We talk mostly about Bigfoot encounters and research.Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter /
Sasquatch Island: Where Are the Sasquatch Bodies?
20/01/2021 Duration: 27minOne of the most common questions that comes up in conversation with people that are skeptical of the existence of a large hair-covered being roaming the forests of the world is : Where are the bones? This is a podcast offering great insight into why we don’t find the bones of Sasquatch from the North American Indian perspective. Thomas Sewid host of Monster X Radio’s podcast series Sasquatch Island answers the question from accounts he has heard from fellow First Nations in Canada’s PNW and what he learned with an Omaha Indian from Nebraska. This podcast will amaze one about the geology of North Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada that allows not only the dead Sasquatch to be hidden from us hairless humans, but also why the Sasquatch is so hard to find in his region? As some know, Thomas works closely with Omaha Indian Lucas White who lives on the Omaha Indian Reservation in Macy Nebraska. Lucas has encountered Ci’tonga, their Sasquatch many times. He’s been and still is taught by the Omaha elders ab
"On the Shoulders of Giants" with Thomas Steenburg welcomes Lyle Blackburn
13/01/2021 Duration: 01h02minOn this episode of “On the Shoulders of Giants”, hosts Thomas Steenburg and Julie Rench welcome long time investigator, writer and book author Lyle Blackburn to the show to discuss some of the back stories to the 1972 film The Legend of Boggy Creek. They separate fact from fiction and the influence it still has on many people to become intrigued by the enigma of Sasquatch. What really happened in Arkansas all those years ago? Join in and take a front seat to the true history of this iconic film and how it validated other sightings from as far away as the Pacific Northwest going back to the 1950’s to present day. Also, they discuss Lyle’s investigations, books, films and upcoming projects that he is involved in. Lyle is a native Texan known for his work in writing, music, film, and cryptid research. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including The Beast of Boggy Creek and Sinister Swamps, whose subject matter reflects his life-long fascination with legends and sighting reports of unknown cr
Sasquatch Island: Seasons of the Sasquatch
27/12/2020 Duration: 29minThomas Sewid discusses videoing amazing Sasquatch terrain while he was out commercial salmon fishing! He also has teamed up with a fellow investigator Ali Stephen to film the first 6 pilots of a show called SEASONS OF THE SASQUATCH.
Monster X Radio: Talkin' Bigfoot-Catching up with Gunnar & Shane
09/12/2020 Duration: 44minGunnar and Shane discuss what they've been up to recently, and they talk about the new bigfoot documentary ''Sasquatch Among Wildmen''. Watch it here: Sasquatch Among Wildmen (2020) - IMDb
26/11/2020 Duration: 01h39minOn this Thanksgiving episode of THE HAUNTED SEA, our guest is acclaimed model-maker and author Lee Murphy. Author of the well-received Kodiak cryptozoology novel series, he is also a former model builder for the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.Lee Murphy
Haunted Sea Halloween Special-Karac St. Laurent
17/11/2020 Duration: 02h00sHaunted Sea Halloween Special-Karac St. Laurent
The Sasquatch Genome Project: A Failed DNA Study with Dr. Haskell Hart
15/11/2020 Duration: 57minDr. Haskell Hart joins the show to discuss his new book -The Sasquatch Genome Project: A Failed DNA Study. Dr. Haskell V. Hart holds a PhD in chemistry from Harvard University and has a physical, inorganic, and analytical chemistry research background. He was Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, after which he was Senior Staff Research Chemist and Research Manager at Shell Chemicals. At Shell he both conducted analytical research and managed various analytical departments. His research interests have included analytical applications of x-ray diffraction, electron diffraction (two database patents), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Since his retirement, he has focused on long-range detectors and application of DNA sequencing to species identification, especially relict hominoid candidates. To purchase Dr. Hart's Book: The Sasquatch Genome Project: A Failed DNA Study
"On the Shoulders of Giants" with Thomas Steenburg- Tribute to Bill Miller
11/11/2020 Duration: 58minTribute to Bill Miller- On this episode Thomas and Julie discuss his long time friend and colleague Bill Miller who recently passed on October 1. In 1980 Bill had an experience while night fishing that led him to attend a Sasquatch conference years later in Vancouver, where he met Thomas in 1998. They began a decades long friendship and investigation into the enigma of Sasquatch. Thomas tells some stories about the business Bill founded, Sasquatch Country Adventures, that he was hired as a tour guide. The late beloved John Green rode along on many of their adventures and Thomas also shares many fond memories of the three of them searching the wilds of Canada looking for answers. Bill was a great friend to Thomas and many others and will truly be missed. Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The
"On the Shoulders of Giants" - with Cindy Dosen from the Olympic Project!
17/09/2020 Duration: 01h02minOn this episode Thomas Steenburg welcomes special guest Cindy Dosen from the Olympic Project. Cindy discusses her encounter with an unknown creature and how it changed her life forever. Also they talk about the Hominidae Enigma hair analysis project that she founded and her years of investigating and involvement with the research group The Olympic Project. Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was friends with several of the “Squatchfathers”! Che
Olympic Project Update with Todd Hale & David Ellis: Part 3
12/09/2020 Duration: 01h15minTodd Hale and Shane Corson of the Olympic Project wrap up their field investigations, and share some exciting finds. David Ellis of the Olympic Project also joins the show, to discuss some of the audio that Shane and Todd have obtained from thier recent field investigations. David Ellis shares his analysis and thoughts on the audio played during the show. This is the last of three episodes.
