A chat slugfest! Two industry insiders cut through everything you watch, play, read and collect. NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY
STCPod #42 - Our Personal Video Game Hardware
24/07/2015 Duration: 01h05minCommodore Vic 20 Commodore 64 Intellivision Coleco Adam NES Genesis PC's Playstation 1,2,3 X-Box original & 360 N64 Wii Nintendo DS, 3DS, DSXL Game Cube Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 41 - Brobdingnagian Lunches To Die For
17/07/2015 Duration: 57minListen to Episode #40 Check out Girlfriend Vs. Joe's massive lunch Bill fumbles intro Nintendo President passes away Nintendo Wii talk Another death in Bill's movie family Joe finishes listening to The Martian Bill recommends a few audio books Radio stations Comic Con talk True Detective so far Joe's latest game buy Tales of Symphonia Bill playing Ratchet & Clank Twitter: STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Start To Continue #40 - The Transcendental Rebellion Goes Uncharted
10/07/2015 Duration: 01h30sRecap of last shows issues Joe wants Bill to try meditation Bill refuses to try some new ideas for the show How did Bill not know Joe's Transformers & Beer podcast is a weekly episodic? Bill wants a reward for when Joe finishes the basement Why can't Joe remember his highschools name Ginko Kilbobo beans? Bill tries to pry some school information out of Joe but fails Show intro starts here Joe almost loses wallet and iPhone again Joe's hobo dinner Joe gets nauseous playing Uncharted : Drake's Fortune Joe's latest PVR records Joe catches some Magic Mike Bill doesn't know what Graceland is Watching some Star Wars : Rebels Watching some Twitch with P1 Bill missing out on video game swap The overpricing of convention admissions Joe's going to put Bill's hotdog down his throat Shoutouts and a new podcast to check out Follow what games we're playing next Twitter: STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel:
Episode 39 - Fallout Shelters and Space Precincts
03/07/2015 Duration: 01h04minWouldn't be a show without the usual STCPod technical issuesJoe falls asleep at Canada Day Toronto Blue Jays baseball gamePossible solution to Joe's Canada Post delivery issuesJoe downloads Fallout Shelter game for iPad1001 Video Games you Must Play Before You Die ( out NewWaveTraders.comBill blogs about Richard James' Space PrecinctRemembering FarscapeCheck out for Game of Thrones artwork on key character deathsWe discuss Ballers, True Detective Season 2, The BrinkExcited for Ant-manGoing to start reading latest run of He-Man comics Twitter: STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message
Episode 38 - Talkin Joe Down With Dinosaurs and Soundtracks
26/06/2015 Duration: 01h08minJoe runs out of gas and chokes down 3 jumbos while trying to drive Joe’s sure the plan is for him to have a stroke while doing these damn renos Who needs sleep? Thunderstorm makes Joe turn nightlight on Bill tries to pull Joe away from the dark and back towards the light Making jam and Bill’s conspiracy theory regarding strawberry picking Bill’s box office fiasco while taking kids to Jurassic World Bill takes kid to the Disney movie Inside Out Excited about upcoming Charlie Brown movie and recalling the specials Did anyone buy the RCA SelectaVision CED Video Disk Player Some of our favorite movie soundtracks Checking in with Bill’s Resident Evil 4 progress Twitter: STCPod Website*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL:
Start To Continue Podcast #37 - Breast Pumping Your PS2 Skinny & Shame! Shame! Shame!
19/06/2015 Duration: 01h06minBill complains about feeling like garbage but no one is listening Joe falls asleep again going solo STC goes Retro….Fandango that is Bill’s playing The Cartridge Club’s Game of the Month Resident Evil 4 Bill gets skinny….on the PS2 Slim with RE4 Don't squeeze too hard when carrying your game system in a breast pump travel bag Is wearing Gap sailor t-shirts uncool? Joe comes close to buying some video games but has to go to the bathroom instead A listener has some constructive comments #HotOrNot ; Bill won't tell Joe how hot his sister is Penny Dreadful update 1/2 of STC is up to date on show finales Game of Thrones finale thoughts (non-spoiler) Bill dissects why he hates sudden musical numbers in TV shows Joe starts his 1st ever audiobook by listening to The Martian Jurassic World goes prehistoric by breaking previous worldwide opening record Shame on you Kevin Smith……Shame!…….Shame!……Shame! Bill has 3 movie recommendations Joe's going to check out Hardcore History podcast Joe forced into watching finale of
Start To Continue #36 - A Very Angry 2015 Summer Movie Guide
12/06/2015 Duration: 01h26minFind out why Bill starts the show off angry Why we can't have nice things Bill's walkthrough at the Barrie Automotive Flea Market Joe needs money Major character announcement for Daredevil series Degrassi series is saved at the last minute The Reboor series gets rebooted Joe dances solo while Bill disappears with a technical issue STCPod 2015 Summer Movie Guide Twitter: STCPod Website*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 35 - The Fallout From Kijiji & What You Get From Fleas
05/06/2015 Duration: 01h04minJoe is feeling clammy all over and got sick from his kids Thanks to P1 from The Cartridge Club for his shout out Bill complaints about Google Hangouts audio issues Television Upfronts news (Muppets, Supergirl, Uncle Buck) Joe refuses to use the notebooks Bill gave him because they're too nice Bill's PS2 lot pickup from Kijiji Why is buying from Kijiji people so frustrating? Bill's playing Resident Evil 4 and his complaints of it Bethesda's new Fallout 4 game We recall playing Fallout 3, Bioshock, Silent Hill, Dragon Age: Origins How much does a N64 at Value Village cost? Upcoming Suicide Squad thoughts Bill get blown away by Big Trouble In Little China…Joe is blown away that Bill likes it Disney cancels Tron 3 because of Tomorrowland "failure" Joe recalls the original Tron movie and his two Intellivision Tron games Maze-A-Tron & Deadly Discs Bill's off to the Automotive Flea Market Joe picked up the comics Batman : Earth One (Volume 1 & 2) Where we are pulling listeners in from Twitter: https://twit
Episode 34 - Being Neighbours To Mars & Garage Spies
29/05/2015 Duration: 01h02minJoe tries milking himself ?!?! Can anyone pull a Ron Jeremy? Thanks to Retro Fandango for hosting us and our thoughts on everything that occurred #MicMist Who knew that Buried On Mars actually lived here on Earth next door to Bill? Why Bill thinks people shouldn’t hang out in their garages & spy on him.... Joe Rogan podcast interview with Jordan Gilbert; best known for streaming his gameplay of Counter Strike : Global Offensive at Swatting is becoming rampant! Bill scores again at yardsale hunting! Cartridge Club Game of the Month Best wrestling video games Bill loses his Nintendo DS stylus....multiple times Bill hides him game systems otherwise he will be tempted to sell them Twitter: STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher:
Episode 33 - No Eye Contact & Baba Booey Bill
22/05/2015 Duration: 01h02minWhy the hell won't Bill rub aloe on Joe’s back? Joe doesn’t like to make eye contact with Bill when doing the show Bill's impression of what Joe’s garage looks like What we both did on the long weekend Bill’s tells us why "normal people" shouldn’t take their shirts off outside Bill biggest yardsale day of the year and all his haul Bill pulls a Baba Booey by pissing off Chris Hardwick Shout out to Retro Nonsense's music video Finally....we find out what kind of farm Bill grew up on The time Joe played on a farm and hurt himself in front of girls Shows we’ve been catching up on Twitter: STCPod Website*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: URL: http://starttocontinue.podomatic.comRSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 32 - Looking under Supergirl's cape
15/05/2015 Duration: 43min- News on our Facebook: Don't use it! - Thank you segment Round2Gaming and CartridgeCanuck - Our latest Youtube video - Joe's history of his edumacation - Bill's farm life - Shows Joe is looking forward to this fall - Shows Bill is looking forward to this summer - Joe wants all the DC and Marvel TV shows in him now - Joe's balls update Twitter: STCPod Website*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 31 - From Video Game Grief To The Big Bang Theory
08/05/2015 Duration: 01h31min- Yes Kevin….it’s Episode #31 - Bill was late to the record because he was watching the HABS lose - We compare what each of us calls sports - Why does Joe get agitated when we interview other people? - We discuss how professional we are in our recordings and how we would like better equipment - We listened to Twitch & how we liked the live requesting of songs - Joe picked up two new video games; Diablo 3 & GOW Ascension and if they are “Hack-N-Slash” games - Bill visits Value Village, picks up a game and updates a past Village post - We discuss the horror of highschool band & what instruments we played - Joe visits 80’s Toy Expo & teases his pickups - Bill watches Atari documentary on NETFLIX - Bill’s thought on Daredevil & Joe’s on The Flash - We debate the Last Man On Earth show & comedy - Bill shout-outs in response to another Transformers shout out -
Episode 30 - The Marc Maron Special!
01/05/2015 Duration: 44minSTCPOD'S FIRST EDITTED PODCAST -Fighting over the episode number -Intro to Marc Maron -PRETAPE of drive into Toronto -Preshow adventures and pain recap -PRETAPE of post-show impressions -Thoughts on the show and entire night -Poster thrills Twitter: STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 29 - No Nonsense With Retro
24/04/2015 Duration: 01h15min- Special Surprise Guest: Duke from Retro Nonsense! - Podcasting and Youtubin'with kids - game of the month - Joe keeps bailing on the show - What is Duke's start to Youtube? - Joe returns in time for Retro Fantango talk - Joe brings it back to Tranny talk - Joe's OCD makes game collecting challenging - US vs CAN retro game pricing - Duke sings the Cartridge Club's praises - Bill got an Atari, sort of, and an old school joystick - Joe whips out his joystick, it's bigger - Joe still hasn't opened his iRig2 - Duke brings a great topic: In Depth, Practical F/X vs CGI - Star Wars talk - Muppets return to primetime? - TMNT talk - Game of Thrones/Daredevil - Transformers Cinematic Universe -Joe defends Dynobots RN Twitter: STCPod Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes:
Episode 28 - Ocarinas and IRigs
17/04/2015 Duration: 01h21min-Cartridge Bros -Joe never plays the wii -Bill actually completes a video game -A little hockey talk -Back to Bill's game victory -Bill is afraid of his 360 -Big Game Stop news -Nintendo's Sega upcoming releases -Guitar Hero news -Multiplayer compaints and Joe's GTA5 cheat -Joe gets an iRig2 -100 follower/sub un-contest!! -We have a REAL website now! -Motherf---er Mike's multiconsole setup -Blade Runner news -Star Wars trailer -Joe doesn't like Guardians of the Galaxy? -Furious 7 is furious at the Box Office -Game of Thrones news, actual episode talk is 1:05:36 - 1:08:50 -Other HBO shows we love -SyFy Channel news -Exciting upcoming guests on STC, we just need to organize! Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: http://s
Episode 27 - Between a Rock and a Cucumber
10/04/2015 Duration: 01h03min-WARNING- Joe is especially angry this episode! -Joe’s Uncle Buck lunch -#IveGot2Kids and Joe will be swimming with them -Joe attacks Bill’s lunch -Joe visits his local video game store, gets real angry -Do ‘Bricks and Mortar’ stores only employ d-bags? -Target picking again, is Starbucks part of the liquidation? -Future Shop and their d-bag move -Amazon Dash Button, Drones falling from the skies! -Parcel Delivery is maddening -Bill’s favorite movie franchise opens and Joe suspects he really does have a man-crush on The Rock -Why Joe is the right guy to see a movie/concert with -How the Late Night TV Landscape is changing -Collecting News: Andy Warhol’s Moonwalk -Joe’s Lamborghini Countach poster from the 80s -More Game Swap/Shoutout talk and why Joe makes collecting so hard on himself Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel: iTunes:
Episode 26 - Wrestlemania vs Walking Dead
03/04/2015 Duration: 01h30min-Let’s get an update on Joe’s balls -Do we have a dual hair challenge? -Reminiscing about video stores and even Joe’s Blockbuster insider stories -Victor Victoria was actually 1982 -Bill finally takes some time to deal hunt at Target and gets a kill -Bill is still mad about WrestleMania 31 -Last Man on Earth/Vikings -Cutting the cord on Canadian TV -Age of Ultron update -Is Mallrats 2 happening? -Nathan Fillion and Con Man -Another argument about what’s funny -Comics talk Marvel Civil War and Star Wars -Joe’s disassembled NES update -More shoutouts…you know who -Walking Dead finale talk until 1:22:30 -Ratings Book March 9-15 Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTube Channel: iTunes:
Episode 25 – Buried Up To Our Necks In Mars
27/03/2015 Duration: 01h34min-For the very first time we welcome a guest on Start To Continue Podcast -Kevin, from Buried On Mars and Retro Fandango! -Clearly not used to having guests! -Kevin explains ‘Hack and Slash’ and his future release schedule -History of Buried On Mars and the support of Sarca Sim -That time Kevin joined the Cartridge Club -A meeting with Ram Vox and the birth of the Fandango -Kevin mentions an STCPod blog article featuring The Record Collection -Kevin explains YouTube views, monetization and reveals how many dump trucks of cash Google has sent him -Joe finds out details of Kevin’s video game rooms. -Waterloo Game Swap, cost of collecting and how the community helps -Walking Dead talk (98% spoiler free) -Game of Thrones talk (99% spoiler free) -Ratings book for Canadian broadcasters March 1-7 2015 -Kevin’s advice on Joe’s torn apart NES Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: https://www
Episode 24 - Ballin' With Joe
20/03/2015 Duration: 01h02min-Discussion on last episode’s golf announcer -Bill wants Joe to do his own drywall -Joe’s 72 pin connector and 10NES chip -Bill’s still trippin on Mario Galaxy -Joe quotes Ram Vox -We all know about Stadium Events -Discuss the return of Guitar Hero and Rock Band -Bill sets his man hands on a Wii U -Joe throws another party Bill isn’t invited to -Bill works out how big Joe’s house is using party guest mathematics -Joe doesn’t read his medication’s instructions and pays for it - What we’ve all been waiting for BALL TALK -We get to the bottom of Joe’s balls with actual audio from a vasectomy consult Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: http:/
Episode 23 – Bill and Joe and a Double Ender
14/03/2015 Duration: 01h12min-Our first recording not in the same room. Quasi Double Ender using Google Hangouts -Joe settles into his golf announcer voice for the whole show, this will be dealt with on the next episode! -Howard Stern discussion including rumours, staff changes, video options, using as a source -Another Big Breakfast on the line, Who is Scott Depace? -Join STCPod at the Toronto Marc Maron late show Apr 19 -@NormMacdonald is an amazing Twitter to follow -Joe goes rogue on @STCPod’s Twitter -Joe pulles apart his NES -Bill gushes over Youtuber NESRomancer -Walking Dead catch up (SKIP TO 58:00 TO AVOID SPOILERS) -Last Man On Earth -Canadian TV Ratings for Feb 23-Mar 1 2015 -Bill likes Battle Creek, incorrectly named Fincher as the director, was actually Bryan Singer. Lead star, the other Olyphant, Josh Duhamel - upcoming projects Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: