A chat slugfest! Two industry insiders cut through everything you watch, play, read and collect. NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY
STCPod #82 - A Princely Sendoff For A Playstation
29/04/2016 Duration: 01h18minA Tiffany episodeBill forces Joe to watch the SNL Prince specialRecapping last weeks surprise news regarding the #1Console ChallengeWell wishes out to Ram Vox due to the earthquakeDiscussing the deaths that occur in wrestling and why it's not more regulatedRemembering Prince and some wacky storiesBill's first yardsale trek of the seasonShow openingJoe buys some stuff from Value VillageBill's thrift store pickupsBill's dramatic ending to his Playstation 3 story from last week Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #81 - Stories Galore & A BIG Announcement !
22/04/2016 Duration: 01h38minWatching baseball is a beautiful way to spend 4 hours of your dayA sick Girlfriend Vs. returns to the showCartridge Club Google HangoutCurtiss questions Joe's heritageCanadian Health Care versus AmericanCurtiss' pneumonia storyJoe's still putting off going to a sleep clinicWhat's Girlfriend Vs' girlfriend is up toPlaying some Sega Genesis' Aladdin & Phantasy Star 3Video game grinding....hey yoWhat's the future looking like for the Girlfriend Vs. channelWe temporarily lose Bill to some technical difficultiesCurtiss' latest game haul & future shows to go toShow openingBill's thrift store findsThoughts on Spiderman Homecoming movie#1Console Challenge Big Announcement! Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS:
STCPod #80 - Thriftin' with Negan & The Walking Dead
15/04/2016 Duration: 01h10minBill doesn't understand why Joe has to go to physio or why people have to work outBill's frustration at thrift stores' lack of inventory latelyIs it time to finally start just playing games for fun?Show openBill is still trying to push the movement of keeping Joe aliveOut thoughts so far on this season of The Last Man On EarthWhy Bill's not happy with Season 2 start of Fear The Walking DeadOur review of the past season of Walking DeadBanshee returns for a final season Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #79 - Sleeping With The Devil
08/04/2016 Duration: 01h05minA last minute record once againJoe needs a sleep interventionPassing out in a parking lotBill's watches his kid play basketballJoe gets stuck at a kids birthday partyA bed for a princessShoutout to Media Mavens podcastErnie Ells bad Masters startThe passing of Merle HaggardBill buys Star Wars on DVDOne of us needs to watch Daredevil Season 2Angie Tribeca Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #78 - April Fools! It's A Tiffany!
01/04/2016 Duration: 01h04minIt's another Tiffany-goodness episode from the boys of STCPod. We talk wheelin' & dealin', Bill's sister, shows we've been watching and the history of some giants in the musical industry.A dark cloudTechnical issues with our guest Cartridge CanuckThanking the listenersBill's sisterShow openThe real cause of last episodes "Easter egg"Bill nabs a sweet Kijiji Sony PSP & X-Box games dealBill tries to stir the potShows we're watchingThe Beach BoysTower Records : All Things Must PassPloughing through Alan Wake Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #77 - The Barrie Game Exchange & Us
25/03/2016 Duration: 01h09minListen vicariously through us as we walk you through our first experience together at the Barrie Game Exchange. Shenanigans ensue from the drive up, to what YouTube stars we met, to what we bought and the get-together afterwards. Enjoy! Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #76 - The Trouble with Superheroes
18/03/2016 Duration: 01h03minA food free episodeThanking GirlfriendVSParanoid about leaving audio drops when talkingFiguring out our show job titlesRejecting a show nameRejecting a movie recommendationShow openOur thoughts after watching Appleseed AlphaHalfway through Mr. RobotNews on upcoming Luke Cage seriesThe trouble with superhero crossovers on showsLast Man on Earth returnsFake Beetlejuice 2 rumoursThoughts on Ghostbusters trailer-redoJoe's excited for Barrie Game Exchange Complaining about the #1Console ChallengeWhat games we're looking for at the showGetting our XBox's modded by KevinTwitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #75 - Hollywood Dreamin'
11/03/2016 Duration: 01h10minThe passing of George MartinSome great James Bond songsJoe gives up on wasting his life watching Fast & Furious 7Our special guest joins us for this episodeDelving into Curtiss' new diggsFriggin' #1Console Challenge !The difficulty of retro gaming mentalityCurtiss plays game doctor to help Joe pick out a "good game"Sega Genesis issuesShow openWill Girlfriend be coming on the show? Hollywood secrets revealedLife in Hollywood during the Oscars madnessBeing able to vote on Hollywood Awards & getting screenersLife in the ValleyWill STCPod be on Girlfriend VS next year?How Girlfriend VS' Easter Eggs came to beFielding complaints from FandangoTalking William FriedkinA Curtiss-True Hollywood StoryGirlfriend VS' first date togetherTalking Better Call Saul Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher:
STCPod #74 - The Spectre of Jamaican Joe
04/03/2016 Duration: 58minJoe survives his family vacation and returns to tell the taleShow openingTo watching The Martian or read the book?Joe starts reading The Wheel of TimeJoe finishes watching season 1 of Mr. RobotBill watches Spectre, tells what he liked about it & we argue about the best Daniel Craig Bond movieBill is done playing NeirWe ask listeners for help for a show nameCartridge Club GOTM Alan WakeJoe thanks Bill for being a special guest on his Transformers & Beer podcast #50 Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #73 - Losin' It With Bill Joe and Siri
26/02/2016 Duration: 01h05sJoe gets 2cm of snow and considers it "snowed in" Joe's doesn't use his snowblower so that it won't dirty Bill has given up on watching video game pickup videos Dummy drivers in the winter time Posting videos Joe's Fantasy Baseball season is starting soon Joe watched Grease LIVE....again Show open Barrie Game Exchange & lining up early for shows Concert ticket prices Bill up late playing Cartridge Club GOM Neir on Xbox 360 How we spent Family Day Joe's all excited because he got some extra shelves for his bookcases What went right with Wedding Crashers and not so right with The Internship Walking Dead & Vikings return Siri vs Google, again Bill crowbars in Losin' It talk Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: http://stcpod.podbea
STCPod #72 - Dōmo Arigatō, Mr. Roboto & Bad Garage Sale Etiquette
19/02/2016 Duration: 01h09minBill's dumbfounded on how Joe is pamperedShoutout to Tony & Derek aka The Two DorksBill thanks Retro Fandango and we talk some RamboWe argue over Conan O'Brien…..againComing of age filmsThoughts on Deadpool movie and will its success entice studios to show more R-rated films?Show openingWhy Joe doesn’t like to use his iPhone to listen to podcastsJoe bans Bill from watching pick-up videos to resolve his anger issuesGarage sale etiquetteJoe finishes another game for #1Console ChallengeBill gives a shoutout to Transformers & Beer and what he wants to see in the futureJoe recommends Mr. RobotBand of Brothers vs The PacificThoughts on Riverdale coming to the CW networkJoe busts a couple off to Velma who he thinks is hotter than DaphneSupergirl and The Flash crossoverKevin Smith's new LateNight Talk Show on AMCTwitter: Website: Channel:
STCPod #71 - Two Dorks and A Podcast
12/02/2016 Duration: 01h17minSTCPod welcomes two guys who could arguably be our doppelgängers to the show, and to The Cartridge Club, as we do our weekly sit-down this week with Derek and Tony, also known as the Two Dorks on YouTube.Introductions and some STCPod technical difficultiesWhat kind of games Tony is into and his lack of patience when it comes to buying thingsA PS2 Kijiji game lot buy for BillDerek considers getting a CD resurfacerTony's "strategy" of game collectingShow introA brief backstory of our guestsDerek's gaming style and how he makes his hobby pay for itselfLearn how the Two Dorks were createdWhat the future looks like for the Two Dorks YouTube channelThoughts on comic collectingSelling items at game swapsSharing buying techniques within the communityHow thrift stores add insult to their buyersDumpster divingWhen will the apex of game costs arrive?Is storing your collection becoming an issue?YouTube : Tony's Instagram :'s T
STCPod #70 - No Goodwill for DC on TV
05/02/2016 Duration: 01h14minA slight confusion as to our start record timeBill gets angry when Joe goes to the gymBill’s watches Rambo for research and tries to trick Joe into watching it againThrift huntingGoodwill stores closing throughout the GTAA frustrating local Kijiji adJoe has a possible Kijiji purchaseShow openCousin Luke comes through for Bill and gets him his postersThanking everyone for the success of STCPod #69Bill is worried about Joe and thinks he has narcolepsyJoe’s almost done watching Jessica JonesThoughts on DC’s Legends of TomorrowJoe’s still trying to convince Bill to watch The FlashDiscussing Kevin Smith’s Yoga Hosers and why his movies have gotten worse latelyA Remake of The MummyTalks of Veronica Mars returning to TVFox ordering a pilot of the ExorcistHow much did Joe love the recent Grease Live on TV?Why does everyone on TV have to be so good looking?Abe VagodaCartridge Club Game of the month – NeirTwitter: Website: Channel:
STCPod #69 - Doing the 69 With Our Listeners
29/01/2016 Duration: 01h39minThis is it! The episode that everyone was waiting for has finally happened, and what a turnout it was!Joining us live for the group chat was Duke from Retro Nonsense, Kevin from Retro Fandango, Sarah from Caught Me Gaming, Eric & Melissa from Mighty & Mrs. Q Dawg, Kyle from Game Time With Kyle, Cousin Luke from The Movies, Dean from Round 2 Gaming, Steven Eidher from CAPMAX Gaming, Enzzy and Paul both from The Leftover Bits.We filled up FAST, so those who were not able to get into the live chat we thank you for watching the stream on YouTube.We promise you.....there will be another time for this again!Twitter: Website: Channel: Stitcher: URL: out the above live chatters in their own forums at : Duke - YouTube : Ret
STCPod #68 - Our Very Own 3 Hour Nintendo Quest
