Conversations with folks just like you getting creative in making their travel dreams come true - whether combining with work, volunteering, family or some other way...and not letting limited vacation time or funds diminish their goals. Listen to great travel stories and creative approaches to inspire your next travel adventure. Hosted by 9th House Studios owner Jen Miller.
05 Ready for Change through Travel? Questions to Ask
26/12/2017 Duration: 39minCourage inspired Jacob Morris to make a change from his steady but traditional corporate track. He shares his journey maneuvering (several times) out of his corporate job to pursue a more travel-centered and independent work, as well as pivoting to a more geographically flexible career. Episode Highlights: - The 2 key questions to ask if you're wanting a big life change - How to specifically work through the common fears and doubts to travel for an extended time - How working abroad can often enables even more frequent travel opportunities and exploration - Getting off autopilot through a mindfulness practice - How to recon & research your next travel destination - The difference between a Tourist Visa & an Education Visa - Experiences living as a local in Bangkok and Amsterdam - How to manage (ironically) the freedom and flexibility of NOT currently having a job
04 Cycling Coast to Coast: 4600 Miles, 1200 Stories
19/12/2017 Duration: 45minTo celebrate his 55th birthday, Rick Berg took off on his bicycle from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine to visit as many friends and family as he could. Throughout his journey, Rick also met many new friends and faces. In those many conversations, he often encouraged others to do one single thing! Listen to what that key ask is from one of the best storytellers in this dynamic and energetic episode. He shares how he developed the idea in just 24 hours, did 15 months of planning and training, and all the lessons gained on this epic adventure. He pedaled 4,600 miles across 26 states in 218 days, climbed more than 5 times the elevation of Mt. Everest, visited more than 300 friends and family on his list, met over 1200 other new people, and completed 31 full weeks of riding. Episode Highlights: - Determining if you're a journey or a destination person--and how it shapes your travel - Planning a cross-country cycling adventure and its unique safety challenges (beacon tracking, gear, battery life, and mountai
03 International Adventure for their Kids in Bali
01/12/2017 Duration: 34minWondered about exploring work abroad opportunities, if you’ve ever wanted an amazing cultural experience for your kids, or if you’ve ever had the thought “do I need all this material stuff I’ve acquired?” We get into all that and more with Pedro Dale as we explore his family’s journey from Brazil to Dubai and now Bali. He shares the perspective it’s provided his family and the life lessons it provides for his kids in the long term. Episode Highlights: – Taking advantage of work abroad opportunities as a way for kids to gain international exposure & culture – Consciously making choices that enable kids to thrive outside of your homeland – How school choice and community can become the leading driver for a new family adventure – Learning through nature, in nature, about nature as an education component – Engaging the community in social enterprise & sustainability projects – Tactical visa help, storing your stuff, and what to do with the dog – Learning to prioritize experiences over material stuff – Ex
02 Getting Creative for that Bucket List Trip
30/11/2017 Duration: 33minDreaming about planning a longer trip to a faraway place, but you work full-time and have a budget? Heather Chappell tells us exactly how she made a 4 week long bucket list trip to India happen by combining volunteering and a work exchange assignment. She takes us along on this awesome solo trip with some fun stories while explaining how you can get really creative in crafting your own next inspired trip. She says, "Don't listen to your fears, whatever you want to do, just find a way to do it." Episode highlights: How Heather leveraged her bucket list travel ideas & her criteria to craft a trip together Merging spiritual exploration + volunteering desires + work value into one valuable trip Working with volunteer organizations to accelerate logistics planning and help stay on budget Weaving in the themes of women in leadership & diversity in the workplace as a cultural learning topic (and as part of the work exchange value) Acknowledging travel insecurities of solo travel & exotic locations, li
01 Who doesn't want More Travel in Life?
20/11/2017 Duration: 03minWe're kicking off the More Travel in Life podcast with a super quick intro to your host, Jen Miller, who's been traveling her entire life. She noticed a recent trend among professionals and regular folks like you, creatively integrating awesome travel into their lives despite jobs, mortgages, or real life. She'll connect with travelers and their stories to creatively inspire more travel in your life.