
Episode 35 - The Fallout From Kijiji & What You Get From Fleas



Joe is feeling clammy all over and got sick from his kids Thanks to P1 from The Cartridge Club for his shout out Bill complaints about Google Hangouts audio issues Television Upfronts news (Muppets, Supergirl, Uncle Buck) Joe refuses to use the notebooks Bill gave him because they're too nice Bill's PS2 lot pickup from Kijiji Why is buying from Kijiji people so frustrating? Bill's playing Resident Evil 4 and his complaints of it Bethesda's new Fallout 4 game We recall playing Fallout 3, Bioshock, Silent Hill, Dragon Age: Origins How much does a N64 at Value Village cost? Upcoming Suicide Squad thoughts Bill get blown away by Big Trouble In Little China…Joe is blown away that Bill likes it Disney cancels Tron 3 because of Tomorrowland "failure" Joe recalls the original Tron movie and his two Intellivision Tron games Maze-A-Tron & Deadly Discs Bill's off to the Automotive Flea Market Joe picked up the comics Batman : Earth One (Volume 1 & 2) Where we are pulling listeners in from   Twitter: https://twit