
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 402:08:12
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A chat slugfest! Two industry insiders cut through everything you watch, play, read and collect. NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY


  • STCPod #62 - Girlfriend Vs. STCPod

    11/12/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    The two boys of STCPod go head to head against Boyfriend of Girlfriend Vs. fame.Listen in as we found out what it's like living the life of a working actor, You-Tuber, gamer, and boyfriend in Los Angeles.Google Hangouts doesn’t want us to start the showFind out how Curtiss thought we lookedCurtiss thinks we talk softly and carry big micsJoe gets a congratulations from Bill on his Transformers & Beer Podcast 1 Year AnniversaryWhat does Feb 13, 2014 mean to CurtissJoe talks about making the leap and working on joining the video worldCurtiss' gives STCPod a never before told story & why you shouldn't let him into your closetSTCPod gets really excited about Curtiss’ “ditch magazine rack” pick-upShow opening & guest introduction…..with a little bit of cahone jugglingGirlfriend Vs. Season 2 updateWhat was the concept behind Girlfriend Vs. & what it takes to produce an episodeWhere Curtiss came from and how did he get to Los Angeles?How did Boyfriend meet Girlfriend?Curtiss’ video footage of his trip

  • STCPod #61 - Dirty Underwear, Fast Food & Some Jessica Jones

    04/12/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    Reminding the listeners how to correctly get the show from now onJoe's son enjoyed his birthday carJoe's get angry at dog poopA Jr. Kindergarten storyJoe's poop cleaning storyBill throws his kids underwear out and wishes ill towards Joe's buttocksJoe takes his kid to a brithday movie with another momBill can't understand Joe's logic in not letting his 4 yr old wear 3-D glassesBill learns why not to use brown paint on the wallsBill's A&W coupon fiascoPutting a moratorium on A&WShow open / Fandango ball bustin'We discuss the 1-Console Challenge & will we be doing it?Thinking about getting the FramemeisterWe go game hunting for a day togetherIs Jessica Jones worth watching?A few music documentaries to check outKingsmen movie vs Bond conceptNon-spoiler thoughts on Walking Dead mid-season finaleBill gets free shelves & then regrets bringing it upJoe needs a collecting interventionTwitter: Website Channel:

  • STCPod #60 - Lifestyles of the Mint In Box

    27/11/2015 Duration: 01h09min

    Joe gets angry at Google How Joe's 4 year gets a car for his birthday Remembering what we had to ride as kids STCPod's new hosting site Thoughts on how they could have improved Shadow of the Colossus Outrageous PPV prices Bill's thoughts on playing From Russia With Love on PS2 Show open Transformers & Beer now on iTunes A listener question gets answered by Bill What kind of protective cases are best for game boxes? Joe doesn't understand why CIB is used to describe games and not MIB? Why the AFA grading is so subjective R.I.P. to Bill's PVR and why he has to have that specific model Twitter: Website Channel: Stitcher: URL: --- Send in a vo

  • STCPod #59 - Breaking News !! Japan Invades Canada !!

    20/11/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    The boys of STCPod sit down with one half of Retro Fandango, Richard (aka RAM VOX), and discuss his life in Japan and how a boy from Jersey ended up there.  Listen in to hear about all his collecting habits, how less is more and everything else that makes him tick.We also grill Vox with our Collectors Questionnaire......can he handle the pressure...or will he writhe in pain just like Joe does watching Bill play a video game? All this and more in this weeks STCPod episode!!! Boom.Find Ram Vox in the following places : Twitter : @TheRamVox Website Channel: Stitcher: URL: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #58 - The Spectre of Superbad

    13/11/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Teen angst moviesHow super good it is watching Superbad againFalling asleep while getting the poison outFirst time buying beerWhy Joe mainly buys wine in the winterBill gives some kudos to the last Transformers & Beer PodcastKijiji expectations in terms of sellingShow introNES Blinking Light winSpectre and Charlie Brown newsCan Harry Potter save the upcoming Frankenstein movie?Halo 5 newsWhy we are loving the new Ash Vs Evil Dead tv showTwitter: Website Channel: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #57 - Crazy Rationale & The Greatest American Supergirl

    06/11/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    Joe's a bear again More zombie hypothesizing Bill on Shadow of the Colossus Joe's rationale why he doesn't want his kids watching him play video games We recap what happened on Halloween Why Joe hates Halloween & Bill's life Trick 'o Treating on the farm Show open New Walking Dead is still kicking ass Joe finally gets to talk about the new Supergirl show Thoughts on the remake of The Greatest American Hero Crazy facts on Stephen J. Cannell Will Mark Wahlberg mess up The Six Billion Dollar Man? Star Trek is returning to TV.......digitally that is Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #56 - Being The Last Man on Earth with Tiffany

