Host Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Burnout Consultant and Certified Daring Way Facilitator, interviews therapista and other experts about perfectionism, worthiness, authenticity, self care, trauma, attachment, parenting, relationships, mindfulness and holistic psychotherapy methods. Laura brings you interesting discussions about our emotional experience of being human. You'll feel like a fly on the wall listening to Laura share her thoughts or discuss these topics with fellow professionals. Listen in and learn more about yourself!
471: Coming Together After Trauma – With Dr. Thomas Hubl
24/02/2025 Duration: 47minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Dr. Thomas Hübl. We talked about his work over more than 2 decades working with groups of survivors of war, oppression, genocide and other collective traumas about how healing happens. This episode is particularly timely at this point in history - with violence, including war and political violence; oppression and the impact of a worldwide pandemic affecting millions of people, so many of us feel powerless and hopeless about the future. This episode is meant to inspire hope that healing is possible, even after the unthinkable occurs in communities.Thomas Hübl, PhD, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change, integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since the early 2000s, he has led large-scale events and courses on the healing of collective trauma. He is the author of Attuned: Practicin
470: The Journey Of The Wounded Healer - With Dr. Peter Levine
17/02/2025 Duration: 40minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Dr. Peter Levine.Dr. Peter Levine is the developer of Somatic Experiencing, who speaks about his journey as a wounded healer. He shares that by being open about our experiences healing, our authenticity allows others to know they're not alone. None of us in the helping professions have been immune to suffering, it's a part of the universal experience of being human; and there's no shame in having experienced trauma, no matter who you are. In our conversation, Dr. Levine shares about how he developed Somatic Experiencing, and the surprising muse he found during that process. He discusses his violent childhood growing up in a family which was under threat by the mafia, and how Somatic Experiencing approaches healing from trauma "stuck" in the body.ResourcesLearn more about Somatic Experiencing here. The Ergos Institute is here.Find Peter Levine's new book, Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey on Amazon h
469: Internal Family Systems Explained – With Dr. Dick Schwartz
11/02/2025 Duration: 47minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Dr. Richard Schwartz. Richard Schwartz earned his Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Purdue University, after which he began a long association with the Institute for Juvenile Research at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and more recently at The Family Institute at Northwestern University, attaining the status of Associate Professor at both institutions. He is coauthor, with Michael Nichols, of Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods, the most widely used family therapy text in the United States.Dr. Schwartz developed Internal Family Systems in response to clients' descriptions of experiencing various parts–many extreme–within themselves. He noticed that when these parts felt safe and had their concerns addressed, they were less disruptive and would accede to the wise leadership of what Dr. Schwartz came to call the "Self." In developing IFS, he recognized that, as in systemic family theory, parts take on char
468: Connecting With The Shadow with Renee Beck, LMFT
03/02/2025 Duration: 36minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Welcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Renee Beck, LMFT. Renee specializes in dreamwork, tarot and transpersonal psychotherapy. In this episode, she explains the shadow that is in all of us - the unconscious parts of ourselves which are hidden from our awareness. She describes how she works with her clients using dreamwork and tarot as well as other creative methods to bring the shadow to conscious awareness. Renee is available for clinical supervision in California and offers consultation on dreamwork and tarot anywhere in the world. She can be found at https://www.reneebeckmft.comConsidering training in the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)? Visit to learn more about the SSP and use my code LREAGAN1 at checkout for $100 off an annual SSP subscription bundle or training course. Thank you PESI and Psychotherapy Networker for sponsoring this week's episode! Therapists, heck out Janina Fisher's trainings and other offerings re
467: Messages From Shadow with Keri Nola
27/01/2025 Duration: 44minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Keria NolaKeri Nola is a psychotherapist and coach for healers and the creator of the Messages From Shadow deck. Keri discusses the Shadow in more depth and discusses how she became acquainted with this concept and how we can learn to welcome all parts of ourselves. Resources: Considering training in the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)? Visit to learn more about the SSP and use my code LREAGAN1 at checkout for $100 off an annual SSP subscription bundle or training course. Thank you PESI and Psychotherapy Networker for sponsoring this week's episode! Therapists, heck out Janina Fisher's trainings and other offerings related to trauma, attachment and shame via the PESI/Psychotherapy Networker partner page and get special discounts! Thank you to TherapyNotes for sponsoring this week's episode! TherapyNotes makes billing, scheduling, notetaking, and telehealth incredibly easy. And now, for
466: Befriending the Shadow - With Dr. Lourdes Viado
20/01/2025 Duration: 37minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! Today I'm bringing you a replay episode with Lourdes Viado, PhD. Lourdes is a psychotherapist in a private practice in Las Vegas and the host of the Women In-Depth Podcast. Lourdes explains depth psychology and concepts of Jungian psychology such as the Shadow, she describes her works with clients in the "Middle Passage" who are feeling out of alignment with themselves. She shares some strategies she uses, including poetry, metaphor and dreamwork, which help her clients find their own way back to themselves while navigating this intense transition. Resources Considering training in the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)? Visit to learn more about the SSP and use my code LREAGAN1 at checkout for $100 off an annual SSP subscription bundle or training course. Thank you PESI and Psychotherapy Networker for sponsoring this week's episode! Therapists, heck out Janina Fisher's trainings and other offerings related to trauma, attachment
465: The Impact Of Developmental Trauma In Adulthood with Dr. Janina Fisher
13/01/2025 Duration: 43minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week as wildfires continue to cause destruction of property and loss of life in California, I send care to the West Coast and remember our interdependence. Today we have a replay episode featuring my highly admired colleague, Dr. Janina Fisher. We originally spoke in 2022 - you'll hear Janina discuss the relationship between complex trauma and the Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis, as well as how her training method, Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) can heal attachment and trauma wounds. Whether or not you're a therapist, you won't want to miss this important and interesting discussion! Janina Fisher, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and a former instructor, Harvard Medical School. An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she is an Advisory Board member of the Trauma Research Foundation. Dr. Fisher is the author of 'Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation' (2017), 'Transfo
464: Reflections On 2024 + Meet 12 Trauma Therapist Network Members!
06/01/2025 Duration: 01h04minWhat drives a trauma therapist to dedicate their life to healing others? Meet 12 experts as they share their journeys and their reasons for choosing this path.Welcome to the New Year episode for 2025! As usual, I'll start by reflecting back on 2024, which was a much better year than 2022 or 2023, but still a very tough year for me. And there were many glimmers.Then we will hear from 12 Trauma Therapist Network members sharing about their work as trauma therapists. I hope that hearing from some of our talented members will be interesting and for those who are intimidated by the idea of trauma therapy, that it will inspire curiosity about what type of therapist would be the right fit! 2025 is getting started, let's buckle in! Featured GuestsBarbara Maresca, Psy.DKrista Verrastro, RDTKatie Bingner, LCPCGabrielle Kawashima, LPCCJennyfer Rosado, LPCKim Torrence, LCSW-CAnna Pemberton, LCPCLaurie Eldred, LCSWCarol Williams, LMFTPeg Shippert, LPCElizabeth Cush, LCPCAlison Dagger, LCPC, MT-BC
463: Living With Grief + Loss - All Things Must Pass (Part Two) with Debi Jenkins Frankle
30/12/2024 Duration: 35minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week, we're continuing our discussion of grief, family dynamics, the holidays, and what we can do to cope with grief any time of year.My guest today is Debi Jenkins Frankle, LMFT, a TTN member and grief-informed psychotherapist based in California with over 30 years of clinical experience. She specializes in helping individuals, couples, and families navigate a wide range of losses and life transitions, whether sudden or anticipated. While a significant portion of her professional work is dedicated to training and consulting with other therapists in grief and loss, Debi devotes half of her practice to providing direct care to clients. Over the years, she has supported thousands of grievers on their unique paths to healing and growth.We talked about grief and loss, the recent loss of one of my parents and more. This is part two, if you missed part one it's Episode 462 which you can find here! Find free resources on Debi Jenkins Frankle's clinical practice website
462: Grief + Loss And Family Dynamics (Part One) with Debi Jenkins Frankle
23/12/2024 Duration: 49minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week, we're discussing grief and how it affects family dynamics, especially when the family may not have had the healthiest communication patterns and boundaries to begin with. My guest today is Debi Jenkins Frankle, LMFT, a TTN member and grief-informed psychotherapist based in California with over 30 years of clinical experience. She specializes in helping individuals, couples, and families navigate a wide range of losses and life transitions, whether sudden or anticipated. While a significant portion of her professional work is dedicated to training and consulting with other therapists in grief and loss, Debi devotes half of her practice to providing direct care to clients. Over the years, she has supported thousands of grievers on their unique paths to healing and growth. We talked about grief and loss, the recent loss of one of my parents and more. This is part one of a two-part series. In next week's conversation, we'll talk about some ways to manage the gr
461: Understanding Codependency with Michelle Farris
16/12/2024 Duration: 40minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week we're revisiting an interview from a couple of years ago with Michelle Farris.I always found the concept of codependency confusing when people would try to explain it to me. I didn't realize I had some of these behaviors, which I thought were just part of my personality! I've spent years working on my attachment in therapy, and I can now see these patterned relational dynamics, which have been passed down through my family for generations, for what they are.The first step to changing codependent relational patterns is to understand what they are! Michelle explains in such compassionate, clear and relatable terms. This topic comes up often during the holidays, and codependent behaviors tend to add to overwhelm and stress during this busy time of year. And those of us who are socialized as female are often expected to behave this way! I hope you'll enjoy this thought-provoking replay episode with the awesome Michelle Farris!Visit Michelle Farris's webs
460: Understanding the Impact of Childhood Emotional Neglect With Dr. Jonice Webb
09/12/2024 Duration: 54minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week's episode is one that many of us will find enlightening during this holiday season. We're revisiting two previous interviews with Dr. Jonice Webb, who identified the concept of Childhood Emotional Neglect. What is it? Listen to these 2 back to back episodes to understand! Here's what you'll hear: so many adults suffer with trauma symptoms but don't understand why. Listening to this week's episode may be helpful for anyone who grew up before the 2010's, when parents began to be more aware of attachment needs. Before that time most parents were not very well aware of children's emotional needs or how to meet them. This leaves us feeling empty and struggling in relationships as adults, or feeling there is something wrong with us. Even if your parents did know about attachment needs, it doesn't mean they were always able to meet them, despite their best intentions. As always, thanks for listening to Therapy Chat!Visit Dr. Jonice Webb'
459: Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents - With Dr. Lindsay Gibson
03/12/2024 Duration: 49minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week we have a replay of my first interview with Dr. Lindsay Gibson. Having emotionally immature parents is a common issue, but most of us don't realize how traumatizing it can be to grow up this way. When we are bothered by anxiety, depressive symptoms, low self worth and other effects of trauma, we may think there's something wrong with us. But as they say, 'it's not you, it's what happened to you.' In this conversation Dr. Lindsay Gibson explains why emotionally immature adults are the way they are, and how it affects their children into adulthood. Understanding these dynamics is an important aspect of breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma. During the holiday season it's so common to have trauma reactions arise when interacting with our families of origin. Knowledge is power - I hope this episode will be helpful to you!
458: Parts Perspectives From Lived Experience + IFS With Dr. Jamie Marich + Dr. Dick Schwartz
26/11/2024 Duration: 50minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week we have a conversation with two guest that I hope you'll find interesting whether you identify as a therapist, a human with complex PTSD/developmental trauma, part of a system of multiples or someone with a dissociative disorder, or if you are anyone who's curious about parts work and your inner world. I was honored to record this interview earlier this month with two amazing therapists who are thought leaders in the trauma world: Dr. Jamie+ Marich, author of Dissociation Made Simple and many other books; and Dr. Dick Schwartz, who developed Internal Family Systems (IFS). Dr. Jamie Marich (she/they/we) began her career as a humanitarian aid worker in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 2000-2003, primarily teaching English and music. Jamie travels internationally teaching on topics related to trauma, EMDR therapy, expressive arts, mindfulness, and yoga, while maintaining a private practice and online education operations in her home base of Akron, OH. Marich is the founder
457: Discovering Self + Healing Trauma Though IFS + Art With Sacha Mardou
19/11/2024 Duration: 52minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week's guest is Sacha Mardou, an illustrator who has documented her journey of healing from family trauma and abuse using IFS therapy in a new graphic memoir called Past Tense, which is available now. Sacha is not a therapist, but she has a gift for making the process of IFS therapy relatable and her book is a fabulous resource for anyone who is interested in learning about healing. She's someone I've followed on social media for years - I even have an original work of hers in my home. I'm so excited that her work is now reaching a larger audience. There's something really powerful about the combination of artwork and therapy-related material that reaches another level when reading. Sacha Mardou is a British cartoonist and graphic novelist who now makes a home in St Louis, Missouri. Her graphic memoir, Past Tense: Facing Family Secrets and Finding Myself in Therapy (Avery Press, 2024) is an account of her emotional healing journey using IFS therapy.Find S
456: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy With Dr. Gina Hahn
11/11/2024 Duration: 35minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week, it feels like women's health is even more important to discuss than before. This week I'm joined by my friend and my pelvic floor PT, Dr. Gina Hahn. Gina explained what pelvic floor PT is, what to expect if you begin working with a PFPT, why this area of all of our bodies, including women and those who have given birth as well as those identifying as male, is so important to our life and health. She spoke about how someone would know if PFPT could be helpful, how physical and emotional trauma can factor in and much more. Dr. Gina Hahn, DPT, RKC is an expert pelvic floor physical therapist. She chose the pelvic floor as a speciality during her first pregnancy. She realized the need for and value of this specialization as she moved through an adverse event and came out stronger on the other side. Gina empowers clients and helps them feel fully seen and heard, moving seamlessly from health care provider to coach to integrate and address the mind-body-soul of each
455: Feminism, Patriarchy, Moms + Rage - With Erin Spahr
04/11/2024 Duration: 50minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week, as we look toward a very important election in the United States, my guest is Erin Spahr, a licensed therapist, mother, feminist, podcast host, and maternal mental health advocate based in Raleigh, NC. Erin uses her large social media following on her Instagram account, Feminist Mom Therapist, to raise awareness about the issues affecting moms and women in the U.S. We talked about why moms are feeling burned out and how their recovery process involves setting boundaries, and feeling angry at the inequality in our gendered society. And we talked about how the Patriarchy harms everyone in a family, regardless of gender or age, because of its impossible expectations. Erin uses a feminist lens in her work with mothers and strives to help mothers free themselves from oppressive societal expectations and find more self-confidence and self-compassion. She hosts the Feminist Mom Podcast where she discusses the intersection of feminism and motherhood with inspiring guests. Erin
454: What Is Reproductive Psychology? With Dr. Julie Bindeman
28/10/2024 Duration: 46minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! As part of our continuing series on women's health, today's episode features Dr. Julie Bindeman, an integrative psychologist who specializes in reproductive psychology. This was an area of the field I was unaware of before we connected. This episode was recorded before Joe Biden stepped down as the Democratic nominee for President. We talked about reproductive trauma, the importance of body autonomy and the traumatic consequences of people losing the power to make decisions over their own bodies. Julie spoke about why it's important to find a therapist who understands the ins and outs of reproductive psychology - it goes beyond perinatal mental health. Dr. Julie Bindeman graduated from George Washington University and is the co-owner of Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington in Rockville, Maryland. Her specialty is in the field of Reproductive Psychology, where she actively writes, lectures, and presents. She is an approved consultant in EMDR through EMDRIA. She ha
453: Integrative Sex Therapy + Psychedelic Assisted Relationship Therapy with Dr. Tammy Nelson
21/10/2024 Duration: 45minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week we are talking sex, sexuality, eroticism, arousal and psychedelic assisted integrative relationship therapy! My guest today is Dr. Tammy Nelson, a relationship therapist who is the founder of the Integrative Sex Therapy Institute and author of six books. We had a fascinating discussion where we talked about how the Patriarchy creates shame around our relationships to pleasure, sexuality, sensuality and eroticism, and thus disconnection from ourselves. Tammy explains how individuals and those in relationships can reconnect with ourselves by reconnecting to our eroticism in this episode. We also talked about her work offering relationship intensives using Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with her Integrative Relationship Therapy model. This is a juicy episode, I hope you’ll enjoy learning with Dr. Tammy Nelson as much as I did! Find special offers on Dr. Tammy Nelson’s courses and books through our partnership with PESI here: the
452: Women's Health, Hormones + The Patriarchy - With Dr. Rachel Rubin
14/10/2024 Duration: 52minWelcome back to Therapy Chat! This week's guest is known internationally for her advocacy and expertise in women's health. I was so grateful to speak to Dr. Rachel Rubin about hormones, menopause, pelvic health and much more. If you identify as female or love someone who does, you will want to learn from her! Dr. Rachel Rubin is a board-certified urologist and sexual medicine specialist. She is one of only a handful of physicians with fellowship training in sexual medicine for all genders. Dr. Rubin is a clinician, researcher, and passionate educator. In addition to being the former education chair and current Director-at-Large for the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), she serves as associate editor for the journal Sexual Medicine Reviews. Dr. Rubin completed her medical education at Tufts University, her urology training at Georgetown University, and her sexual medicine fellowship training with Dr. Irwin Goldstein in San Diego. She is currently in private practice