More Travel In Life

02 Getting Creative for that Bucket List Trip



Dreaming about planning a longer trip to a faraway place, but you work full-time and have a budget? Heather Chappell tells us exactly how she made a 4 week long bucket list trip to India happen by combining volunteering and a work exchange assignment. She takes us along on this awesome solo trip with some fun stories while explaining how you can get really creative in crafting your own next inspired trip. She says, "Don't listen to your fears, whatever you want to do, just find a way to do it."  Episode highlights:  How Heather leveraged her bucket list travel ideas & her criteria to craft a trip together Merging spiritual exploration + volunteering desires + work value into one valuable trip Working with volunteer organizations to accelerate logistics planning and help stay on budget Weaving in the themes of women in leadership & diversity in the workplace as a cultural learning topic (and as part of the work exchange value) Acknowledging travel insecurities of solo travel & exotic locations, li