    30/10/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    A Retro opening Bill springs a record on Joe and ruins his night Shadow of the Colossus playing More Fandango ball-bustin' The Tiffany backlash? Joe actually gets props from Bill! Bill is incredulous at the magazines Joe has kept Listen to Bill getting ready for winter... Joe goes video game hunting What is the proper driving ettiquette when hunting for games? Bill rants on Buy & Sell prices! Planning a new game buying strategy Who is @GardenGloves1 on Twitter? Show intro Should we have watched the Star Wars trailer & when do we see the movie? Spoiler-free Walking Dead review Eliminating shows off of the PVR What are guys at the gym thinking about when they look in the mirror? We answer a listener question Next Cartridge Club Game of the Month Best show on TV right now..... Remembering porn on Beta tapes Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes:

  • STCPod ep 55 - Portland Retro Gaming Expo Review and Round2Gaming

    23/10/2015 Duration: 01h09min

    The boys of STCPod sit down with Dean from Round 2 Gaming Channel and discuss his adventures at this years Portland Retro Gaming Expo.  Listen in to hear about all the do's & don'ts if you're planning on going next year, what craziness you can expect, and what life is like for one of the biggest game and memorabilia collectors in our community. We also grill Dean with our Collectors Questionnaire......can he handle the pressure...or will he melt just like Bill being forcibly held in Joe's arms?  All this and more in this weeks STCPod episode!!! Boom. Dean at Round2Gaming: Twitter: STCPod: Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes:

  • STCPod 54 - Field Trippin With Viral Joe

    16/10/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Joe’s a bear when he has a cold Grateful Dead fill in Audio clip from Joe’s ride on the yellow bus Bill falls asleep…….and forgets to pick up his kids Bill lives vicariously through his kids volleyball team We discuss what martial art to enroll Joe’s son in Bill’s secret weapon for fighting colds Show intro Action Figure Expo videos Joe’s iRig2 moves one step closer to being used Joe obsesses (a lot) over MightyQDawg’s game shelves Joe goes Costanza with his Tribute movie mags and TV Guides We discuss the EXCELLENT show finale of Strike Back Bill get wood over some new Bob Dylan news…..(this is where Joe falls asleep) We discuss the failure of the Pan movie; will we see The Martian, and Godzilla vs King Kong James Bond movie arguments Bill has another dispute with Kijiji people Is it time to get out of video game buying? Kevin “volunteers” to mod our Xbox’s for us   Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes:

  • Episode 53 - Joe Gets Framed and Bill Gets Creamed

    08/10/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Bill gets creamed a bad way Joe has to get a police check done and ends up getting finger-printed because of his name Bill can't believe Joe has volunteered to supervise a bunch of Jr. Kindergarten kids Bill (and everyone else) thinks Joe has sleep apnea and really wants to get him tested Bill gets an update on Joe's Transcendental Meditation progress Joe gets "Soup Nazied" by Mucho Burrito  We discuss some possible game pickups from EB Games We fawn a little bit over @MightyQDawg and his smooth voice Remembering The Fable series How Bill proves once again how he is the oldest man alive Goodwill tries to rip people off again Age of Ultron thoughts How movies need recognizable music in them Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: http://starttocon

  • STCPod #52 - The International Gastrol Incident

    02/10/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Promoting new content on some shows we watch & listen to Did Kevin's outing of Bill on Periscope have a calming effect on him?  Why won't Bill listen to Joe Rogan? Duke's tribute video to the Cartridge Club Bros. Bill starts investigating what's behind Joe in his garage Joe's international golf incident Joe downsizes with his new lunch bag Joe finally uses up all of his Canadian Tire money he had hoarded We discuss the demise of paper Canadian Tire money & its history Bill explains why he doesn't like to eat thighs We try to figure out when our official 1 year anniversary is We discuss Marvel film news & exciting new possibilities Joe and his wrestling VHS tapes and his decluttering Should Bill finally start to watch Falling Skies Remembering "V" Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher:

  • Start To Continue Podcast #51 - Joe Gets Angry and Bill Finally Has His Waterloo

    25/09/2015 Duration: 01h43min

    Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the warWaterloo - Promise to love you for ever moreWaterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted toWaterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with youWaterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo - ABBA Boom….cold open Joe is #1… his Fantasy Baseball pool and tries to explain the concept to Bill Joe gets really excited about cooking pumpkin seeds Bill's Dairy Queen coupon fiasco & why Joe says DQ ice cream is "just too much" Joe buys a few games We get angry at how new games prices have risen even more A quick review of our anniversary episode Best time of the year….new tv shows We answer some Twitter fan questions Bill recounts his adventure at the Waterloo Game Swap Some more Twitter questions get answered Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast UR

  • Episode 50 - We Made It To 50!

