Monster X Radio

The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis welcomes Marine Biologist Bruce A. Champagne!



  Bruce A.Champagne is a marine biologist, criminal justice/security expert, and has been involved with the investigation of relict hominoids and other cryptids for over forty years, and has been published in the Woodknocks: Journal of Sasquatch Research, Journal of Cryptozoology, International Cryptozoology Journal, and Elementum Bestia and Dracontology cryptozoology-related journals. Bruce has also written cryptozoology-related magazine articles, appeared in television and radio programming, and provided background information and consultation for other programming and projects. He has been invited to speak at international functions, and his research is widely cited. Bruce is a member of the International Cryptozoology Society and British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, and was a member of the original International Society of Cryptozoology. Bruce has applied his investigative skills and statistical analysis to sea serpent/sea monster reports and produced a solid database of classification scheme