We talk mostly about Bigfoot encounters and research.Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter /
On the Shoulders of Giants- Thomas Steenburg - Encounter reports!
23/08/2019 Duration: 01h06minOn this episode of "On the Shoulders of Gianits- Talking Old Timers with Thomas", Julie and Thomas talk about the encounter reports he has taken over the years that are featured in his books and which ones that really stood out to him! This and much more, you do not want to miss this show! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”! Julie is a Monster X Radio host and lives near the Uwharrie Forest i
Monster X Radio: Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Update
05/08/2019 Duration: 01h04minJoin Monster X hosts Gunnar Monson and Craig Yahne as they discuss the latest news surrounding Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest.
Monster X: Ben Freed of Bigfoot Ops
25/07/2019 Duration: 58minMonster X host talks with Ben Freed of Bigfoot Ops in Washington State.
On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas- what is habituation?
14/07/2019 Duration: 49minOn this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas" Julie and Thomas continue their discussions about habituation. What is it, why do some people do it, and why did Jane Goodall cease doing it with food in her research with primates? Why do people who claim to be habituating these creatures never seem to have any evidence to back up their claims? Tune in to find out! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends
The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis welcomes Marine Biologist Bruce A. Champagne!
04/07/2019 Duration: 53minBruce A.Champagne is a marine biologist, criminal justice/security expert, and has been involved with the investigation of relict hominoids and other cryptids for over forty years, and has been published in the Woodknocks: Journal of Sasquatch Research, Journal of Cryptozoology, International Cryptozoology Journal, and Elementum Bestia and Dracontology cryptozoology-related journals. Bruce has also written cryptozoology-related magazine articles, appeared in television and radio programming, and provided background information and consultation for other programming and projects. He has been invited to speak at international functions, and his research is widely cited. Bruce is a member of the International Cryptozoology Society and British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, and was a member of the original International Society of Cryptozoology. Bruce has applied his investigative skills and statistical analysis to sea serpent/sea monster reports and produced a solid database of classification scheme
"It smells like it's time to leave!!"!
24/06/2019 Duration: 33minThomas Sewid, our host of Sasquatch Island Podcast, attended the Muckleshoot Indian Pow Wow in Auburn, Washington recently. He shares a few of the many accounts fellow North American Indians shared with him at his Sasquatch Island vendor booth over the three-day event. “It smells like it’s time to leave!” is a statement from one of these reports when two brothers found a huge cave high atop a mountain smelling like Sasquatch! As always, Thomas enthralls the listener with his wit and charm as a well-versed history and legend speaker. Over the decades Thomas, has honed a skill in story telling that few can compare! You will thoroughly enjoy this show, for Thomas relates to all, some of the stories he has heard from Native Indians from all over North America. Enjoy the show, and if this is the first time listening to Thomas, you will be sure to want to subscribe to Monster X Clusive to hear his numerous podcast on Sasquatch Island! Join the discussion! Join Monster X Radio on Facebook (
On the Shoulders of Giants with Thomas Steenburg- Ohio's Don Keating
07/06/2019 Duration: 49minOn this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas", Julie and Thomas welcome Mike Feltner from the Ohio Night Stalkers to the show to discuss their friend Don Keating from Ohio. Don is Mike's mentor and a long time contributor to the Bigfoot research world and they wanted to give him the proper credit that he deserves for all of his hard work and dedication. Only on Monster X Radio! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories
Shane and Julie discuss recent events in her home state of North Carolina
02/06/2019 Duration: 29minShane and Julie sit down to discuss the recent town hall meeting she attended and what she learned about the area 40 minutes from her house! Also, what is coming up for her in her home state of North Carolina? Join the discussion! Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( us on Twitter to our YouTube channel Sign up today for even more of what you love from Monster X Radio! Become a Monster Xclusive Member! $9.97/mo. (first two weeks free) -OR- Just $49 for a full year (save 59%) at: Thank you all for your support!
Monster X Radio: Recent Events in the Bigfoot World
19/05/2019 Duration: 55minJoin Monster X hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they discuss a recnt sighting report in Washington State as well as a number of other topics regarding the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot.
The Ohio Night Stalkers join Monster X Radio!
10/05/2019 Duration: 34minThe Ohio Night Stalkers team talk about their exciting journey since their last appearance on the show over a year ago, and their upcoming schedule that includes Horrorhound Weekend in September! They also were in the latest Small Town Monsters documentary series episode called "On the Trail of Bigfoot- the Legend". A lot of things have changed and all for the better! If you missed the previous shows tune in here!: Visit their Facebook page for more information and follow their schedule of events!: Monster X Radio is powered by Sasquatch Coffee, have you tried it yeti? Join the discussion! Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( us on Twitter to our YouTube channel
Wisconsin Lake Monsters with Kevin and Jennifer Malek!