THE HAUNTED SEA: KRAKEN THREE with author Max Hawthorne
20/08/2020 Duration: 01h19minTHE HAUNTED SEA: KRAKEN THREE. Author Max Hawthorne joins us to discuss the third installment of his Kronos Rising:Kraken trilogy, as well as other real sea monster mysteries.
"On the Shoulders of Giants" - Paul Freeman, the casts, the film, the history!
16/08/2020 Duration: 48minOn this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants", Thomas and Julie discuss the Paul Freeman Bigfoot film, the casts that Dr. Grover Krantz deemed as legit, and the history of how it all went down. To this day, the short film that Paul Freeman presented is still hotly debated and for many, is the real deal. What exactly is the back story to Paul Freeman and his contributions to the Bigfoot enigma? Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who was privy to the stories and was fri
Olympic Project Update with Todd Hale: Part 2
30/07/2020 Duration: 01h02minTodd Hale and Shane Corson of the Olympic Project provide some recent updates from thier field investigations, and share some exciting finds.This is the second of three episodes.
27/07/2020 Duration: 01h37minTHE HAUNTED SEA: FEARLESS FRANK AND THE FAKERS. Loch Ness researcher Roland Watson joins Scott Mardis to discuss the long history of hoaxing at Loch Ness. The discussion includes the recent photoshopped catfish fiasco as well as the King of the Loch Ness.
The Essential Guide to Bigfoot with Author & Cryptozooligist Ken Gerhard
14/07/2020 Duration: 43minKen Gerhard is a widely recognized cryptozoologist and field investigator for The Centre for Fortean Zoology, as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute. He has traveled the world searching for evidence of mysterious animals and legendary beasts including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, winged creatures and more. In addition to co-hosting the History Channel TV series Missing in Alaska, Ken has appeared in three episodes of the television series Monster Quest and is featured in the History Channel special The Real Wolfman, as well as other series including Ancient Aliens (History Channel), True Monsters (History Channel), Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Legend Hunters(Travel Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy),Monsters and Mysteries in America (Animal Planet), True Supernatural (Destination America),Ultimate Encounters (TruTV), Monster Project (Nat Geo Wild) and Shipping Wars (A&E). His credits include appearances on numerous news b
14/07/2020 Duration: 01h57minTHE HAUNTED SEA : PARANORMAL CRYPTOZOOLOGY DEBATE CONTINUED. Last year, the late, great Kevin Malek hosted a panel discussion about non-biological approaches to the investigation of alleged cryptozoological entities on his show, Paraversal Universe. We never got to cover all we wanted to and were preparing for a follow-up before his tragic passing. Now, the surviving participants will pick up the discussion: Scott Mardis,Jennifer Malek, Danny B Stewart, and Steven Patrick Carrigton.
Olympic Project Update with Todd Hale: Part 1
02/07/2020 Duration: 48minTodd Hale and Shane Corson of the Olympic Project provide some recent updates from thier field investigations, and share some exciting finds.This is the first of three episodes.
"On the Shoulders of Giants" with Thomas Steenburg welcomes Bob Gimlin!
28/06/2020 Duration: 51minBob Gimlin joins Thomas Steenburg!! This month is the 20th episode of our show "On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas" with Thomas Steenburg and host Julie Rench. It has been almost two years since its launch and they wanted to celebrate with a very special guest- none other than the legend himself- BOB GIMLIN! Thomas and Bob have been friends for many years and they discuss the events that took place on October 20th, 1967 when Roger Patterson and Bob were on horseback in Bluff Creek and rounded a corner only to come face to face with a Sasquatch we now know as "Patty". The very brief footage that Roger was able to capture is still hotly debated and the topic of many conversations to this day. What exactly happened that day anyways? What took place in the coming days after they shot the film? Tune in to listen to the legend himself explain the details of that infamous day that lives on over 50 years later! A huge shout out to Russell Accord for arranging the show for us with Bob! Powere
Haunted Sea with guest Matt Bille
25/06/2020 Duration: 01h19minMatt Bille is a naturalist, historian, and writer in Colorado Springs. A former Air Force officer, he was lead author of the NASA-published history The First Space Race: Launching the World’s First Satellites. He wrote two well-reviewed books on unknown animals, Rumors of Existence (1995) and Shadows of Existence (2006). His third focuses on marine animals and legends. He’s published one “creature” thriller, The Dolmen, and a fantasy, Raven’s Quest, and he’s polishing a scientific thriller based on legends of Lake Iliamna. He has broad interests, having written articles and papers on topics ranging from whale tracking to Martian soil and creating the top site on the prehistoric predator Dunkleosteus terrelli, a species he wrote about for Prehistoric Times. He appeared on two TV shows on mystery animals and blogs on the latest science and technology news at Matt's Sci/Tech Blog. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers and the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Blog: http://mattbille.
08/06/2020 Duration: 01h15minCryptozoologist Scott Marlowe joins Scott Mardis to discuss Florida cryptozoology and paleontology.Scott Marlowe, A Fellow of the famed Pangea Institute and educational consultant to The American Primate Conservation Alliance, is the first expert in the field of cryptozoology to succeed in establishing an on-going college-level course in that subject at a state institution of higher learning anywhere in the world. His course was hailed as one of the “Top Ten” news stories of 2004 by The Cryptozoologist, a well-known insider eMagazine, won both accolades and awards for its fresh approach and application of forensic science methodologies to the study of enigmatic animals. The author of “Cryptid Creatures of Florida,” (originally published by CFZ Press of Great Britain) Marlowe “literally wrote the book”on Cryptozoology in the Sunshine State. This acclaimed work was followed by “Bigfoot Enigma”, “Bigfoot in Art History”, a series of volumes on “Florida Fossils”, a history of the “Origins of Golf”, a