More Travel In Life

020 How to Pitch Your Boss for Remote Work



What's the worst that can happen? You have to at least ask....  Well, it's not so easy when you have relationships, expectations, and commitments at work. People depend on you! How do you even start to figure out how to approach the topic of REMOTE WORK? Zoe Glade wanted to go explore the US with her husband, but she also wanted to keep her great job. She approached it all in a super smart way, pitched it, and won over her team. She made it work. And she gained so much more than a bucket list trip with her husband. She walks step by step how she handled the pitch. Hear how she did it, so you can try it too! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: How it took just one travel moment to say yes (after a bunch of no's) to her husband's 4 month road trip idea How she researched the heck out of wifi connectivity to stay connected on the road How she intended to balance work and traveling in an RV--so strategic! The single key attribute she gained that benefitted her work (can you guess??)  The time it takes to seed the idea within yo