
STCPod #52 - The International Gastrol Incident



Promoting new content on some shows we watch & listen to Did Kevin's outing of Bill on Periscope have a calming effect on him?  Why won't Bill listen to Joe Rogan? Duke's tribute video to the Cartridge Club Bros. Bill starts investigating what's behind Joe in his garage Joe's international golf incident Joe downsizes with his new lunch bag Joe finally uses up all of his Canadian Tire money he had hoarded We discuss the demise of paper Canadian Tire money & its history Bill explains why he doesn't like to eat thighs We try to figure out when our official 1 year anniversary is We discuss Marvel film news & exciting new possibilities Joe and his wrestling VHS tapes and his decluttering Should Bill finally start to watch Falling Skies Remembering "V" Twitter: STCPod Website YouTube Channel: iTunes: Stitcher: