Monster X Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 479:49:00
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We talk mostly about Bigfoot encounters and research.Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter /



    28/05/2020 Duration: 01h33min

    Justin Mullis is a scholar in the study of religion and culture associated with Bowling Green State University in Ohio. He has made extensive research and studies related to the fields of Cryptozoology and Paleontology. Today, we discuss Thomas Jefferson's surprising connections to 18th and 19th century cryptozoology in America, as well as other fascinating topics.


    28/05/2020 Duration: 52min

    THE HAUNTED SEA-MAX HAWTHORNE ON SPINOSAURUS- Host Scott Mardis and his guest, award winning Paleo-Fiction author Max Hawthorne (Kronos Rising series), discuss the recent news regarding the discovery that the amphibious theropod dinosaur Spinosaurus could use it's tail to swim like a crocodilian.

  • On the Shoulders of Giants with Thomas Steenburg - Special Guest John Kirk!

    21/05/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Thomas and Julie welcome long time investigator and good friend off Thomas's,  John Kirk the 3rd!  John is the chairman and chief field investigator of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club (BCSCC) and editor in chief of the BCSCC Quarterly. Over the years he has traveled the world in search of unknown animals. A specialist in aquatic cryptids, John has authored two books: In the Domain of the Lake Monsters. He is also an active sasquatch investigator in the historic areas of BC where stories of the giant hominid first originated.  We talk about some of his trips to the Congo and other areas in search of elusive cyptids. He also shares some stories of him and Thomas while in the field investigating. You do not want to miss this! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Myste

  • The Haunted Sea- Utah Folklorist Danny B. Stewart on Utah Lake Monsters.

    29/04/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    The Haunted Sea- Utah Folklorist Danny B. Stewart on the Utah Lake Monsters. Danny B Stewart is a Utah based Folklorist and Tradition Bearer who has spent his entire life collecting and researching stories of the Unexplained and Fantastic. He is also the Creator and Owner of The Original Provo Utah Ghost Tour and his research is being archived and showcased in the Brigham Young University Library and the L.Tom Perry Special Collections.

  • On the Shoulders of Giants with Thomas Steenburg- John Green tribute

    16/04/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas- John Green tribute and the "PG film site Massacre" debunked!  Thomas and Julie talk about the legendary John Green and some of Thomas's fondest memories of their time spent together.  And it seems that the ridiculous story about a "Sasquatch Massacre at the PG film site" has reared its ugly head again, and Thomas totally destroys that fairy tale because he knows exactly what did and did not happen. He knows the context behind the photos used in this irresponsible claim.  You do not want to miss this! Check out his website at Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch

  • An interview with British Author, Explorer & Cryptozoologist: William Gibbons

    23/03/2020 Duration: 01h56min

    Explorer, cryptozoologist, and creationist William J. Gibbons has traveled to remote corners of the world in search of strange and unknown creatures. But Bill's heart is in Africa, where monstrous dinosaur-like creatures are still rumored to inhabit the vast swamps of the Congo Basin. Gibbons provides a fascinating insight into several expeditions that have ventured forth in search of suspected living dinosaurs, include several of his own. No armchair explorer, Gibbons also details several other incredible creatures that by all accounts should have been extinct eons ago, yet are still encountered today by astonished eyewitnesses in the 21st century.

  • On the Shoulders of Giants- Hair sample analysis and "Bigfoot DNA"

    27/02/2020 Duration: 59min

    On this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Times with Thomas" , Julie and Thomas discuss how to have field hair samples examined to rule out known species and what science says in regards to claims of "Bigfoot DNA".   For more information on how to have your field hair sample analyzed go here: Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”!

  • The Haunted Sea- Is Nessie actually just a Giant Eel?

    19/02/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Longtime cryptozoology researcher William McDonald, who was a consultant on Steve Alten's "The Loch", joins Scott on this episode of the Haunted Sea to discuss findings of the recent Loch Ness Environmental DNA Survey and how it supports his theory that Nessie is a actually a giant eel. Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 2010. He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida. Visit Scott's Facebook page, The Zombie Plesiosaur Society here: Powered by Sasquatch Coffee, have you tried it Yeti?

  • Interview with Squatchermetrics - Your Sasquatch Research Data Solution

    13/02/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    The creator of Squatchermetrics joins us to discuss his work on sasquatch related data, and what he has coined "the magic hour."  He also shares the details of his sasquatch encounter.  

  • The Haunted Sea with guest Shetan Noir

    05/02/2020 Duration: 01h59min

    Shetan Noir is currently the lead investigator for the Michigan chapter of the North American Dogman Project, and also runs the paranormal investigation team of Michigan Center for Unexplained Events and Phenomenon. She is available to do book signings for her two current books, Lake Monsters and Odd Creatures of the Great Lakes and Mothman and Flying Creatures of the Midwest.

