A chat slugfest! Two industry insiders cut through everything you watch, play, read and collect. NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY
Episode 22 – EL Fuego Enojado Partido Transformers?
07/03/2015 Duration: 01h03min-Joe sneaks another cold open and immediately drives Bill insane -Is Joe on something? The King Stud? -Bill is fired up, takes on the Tranny Podcast -Joe is planning another elaborate birthday party, Bill is not -Retro gaming display difficulties, introducing the Framemeister to a special Super Nintendo -Bill finds Atari carts and a Vulcan Chain Gun -Yard Sale and Flea Markets and the one item Joe wants bad -Xbox and Wii mods -Joe goes to a gas station? -Can we talk Oscars? Nope - Joe talks Rogan again -Bill forces some Oscar talk, live tweeting and NPH -Barry Goldberg’s Day Off -Forget Rogan, Check out the Howard Stern Conan O’Brien interview -Sarca Sim turns Bill on to a couple more podcasts with this article -Joe brings it all home with more Transformers and Beer Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTub
Episode 21 - "It was a hell of a thing when Spock died"
01/03/2015 Duration: 01h24s- We remember Leonard Nimoy and some of his accomplishments and mistake his cause of death (not a heart thing) - Artie Lange gives @STCPod a retweet and in doing so boost our followers up to a crazy number… Let us know your biggest retweet in the comments - Joe listens to the Joe Rogan Podcast with him interviewing Artie Lange - Whose fault was it that we missed out on getting tickets to Rush, Mark Maron and Kevin Smith - The upcoming 50th Anniversary Grateful Dead event - Something else that Joe has been up to - Our thoughts on the recent #SNL40 3 hour special and the incomparable Norm Macdonald - The latest developments on STC Podcast’s evolution Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTube Channel: iTunes:
Episode 20 - Is This A Video Game Podcast?
20/02/2015 Duration: 01h15minWe celebrate 20 episodes - Joe’s hacking cough - We try to go explicit free this episode - What did we think of “Better Call Saul”? - We blow the “explicit goal” - “Walking Dead” returns and our thoughts - Joe invents a new word “Eloquey” - Are people getting “tired” of Walking Dead? Do people want to see a win for the group? - We’re looking forward to new spin-off of Walking Dead - Ratings book for week of Super Bowl - Our symbol and name is explained again - Bill explains how he composed the new STC and ACD banners - Joe coughs up a lung - Joe talks about his video games and systems he brought up - Bill’s Value Village posting - Joe’s gotta shout out BuriedOnMars, RamVox, Sarca Sim, GirlfriendVS - Joe watches Predator again thanks to Retro Fandango and still loves it - What’s the proper pronunciation of Conan? - Joe is now back into buying video games on eBay - Joe has another hacking fit - Joe talks about his N64 wrestling games and their ridiculous prices back in the day - Bill talks about his systems
Episode 19 - Eargasms and Togetherness
14/02/2015 Duration: 55min-Joe comes unprepared; complains about his daughters teething; his fear of pushing things into his ears -Bill coins a new word -Allergies -Is having a sewer gate outside your house considered “waterfront living”? -“Gotham” is an awesome show -A guide to what broadcast shows are returning, starting or cancelled -Bill recommends the new show “Togetherness” -We go head to head against “Saving Silverman” -Why a recent surge in listenership, thanks Expecting Rain, the premiere Bob Dylan website -A listener comment read out Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: http://starttocontinue.po
Episode 18 - Rulings And Far Out Ideas
06/02/2015 Duration: 56min-Bill takes over -iTunes banned us…for a little while -Joe goes on a google rant -Bill is sick again, but fights back with a juicer -Better Call Saul schedule update -Joe is positive that Bill should be watching Gotham -Bill wants to talk Super Bowl, Joe wants to talk halftime show -Bill and Joe come close to accurately reporting the game’s Canadian ratings -Super Bowl ruling -Bill and Joe try to explain exactly what is Simultaneous Substitution at length -Should all channels be unbundled and offered a la carte? -Bill praises Blue Ant Media for being brave enough to fund so much original Canadian content for their channels such as Backroad Bounty -Watch Kevin O’Leary go crazy over the ruling -A decision is made on the Third Man Records Vault membership -Bill can’t find Bob’s latest record, Shadows in the Night -Joe recalls a recent Bruce Springsteen concert where Born in the USA is played live in full -Bill is addicted to the @STCPod Twitter So join up! -Joe commits to at least one new episode of STC podcas
Episode 17 - Better Call Saul's Hairless Eggs
