Monster X Radio

"It smells like it's time to leave!!"!



Thomas Sewid, our host of Sasquatch Island Podcast, attended the Muckleshoot Indian Pow Wow in Auburn, Washington recently. He shares a few of the many accounts fellow North American Indians shared with him at his Sasquatch Island vendor booth over the three-day event. “It smells like it’s time to leave!”  is a statement from one of these reports when two brothers found a huge cave high atop a mountain smelling like Sasquatch! As always, Thomas enthralls the listener with his wit and charm as a well-versed history and legend speaker.  Over the decades Thomas, has honed a skill in story telling that few can compare! You will thoroughly enjoy this show, for Thomas relates to all, some of the stories he has heard from Native Indians from all over North America. Enjoy the show, and if this is the first time listening to Thomas, you will be sure to want to subscribe to Monster X Clusive to hear his numerous podcast on Sasquatch Island!    Join the discussion! Join Monster X Radio on Facebook (