  • On the Shoulders of Giants with Thomas Steenburg- North Carolina Sasquatch!

    10/01/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    On this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants  with Thomas Steenburg" Thomas and Julie discuss some interesting reports from her home state of North Carolina especially in the Uwharrie National Forest, which Julie happens to live just a few short miles from.  Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”! Julie lives in her beautiful home state of North Carolina just outside of the Uwharrie Forest.  She i

  • Haunted Sea- Champ Expedition 2019

    12/12/2019 Duration: 47min

     Host Scott Mardis, along with some special guests, recap the 2019 Lake Champlain expedition.

  • A reluctant witness...and collaboration with an ''off the radar'' investigator

    10/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    Sasquatch investgator Chris Spencer joins the show, to talk about his experience with a reluctant witness, and his work with an off the radar sasquatch investigator.  

  • On the Shoulders of Giants- Differences in reports from BC and Southeast USA

    22/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    On this episode of "On the Shouders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas", Thomas Steenburg and Julie Rench discuss the commonalities and differences between British Columbia and Southeast Sasquatch reports, especially around the area were Julie resides.  They also talk about how they are reported to be such masters of their environment and the creepy way they have been seen moving thru tall grass on all fours and much more! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was priv

  • Project Zoobook...Making The Sasquatch Subject Less Taboo - Part Two

    15/11/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    As Part Two of our discussion on Project Zoobook, Monster X continues the conversation with sasquatch researcher Amy Bue, and three very interesting & important members of the Project. We discuss a wide variety of topics on the show, engaging in some interesting questions. To top it off, we also get feedback from two of the individuals who were invited out to visit the Olympic Project's nest site in Washington State. Project Zoobook was started by Ohio's Amy Bue and a private group of primate zoologists interested in the possibility of Bigfoot being an unknown North American primate. It has since quickly grown to be an impressive collection of mainstream scientists working alongside dedicated Bigfoot field researchers from across the United States.

  • BIGFOOT ///UNCLASSIFIED///: An Unconventional Assessment

    04/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Monster X talks with Shane Land, Ph.D., and founder of the Hominology Magazine, about his NEW book coming out Nov 7th on Amazon- BIGFOOT ///UNCLASSIFIED///: An Unconventional Assessment. "Bigfoot ////UNCLASSIFIED////: An Unconventional Assessment" by L. Shane Land. Journey into the Bigfoot phenomenon with someone applying "a fresh set of eyes" to the Bigfoot question.'' Copies available in paperback and on Kindle eBook. Shane Land's Bigfoot Unclassified Book Link on Amazon      

  • The Haunted Sea With Author & Loch Ness Monster Researcher, Roland Watson

    31/10/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    Join Host Scott Mardis as he speaks with Roland Watson. Roland Watson is the host of the popular blog Loch Ness Mystery Blog and has written three books on the Loch Ness Monster. Roland also does annual field expeditions to Loch Ness, and is one of the most knowledgeable individuals on the subject. Join Scott and Roland as they discuss some of the recent findings from the Loch...and all things Nessie!

  • On the Shoulders of Giants- Thomas's books, investigations and Canadian Bigfoot!

    27/10/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    On  this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants", Thomas Steenburg and host Julie Rench continue their discussion about the books Thomas has written, more encounters reports he investigated in Canada, and his contributions to the Bigfoot enigma!   Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator.  He has authored three books on the topic:  "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”! Julie lives in her home state of North Carolina at the edge of the Uwharrie National Forest.

  • Project Zoobook...Making The Sasquatch Subject Less Taboo

    24/10/2019 Duration: 49min

    Project Zoobook-A discussion on the collaboration between science and the sasquatch investigator. Join Monster X Radio as they sit down with sasquatch researcher Amy Bue, and members of Project Zoobook, to discuss the project and some of the unique individuals involved.  Project Zoobook was started by Ohio's Amy Bue and a private group of primate zoologists interested in the possibility of Bigfoot being an unknown North American primate. It has since quickly grown to be an impressive collection of mainstream scientists working alongside dedicated Bigfoot field researchers from across the United States.  

  • Pheremone Chips & Long Term Audio With Sasquatch Investigator Chris Spencer

    14/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    Monster X welcomes sasquatch investigator Chris Spencer to the show to discuss long term audio placement in the field, as well as the use of pheremone chips. What exactly is a pheremone chip? Are pheremone chips all that they are cracked up to be? Can they possibly yield results and what pheremones are in use? Shane sits down with Chris to discuss this and a whole lot more. 

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