
Start To Continue #40 - The Transcendental Rebellion Goes Uncharted



Recap of last shows issues Joe wants Bill to try meditation Bill refuses to try some new ideas for the show How did Bill not know Joe's Transformers & Beer podcast is a weekly episodic? Bill wants a reward for when Joe finishes the basement Why can't Joe remember his highschools name Ginko Kilbobo beans? Bill tries to pry some school information out of Joe but fails Show intro starts here Joe almost loses wallet and iPhone again Joe's hobo dinner Joe gets nauseous playing Uncharted : Drake's Fortune Joe's latest PVR records Joe catches some Magic Mike  Bill doesn't know what Graceland is Watching some Star Wars : Rebels Watching some Twitch with P1 Bill missing out on video game swap The overpricing of convention admissions Joe's going to put Bill's hotdog down his throat Shoutouts and a new podcast to check out Follow what games we're playing next Twitter:  STCPod Website F*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us  YouTube Channel: