel can help support life transitions as reflective time periods - Living, teaching, and working abroad in countries like Oman, Japan, and Nepal - Cost of living differences helping drive affordability for travel for extended time periods - How to travel for extended periods without having tons of savings - How to experiment with freelance & remote work (including key sites for jobs) to support a geo-independent lifestyle

  • 07 Serial Entrepreneur Succeeds with Adventure Sabbaticals

    17/01/2018 Duration: 51min

    Learn more about how travel sabbaticals can drive more creativity and success overall. Dave Williams has been a serial entrepreneur and CEO for over 20 years. He launched, led, and exited two successful startups, 360i and BLiNQ Media. He still serves as an angel investor, advisor, and mentor. He credits his entrepreneurial success to taking time off through extended travel sabbaticals. And now he’s incorporating his many travel experiences to launch his latest startup NomadX.    Episode Highlights:  - Dave's story on the power of sabbaticals to rejuvenate entrepreneurs and the quality of work outputs - His approach to travel, the key role his wife plays in inspiring adventure, and his favorite spots on the planet - How to find the best guides and sources for lower cost & more authentic travel - Companies that can help accelerate the planning of an epic adventure-focused trip - Learning about the islands of Azores, which might be Portugal’s most exotic and best kept secret (shhh..) - Leveraging technology

  • 06 Traveling Beyond as a Safari Adventure Consultant

    10/01/2018 Duration: 37min

    As a travel consultant, Katie Blackstone basically has the dream travel job we all want. Working at Travel Beyond, she helps clients check off their ultimate bucket list trips by creating custom African safaris and adventures. Travel Beyond was recently named to the prestigious Travel + Leisure 2017's World’s Best List as a “Top 10 Safari Outfitter.” Episode highlights:  - Her path to becoming a safari trip expert and millenial travel consultant - An incredible & close encounter with a young gorilla in Rwanda - Her favorite & top 3 destinations and experiences in Africa (write these down!): Greystoke Mahale in Tanzania, Lewa region in Kenya, & the Shinde Camp in the Okavango Delta, Botswana - How her company works to customize every safari and trip, personalized to each client's needs.

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