    18/09/2015 Duration: 01h23min

    A 50th episode celebration! Listen for the special guests, hilarious memories and ball busted hosts among all the surprises. What is the future for Start To Continue? A warm THANK YOU goes out to all the listeners that have kept this podcast going for 50 episodes. We could never express how much we appreciate all of you, for allowing our voice to penetrate your lives and still come back for more each week. Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Start To Continue Podcast #49 - The Great Deli Debate

    11/09/2015 Duration: 54min

    Why do Bill's fingers smell like Polish ham? Joe buys Bill a yardsale board game, but Bill doesn't appreciate it Joe gets furious over the mics we use Not another sunflower seed episode Explaining our Google Hangouts issue Bill wants to know why all the blog secrecy? Joe explains some of the process behind his Transformers & Beer Podcast Finally…the show opening Bill's appears as a guest on the latest Cartridge Club show and we think we have solved who the mystery burper is Joe finds some new storage and is trying a new arrangement for his office (hope you have lots of space in your trunk…because he's going to put his bike in it!) We get all hard and geeky over storage units Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: http:/

  • Episode 48 - The Sunflower Incident

    04/09/2015 Duration: 53min

    More barbaric on-air professionalism Bill returns from a month of vacation Joe’s recording in the dungeon again We review our last episode with special guest P1 Retro Fandango likes to poke the bear We agree to disagree on which Star Trek movies are good Recap The Projectionist episode with Cousin Luke Show open Stay tuned for Joe’s pickup next episode Bill goes hunting in Belleville Joe gets angry at some Kijiji finds What’s a Sega Mega Drive worth? Joe is taking P1’s collecting philosophy to heart Another classic STCPod technical issue blows the show up at the end...or did Bill just have enough?? Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message: https://

  • Start To Continue Podcast #47 - Clubbing Around With A Cartridge Bros

    28/08/2015 Duration: 01h22min

    The boys of Start To Continue sit down with a very honoured guest; P1 of the Cartridge Bros! We submit him to our very first Questionaire For Collectors, as well as finding out what it's like juggling a gaming community with life in the Royal Canadian Navy. Enjoy listening to these answers, as well as many more in this special episode! The Cartridge Club P1 on Twitter: Twitter: Website Channel: URL: http://starttocontinue.podomatic.comRSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Episode 46 - The Projectionist

    21/08/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    We sit down with an independent movie theater projectionist and learn some behind the scenes stories from that darkened booth where all that colourful light shines from. We also talk gaming, current and retro NESRomancer's epic Castlevania opus Bill's battle with Mario Sunshine Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Start To Continue Podcast #45 - Flea Market Finds, Glory Days of Video Hockey and Bye Bye Banshee

    14/08/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Cold angry opening Why can't Joe have bread & peanut butter while recording a podcast? There shall be no negotiating with Transformers dealers !! (1:49) Joe's goes "Under the Radar" to meetup with a seller (2:00) We find out Bill has left Joe...for month.... to go on vacation Bill gives in and buys an Apple iPod off of Kijiji Will iTunes screw-up Bill's music archive records once again? (11:30) STCPod T-shirt has wrapped up a successful campaign (13:27) Bill is incredulous that Joe still drops his kids off at daycare (16:27) We finally start the show (18:02) Joe details his visit and pickups from the Courtice Flea Market (19:44) We comment on the poor conditions of flea market displays Bill does his Bill thing and rips off a store seller; buys Burn Out 3 and more (31:42) Bill reminisces about the glory days of his past playing of hocket video games...Joe falls asleep .....more on Swordquest (48:50) STCPod TV recommendations    Twitter: STCPod Website YouT

  • Start To Continue Podcast #44 - Adventures at Tranny-Con

    07/08/2015 Duration: 53min

    Is a turkey dog the same as a sausage dog? STCPod vacation & booking ahead of schedule Bill disputes the similarity of a hopper and a can Joe can't stand relistening to shows because he is a monster Show opening Bill's fascinated with Joe's adventure at Tranny-Con and what happened there Online communities get up in arms STCPod show recommendations   Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel:  iTunes:  Stitcher: Podcast URL:  RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Episode 43 - Where Have All The He-Men Gone?

    31/07/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    McDonald's & Joe Joe's birthday cake More Mickey D's Why Kevin Smith's quote got to Bill Thank-you shout outs Joe's STC contract is coming up for renewal and he wants out Bill watches  : Humans, Rocky 2,3, 4 & 7 Days In Hell in one night Joe has to "babysit" his kids this week Joe's latest haul Bill lost all his childhood memories Bill talks about his yard-sale find Joe wonders what proper yard-sale etiquette is Trivia questions Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel:  iTunes:  Stitcher: Podcast URL:  RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

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