01/02/2015 Duration: 51min-What happened to Episode 16? Or Episode 16b?? -Bill gets snappy at Joe (Warning…his anger grows throughout episode…) -Sponsor, No Snob Wine Reviews -Gratitude to the podfather… Buried on Mars -We preview Better Call Saul -Bob Odenkirk on Nerdist Podcast #589 -Joe is proud to thoroughly catch up on Vampire Diaries -Television round up featuring Penny Dreadful, 21 Monkeys, Gotham and more -Bill has to decide whether to join the amazing Third Man Records Vault membership -Joe gives a Transformer update and shares a confession on his ‘no purchases’ pledge -Joe incredulously attacks the Start To Continue Youtube channel. Bill goes crazy -Joe pivots with a classic Benji deflection to the neonate STCPod Blog -Our official Podcaster job titles -Why Joe keeps scratching ‘south of the border’ - Guitar Challenge Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook:
Episode 15 - Movies, Games and Trippin' Out
27/01/2015 Duration: 01h01min-Joe the golf announcer, wants to slide his mic into his mouth -Back to two mics -New Years Eve recap -Joe marathon's The Flash and fills in what's happened -Marvel Universe and its cross platform crossovers -Joe's list of 2015's must see movies -Joe's favorite actresses -2014 Vinyl vs digital sales numbers -Bill plays a new game, Cards Against Humanity -Joe explains Italian card games and Sequence -Time to book the summer camping trip -Bill might go to Osh Kosh -"Hernia's aren't fun" -Bill's Wisdom teeth update, including bone fragments -LSD, where are you now? -Bill opens up about trippin out back in the d
Episode 14 - Rashida Jones and the Big Breakfast
08/01/2015 Duration: 01h58sAUDIO DOES IMPROVE...STICK WITH IT! - Bill is sick again - Bill’s plan to get a better Christmas gift this year - “BJ’s Records & Nostalgia” Jack White find - Thirdman Records - - Some history behind Jack White’s hidden treasures “The Upholsterers” - - Joe notices this episodes audio has been recording wrong so far - Top 10 2014 “Nerd” movies - - Best Network Broadcast Shows of 2014 - - Who is Rashida Jones? - - Worst Television of 2014 - - The most Tweeted television show of 2014 - - Box Office 2014 -
Episode 13 - The Ultimate Transformer Spouse Misdirection
04/01/2015 Duration: 54min- Why Joe thinks Bill used to live on a farm - How we spent our Christmas' - Joe's fiascco trying to sell his two old iPhone 4S' on Kijiji - Challenge is teased….again - Joe's box of Transformers finally arrives and the ridiculousness of his logic behind it and how to hide it! - How Joe feels about his wife not showing interest in his hobby - Check out Joe's video unboxing: - Joe is officially Transformer free - New Evil Dead TV series being made…..Bill is very excited - Marvel’s strategy in forcing us to watch their new shows - Why is it so hard for us to watch “period pieces?” - New show revolving around “Camp X” by the CBC called “X-Company” - TV shows that the nerds want to succeed this year - 10 best “nerd related” movies of 2014 Twitter: Facebook: OR this Facebook:
Episode 12 - Christmas and The Hillywoods
27/12/2014 Duration: 55min- What we listen to - episode 11 review - Bill complains about porn popups - You can still listen to us on iTunes - Bill will never forgive iTunes for what it did to him - Merry belated Christmas !! - Joe still needs to finish his Christmas shopping - Joe’s brilliant plan on how to buy his gifts for next year - Bill’s headphone Christmas gift headache - What Joe saw at Best Buy and the PS4 - Sony hacking issue - Fantastic “Lord of the Rings” short - Lord of the Rings Musical Parody - Behind the scenes making of - The Hillywood Show - How long the Lord of the Ring movies are compared to their books? - Hannibal the TV show - Joe finally finished Season 1 of Sleepy Hollow - 2015 Rock N Roll Hall of Fame inductees - Bill recommends this HOF video of Prince shredding on “While My Guitar Gently Weep
Episode 11 - Confusing Explanations and Surprising Revelations
19/12/2014 Duration: 52min- Classic cold opening - Bill checks out show sponsor NOSNOB and tries a new wine, and uses Checkout 51 to get $2 off a bottle. Use this link to sign up and they will give you $5 just for trying Checkout 51 - Bill's confusing explanation of where to find old material - Update on dual microphone issues - Bill's update on original Batmobile sale & new massive vintage car find - More on Joe's bookshelves… - Joe falls asleep while in the middle of freeing willy - Joe has a Transformers delivery dilemma - Joe starts a Transformers podcast - Joe gets his new iPhone 6 - Bill gets passionate about our unboxing videos - STC Youtube channel: - Joe finally watches this season of "Game of Thrones" and discusses it - "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee" - Mystery challenge to be announced Facebook: Show Sponsor : --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 10 - "Microphones and Moops"
12/12/2014 Duration: 44min- 2 hours of microphone issues - Quick listener review following the video unboxing for "The Basement Tapes" - What Bill won't do for $20 - Record Store Day with Bill, thanks to - 2 Turntables and a Microphone - Walking Dead finale review - Joe recommends "Intruders" - "The Librarians" - Bill wants Joe to go "tankless" - unhappy wife...unhappy Joe Like our facebook: Sponsor: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 9 - Joe Parties & Bill Gets Oral
07/12/2014 Duration: 49min- The two mic fiasco - Bill goes MIA for a week - Bill gets some oral done on him - Joe surprises Bill with dinner - Joe throws a party…for a 3 year old & Bill gets angry - Joe gets REALLY excited about his new shelf - Bill still doesn't understand Yorkdale Mall - Christmas presents - Bill has absolutely no video game skills and yet still feels ha can tell people how GTA 5 should be played - Joe does some plumbing with his cousin - No shingles….no worries - Kevin Smith Facebooks Bill - Bill's video unboxing for "The Basement Tapes" FRESHER THAN EVER AND NOW ON iTUNES AND STITCHER SHOW SPONSER : --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 8 – Car Fixin’ and Teeth Pullin’
02/12/2014 Duration: 40minShow sponsor : - Joe prefers the night records - We’re still happy with the new mic - News way to listen to us - “The Basement Tapes” - Bill’s take on vinyl - Led Zep’s vinyl releases - Joe drops $1000 on car repairs - The plight of the long distance work commuter - Vacation time - Still no “Interstellar” movie date for Joe & Bill - Bill appointment to have teeth pulled - “Promethus 2” news - 3rd last “Walking Dead” review - HBO’s “Westworld” is coming - Our “Golden Age” of TV --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 7 - Bob Dylan and the $450 Date Night
29/11/2014 Duration: 58minShow Sponsor : Bill runs down his adventures for Bob Dylan's November 18th 2014 Toronto Sony Centre performance. Joe watches the dollars Twitter: STCPod Blog: F*Facebook: OR this Facebook: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 6 - Comics and The Jimmy Legs
22/11/2014 Duration: Still having no intro music is driving Joe nuts Bill is jealous of only one thing regarding the iPad Joe still needs to get the new iPhone….but is bigger really better? What TV is best to play video games on Selling stuff on Kijiji Bill's take on modern age comics Joe's MP Transformers Heritage auction find & Action Comics #1 Origin history of 1963 Original Batmobile Our best comics The Transformers Bill wants to buy Joe getting caught up on Howard Stern Begging for money More on Bill's comics Free comic book day Jimmy legs are part of the atmosphere Siri knows what Jimmy legs are Seinfeld and understanding comedy Bill's take on what sports Joe watches --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 5 - T-Shorts and Name Droppin'
15/11/2014 Duration: 56min- - It still takes Joe forever to figure out how to record podcast - Joe finishes watching this seasons run of “Extant” and Bill can’t suspend his disbelief - Joe's TFs - Bill’s rules for watching a movie at a theatre - listener mail, reviews and comments - Joe's TFs - Bill’s old man back - Joe’s rough life with kids being sick - Joe's TFs - Joe wears t-shorts & needs to buy some things - Joe still doing some work at home and works on his office - Joe's TFs - Walking Dead’s “Washinton crew” - Joe’s books - Joe's TFs - Talking TV: The Returned, In The Flesh, plus recommendations - The Soderberg fiasco - Joe's TFs --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 4 - Snowballin' and Reticles
09/11/2014 Duration: 38min- We find out why Joe had disappeared for two weeks- Joe lost his microphone - Snowballing - - Joe goes to Toys R Us- Joe buys/sells Tf’s - Transformers :Age of Extinction is a good movie?? - Another TF arrived for Joe - Why so secretive Joe? - Joe’s PVR is filling up again - Bill tries to convince Joe not to finish watching Extant - Bills plays some video games and we find out he has to play on the “old man setting” - What is a recticle?? - Joe returns his wall mount - Playstation 4 vs X-Box - Joe can’t sell his CRT TV - Bill plays Call of Duty: Black Ops but wants to be a lone wolf - Joe and Bill make a date to go see Interstellar --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 3 - Toys and Trannys
20/10/2014 Duration: 01h01minSTART TO CONTINUE is a new podcast based on an old idea of just two dudes having a chat, busting chops, breaking down the ideas of the day. We look into everything that interests us on any particular day such as what we watch, play and read.....all while trying to stay awake late into the night. - Joe and his Transformers. Does Joe play with his toys? - Bill gets thrown off when asked about the record collection - Sansui and record players and other name brands Bill can't remember - Tv shows we still can't agree on - Hobbit movie. Was Desolation needed as a standalone? - Too many comic characters on the tv shows confuses Joe --- Send in a voice message:
Episode 2 - Walking Dead with the Cone Bone
16/10/2014 Duration: 41minSTART TO CONTINUE is a new podcast based on an old idea of just two dudes having a chat, busting chops, breaking down the ideas of the day. We look into everything that interests us on any particular day such as what we watch, play and read - Walking Dead season premiere ‘Terminus review’ - Joe drinking Red Bull - Joe judges people - Joe hates Conan; Bill loves him - Who is funny in comedy today - Joe farts - Listening to Howard Stern & how Bill won’t listen to Lena Dunham or watch Girls --- Send in a voice message: