More Travel In Life

07 Serial Entrepreneur Succeeds with Adventure Sabbaticals



Learn more about how travel sabbaticals can drive more creativity and success overall. Dave Williams has been a serial entrepreneur and CEO for over 20 years. He launched, led, and exited two successful startups, 360i and BLiNQ Media. He still serves as an angel investor, advisor, and mentor. He credits his entrepreneurial success to taking time off through extended travel sabbaticals. And now he’s incorporating his many travel experiences to launch his latest startup NomadX.    Episode Highlights:  - Dave's story on the power of sabbaticals to rejuvenate entrepreneurs and the quality of work outputs - His approach to travel, the key role his wife plays in inspiring adventure, and his favorite spots on the planet - How to find the best guides and sources for lower cost & more authentic travel - Companies that can help accelerate the planning of an epic adventure-focused trip - Learning about the islands of Azores, which might be Portugal’s most exotic and best kept secret (shhh..) - Leveraging technology