06/05/2019 Duration: 01h03minScott Mardis sits down with Kevin and Jennifer Malek to discuss Wisconsin Lake Monsters! Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 2010. He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida. Kevin Malek is a Paranormal Historian & Founder of the Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society Ltd. He is also a Ufologist with the UFO Wisconsin Research Team & a former Certified Field Investigator for Mufon. He is a Conspiracy Analyst for Ultimate Conspiracies & Apocalypse Nation. Jennifer Scelsi-Malek is a Psychic & resident Demonologist with the NWPS (Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society Ltd.). She is also the Wisconsin represe
The Haunted Sea presents: Teenage Mutant Ninja Lake Monsters?
19/04/2019 Duration: 01h04minScott Mardis and Julie Rench welcome Charles Pogan to the show to discuss the idea that many lake and sea monsters may in fact be cryptic species of giant turtles! Charles Pogan is a native of upstate NY in the Albany and Clifton Park area. He has worked in the Aerospace and Recording industries. He currently resides in Naples, Florida. Since 2012, he has actively researched and explored the idea that many lake and sea monsters may in fact be cryptic species of giant turtles. His website is “Enter The Plesio-Turtle” .( )” Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 201
On the Shoulders of Giants- Bigfootery, what has changed, what remains the same?
19/04/2019 Duration: 01h00sOn this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas"- Thomas Steenburg and Julie Rench discuss how Sasquatch investigating has changed over the years, what remains the same, and just why do people hoax evidence anyways?? Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”! Julie is a field investigator and host of Monster X Radio. She lives in her beautiful home state of North Carolin
The Uwharrie Vocals: Bigfoot in My Back Yard?
14/04/2019 Duration: 01h09minMonster X host Gunnar Monson talks with Monster X's own Julie Rench regarding the ongoing audio investigation she is conducting on her property in North Carolina near the Uwharrie National Forest.
Sasquatch on the property: The similarities between case investigations
07/04/2019 Duration: 46minMonster X hosts, Shane and Gunnar, discuss some striking similarities between events in Washington State and North Carolina. They dive into some familiar long term sasquatch related property investigations, and some of the possible key similarities that they may share. You won't want to miss this episode of Monster X Radio! Sign up for Xclusive here-
The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis- Plesiosaur Necks and T-Rex!
25/03/2019 Duration: 01h01minScott Mardis and Julie Rench welcome award winning book author Max Hawthorne to the show for a discussion about Plesiosaur neck function and sensory pits in theropod dinosaurs. Max has some very compelling theories about their use and shares his insight on this very thought provoking episode of "The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis"! Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 2010. He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida. Known as the Prince of Paleofiction, Max Hawthorne is the author of the award-winning KRONOS RISING novel series and an amateur paleontologist to boot. His research credits include solving the mystery of how
Haunted Sea with special guest Andy McGrath, author of Beasts of Britain
21/03/2019 Duration: 01h55minHaunted Sea Host Scott Mardis, speaks with Andy McGrath, Cryptozoology Enthusiast and author of Beasts of Britain With over 25 years of research and obsession about the unknown creatures living right under our noses, here on this tiny island in the North Atlantic. From a wildlife point of view, the accepted fauna of The British Isles were discovered and cataloged in their finite and immovable state in the 19th century. Nothing has really been added to this list or considered worthy since and the continual reports of Water Monsters, Bigfoot, Mystery Big Cats and UFC's (Unidentified Flying Cryptids) are largely ignored or used as newspaper fillers to entertain us. Andy's focus is on current research and recent sightings, pictures, videos and eyewitness accounts of the many cryptids of the British Isles. Although vast advancements in science and technology have brought great discoveries in other lesser known parts of the world, our island lies largely under explored and overlooked. At night, outside of
On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas! Bigfoot Evidence?
21/03/2019 Duration: 59minThomas Steenburg and Julie Rench sit down to discuss what some investigators claim to be evidence of Bigfoot activity. Why would they exhibit some of these behaviors and what purpose could it serve for these creatures? Do they really throw rocks and branches and build stick structures? What is this "stick glyph" claim all about? Find out what Thomas has to say about all of these claims on this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants"! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who
The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis- Megalodon the World's Greatest.. Scavenger?
28/02/2019 Duration: 01h00sScott Mardis and Julie Rench sit down with award winning book author of the "Kronos Rising" series Max Hawthorne to discuss Max's theory that Megalodons, as they reached adult sizes, graduated from active hunters to active scavengers. Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 2010. He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida. Join Scott's Facebook group The Zombie Plesiosaur at Known as the Prince of Paleofiction, Max Hawthorne is the author of the award-winning KRONOS RISING novel series and an amateur paleontologist to boot. His research credits include solving the mystery o
On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas: Canadian researchers
25/02/2019 Duration: 51minJulie sits down with investigator Thomas Steenburg to discuss the historical and recent contributions to the investigation of the creature we call Sasquatch by our Canadian counterparts. There are many researchers who have brought a lot to the table from scientific aspects to the boots on the ground investigators who have dedicated much of their time to try to solve this mystery we call Sasquatch. So join them in sending some well-deserved love to our awesome neighbors to the North on this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas!" Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written ma