22/01/2016 Duration: 01h15minRushing to do another recordHappy Birthday to Bill !What is going on with all the clutter around JoeBill's wife sneaks into the room and finally sees Joe's faceWhy does Joe have 3 VCRs?Show introIs it possible to be re-tweeting to much?No more Nobunaga for Joe !Hop aboard the Bang Bus as we recount how Kevin from Retro Fandango joins STCPod on a all day video game huntBill's thoughts on David Bowie passingGlen Frey's passing and expensive concert ticketsOur review on Nintendo QuestTwitter: Website: Channel: Stitcher: URL: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPod #67 - Flying Jessica Drones Around Gotham
15/01/2016 Duration: 01h09minIt's a snow day for Bill on the farm & all the nonsense that goes along with itJoe apologizes to Bill for last weeks showWe delve into why Bill NEEDS to do the showTalking about Joe's ball juiceShow opening eBay is making Joe vomit all overLooking at other ways to purchase itemsJoe's obstacles to overcome in regards to buyingthere's a new religion in Bill's town....and he's not buyingJoe's process of downsizing his comic collectionBill explains again why he is loving Jessica jonesJoe finishes Gotham Seasnon 2; surprised at how much he likes Limitless & is starting the LeftoversHow people who don't watch shows because thy revolve around superheros frustrates usBill's daughters' birthday party made him want to kill himselfKids are getting back into Polaroid camerasSuper 8 cameras are coming backTon's of drones at the C.E.S.; especially a fixed-wing plane you can fly with VR gogglesTwitter: Website: Channel:
STCPod # 66 - Waxing the Ol' Blower To Supergirl
08/01/2016 Duration: 59minStarting the show off with anger and a black cloudJoe has two quick big sales on KijijiGetting confused by a Kijiji ad descriptionJoe’s contemplating some future eBay auctionsShow introCartridge Club Game of the MonthBill playing Gunstar HeroesThanking our guest blog contributor Steven EidherRemember the Canadian TV show LEXXHow much Joe is loving Supergirl right now?How we love and hate the new Star WarsGuardians of the Galaxy shooting with 8KBill tries to convince Joe how he needs to watch Jessica JonesVoltron is being remadeBill’s game pickups & soft-modding a WiiThinking of Buried on MarsHow Joe bought a snowblower… but his OCD makes him not use it a lot to prevent rustDiscussing The Punishers upcoming appearing on DaredevilJoe watched The Shannara Chronicles and both of us brain-farting on lots of namesAsh Vs Evil Dead finaleFrank Darabont lawsuit vs AMC and how his deposition is availableAngry with Michael Bay’s non-chalance with his directing the next Transformers movieKrang will be appearing in t
STCPod #65 - The Great Peanuts Betrayal
01/01/2016 Duration: 01h04minBill's Christmas holiday on the farmWhy does Joe think Bill came from a farm?Joe's only experience on a farm occurred at a barn partyAnother brief work story from BillWhere Joe spent Christmas this yearBill's Christmas gift to himselfJoe used willpower and didn't buy himself anything this yearLooking at headphonesCousin Luke gets some Peanuts for Joe1 Console Challenge has startedJoe and his "zero-fun games" according to BillBill get some thrift games for both of usCousin Luke visits the farm & brings some video gamesTwitter: Website: Channel: Stitcher: URL: --- Send in a voice message:
STCPOD #64 - Playstation 5, Kijiji Douche Bags & Not Going To Star Wars
24/12/2015 Duration: 01h28minMERRY CHRISTMAS!! Our Christmas gift to you, ANOTHER episode with the forever engaging, charming and devastatingly beautiful Kevin from BuriedOnMars! Follow Kevin on twitter! at on some Cartridge Club newsIs Kevin doing too much in his life?Has Joe picked up lately?SNES game talkDo we need a PS5 to come out so soon? And why is that?Is the Apple model a good template for game systems to follow?Will new game consoles push towards the Pay Services only or is there another option?Kevin's Black Friday fiasco story for a 2nd Xbox OneWhen will Bill ever get a new system?Passing on Kijiji deals or is it better to buy the lot & resell what you don't need?Hard to find deals on KijijiKijiji douche bagsAs collectors, are we spending too much time searching for items?New Star Wars thoughtsHoward Stern thoughts on him renewing for a final 5 yearsHow concert ticket prices are out of controlBill doesn't understand baseball & why Kevin &
STCPod #63 - Boldly Watching Hollywood Trailers, TV Hopefuls, Xbox Modding & The 1 Console Challenge
18/12/2015 Duration: 01h08minKevin from BuriedOnMars sits in!We're starting to think maybe the issue was never Google HangoutsBill and Kevin reminisce about the good ol' daysFantastic 4 reboot sequel has been canceled...does anyone care?Our thoughts on the new Star Trek TrailerBatman vs Superman trailerOff-the-rocker Hollywood storiesThoughts on the Creed (Rocky) movieIs Rambo coming to TV and how can they do it?Joe's has started watching Limitless and is liking it so farWe discuss why less shows have been canceled this season than normalAre we loving Supergirl? (Yes, we know Joe loves her)Walking Dead season thoughts so farWe talk Xbox One and Xbox modding1 Console Challenge (#1ConsoleChallenge)Is the SNES going to be a realistic option for Joe to only play for the year?Follow Kevin on twitter! at Website: Channel: