Monster X Radio

On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas! Bigfoot Evidence?



Thomas Steenburg and Julie Rench sit down to discuss what some investigators claim to be evidence of Bigfoot activity. Why would they exhibit some of these behaviors and what purpose could it serve for these creatures? Do they really throw rocks and branches and build stick structures? What is this "stick glyph" claim all about? Find out what Thomas has to say about all of these claims on this episode of "On the Shoulders of Giants"! Thomas is from British Columbia and has been researching the Sasquatch enigma since 1978 and is considered by many to be an "old school" investigator. He has authored three books on the topic: "The Sasquatch in Alberta"', 1989; “Sasquatch, Bigfoot, The Continuing Mystery", 1993; and "In search of Giants", 2000. Thomas has also co-authored two other titles: "Meet the Sasquatch", 2004 and "Sasquatch in British Columbia”, 2012. He has also written many articles and appeared on numerous television and Radio documentaries. Thomas is one of the last old school investigators who