More Travel In Life

013 RV Lifestyle Got You Curious? How to Have Your 1st Adventure



Scott Kiessig and Kelsey Perceval live a life in the moment, unencumbered by deadlines or any agenda. With no estimated time of arrival. They are @No.E.T.A on Instagram. They explore the outdoors on weekends, locally on the West Coast near San Francisco, through their camping trailer and "glamping" lifestyle. They've done it their whole lives and shares their wisdom with us on how to approach this type of RV adventure. After listening to this episode, you’ll absolutely want to try it! Episode Highlights:  - Differences between RVs, trailers, campers, 5th wheels, and more - How to have your first (successful) RV adventure - The #1 piece of advice Kelsey had for any first-timer using an RV or trailer - The types of park amenities to look for as you ease into camping with a trailer - An audio tour of their previous trailer* - The characteristics of a great KOA (and why folks withOUT kids might want to avoid them)