Hbic Nation Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 5:52:11
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HBIC Nation Podcast - Six Authors & Badass Business Women Discuss How to Grow Your Creative Empire Like an HBIC. Join Alexis Anne, Lindsay Emory, Mary Chris Escobar, Alexandra Haughton, Julia Kelly and Laura von Holt for monthly chats about how to succeed in style. And remember our motto: Dream. Do. Dominate.


  • Alexandra and Laura Discuss How to Get Unstuck

    16/07/2019 Duration: 17min

    Summer Short #5: Get Unstuck   Our last summer mini-sode, features HBICs Alexandra Haughton and Laura von Holt (aka, The Sparkle Squad) who have combined their formal training, knowledge, and personal experience to design a workshop that addresses the mental and spiritual fortitude required to be a creative.    In other words, the stuff they probably didn’t teach you in that creative writing class, or any of those courses about how to market your work.   In this episode Alexandra and Laura  each share their favorite exercise from their popular Get Unstuck workshop. In less than 20 minutes you’ll have two really powerful tools to help you move past creative blocks. And, as if that isn’t enough, they are also sharing some free downloadable graphics you can use when you need a reminder to “Say yes to sequins. Say no to self-doubt.” Get those here: bit.ly/UNSTUCKAF   If you are a registered attendee at the Romance Writers of America conference (RWA) in New York next week, experience the whole workshop in pers

  • Julia (& Special Guest Justine!) Discuss the Secrets of Synopses

    09/07/2019 Duration: 24min

    Summer Short #4: Don’t be Scared of the Synopsis   We’re thrilled to be joined by the lovely Justine of the book blog I Should Read That and the podcast You’re Never Going to Read This for this installment of our summer series. In this mini-sode Justine interviews her sister, Julia, about the “mysterious writer side” of her life, specifically the workshop about synopses that she’ll be co-leading at the Romance Writers of America (RWA) Conference later this month.  Justine and Julia talk about why you’ll often hear authors muttering about how much writing a synopsis sucks, what a good synopsis can do for you, and the story behind how Julia learned to write a really strong one. Make sure to listen all the way to the end of this fun conversation for Julia’s words of wisdom about how to get the most out of RWA (or any conference, really) and take home lots of lessons about how to best manage your own unique career path.   If you’re a registered attendee at RWA you can catch Julia and Alisha Rai’s session: Synopse

  • Alexis Discusses Kanban Boards

    02/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    Summer Short #3: What is Kanban & What Does it Have to do with Writing?   In our third summer mini-sode, Alexis Anne explains what Kanban (pronounced: con-bon, rhymes with bonbon) even is, and why you should care. She gives you a quick birds-eye view of a process that has worked for engineers for years and then makes the short jump to how this can help YOU organize your writing life -- everything from plotting your next book, to creating a marketing plan.   Want more? If you are attending the Romance Writers of America (RWA) Conference this year-- Alexis is leading a session in which she will dive much deeper into all the ways kanban can enhance your creative life: Keep It Simple: Using Kanban to Plan Your Marketing, Plot Your Book, and Organize Your Life (Friday, July 26, at 3:15pm). Not attending RWA? No worries, Alexis plans to release a series of YouTube videos full of Kanban content. Find all the information on her website: https://alexisannebooks.com/kanban-for-writers    We’d love to know your t

  • Laura & Lindsay Discuss the Secrets of Podcasting

    18/06/2019 Duration: 25min

    Summer Short #2: Five Things We Wish We had Known About Podcasting   In the second of our Summer Shorts, Laura von Holt and Lindsay Emory sit down to talk about the five things they wish someone had told them before they started their podcasts. This mini-sode (as Lindsay calls it) is packed with amazing advice that will help you feel confident and ready to share your beautiful voice with the world.   Here are links to the things mentioned in the show: Lindsay’s podcast Laura’s podcast HBIC Guide to Podcasting   If you are attending the Romance Writers of America (RWA) Conference this year-- learn more from Lindsay and Laura, as well as Sarah MacLean (Fated Mates podcast) and Jenny Nordbak (Wicked Wallflowers) during their panel, Perfecting the Podcast (Thursday, July 25, at 9:45am).   After you listen, we’d love to know what you think. Join us on Facebook to ask questions or share your own experiences with podcasting. And don’t forget to subscribe to the HBIC Nation Podcast in your preferred podcasting app,

  • Alexis and Lindsay Discuss the Secrets of Newsletters

    04/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Summer Short #1: Back to the Future with Newsletters   This summer we’re bringing you a series of short podcasts that share some key strategies, thoughts and tips/tricks on topics we’ve been feeling passionate about lately. Many of these will be snippets of things that HBICs attending the Romance Writers of America (RWA) conference in July will have a chance to explore further in sessions we’re leading. However, even if we won’t see you in New York this summer, we promise you’ll gain insights from these shorts.   Just because they’re small, doesn’t mean they aren’t mighty.   Out first summer short is a conversation between Lindsay Emory and Alexis Anne about newsletters. They start by explaining why going back in time to use old school email might be even more important than your awesome Facebook page and that witty Twitter banter you’ve cultivated. Alexis shares what she’s learned about refining her content, creating value for her readers, and why she doesn’t stress about a few unsubscribes. While there is c

  • Content Marketing: How to Lure, Hook and Reward Your Biggest Fans

    16/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    Content marketing-- wait? What exactly does that mean? What content are we marketing? Are we now just using “content” as a super generic synonym for “art”?   If you’re not familiar with the concept, the mere mention of content marketing can cause confusion. Fear not! We’re clearing all that up for you this month.   Essentially content marketing involves intentionally drawing people to your art without you having the scream “BUY THE THING I MADE” at the top of your lungs all the time. We start the podcast off with a comprehensive explanation of what exactly content marketing is and two specific ways to approach it, before diving into specific examples of how Lindsay, Julia, and Alexis are currently using these techniques.   Then we offer some tips for brainstorming your own content marketing campaign without getting distracted by all the bright, shiny ideas. We also talk about how, as a creative, you’re naturally equipped to be amazing at creating content (imagine that!). Plus there’s also some chatter about t

  • Knowing Your Market: HBIC Hacks, Creative Snowflakes & Tough Love

    24/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    Since it’s October, the month of all things ghoulish and ghostly it seemed appropriate to tackle a super scary topic, which means we’re talking about [cue foreboding organ music] MARKETING. That’s right-- getting out there, finding people who like your art, and making a sale-- things we know can cause creatives some trepidation.   But here’s the thing, if you want to make money you’ve got to find the people who want to buy that thing you make as much a trick-or-treater wants a full size candy bar. So we’re sharing lots of tips and tricks for getting started on this process: including getting clear about your ideal customer (in an inspired segment we’ll call “What Would Laura Buy”), hacks for researching your corner of the market, the benefits of tapping into that micro-market, and how to adjust your marketing if you don’t see what your selling “trending.”   We also learn Lindsay’s dirty little secret, Laura talks about bras, and Julia has got all the best tough love everyone needs to hear about the absolute n

  • Creative New Year - Setting Goals & Drinking Champagne

    22/08/2018 Duration: 16min

      Our summer episode kicks off with Alexandra and Laura singing, just for fun and in perfect harmony, in a way that can only be accomplished when they’re in the same room together. Which they were, because this episode was recorded during a few quiet moments during the Romance Writers of America national conference last month.   We think of the conference as our “Romance New Year.” Not only because we dress up for a fancy dance party and drink champagne, but also because we leave energized and inspired, making it feel like a natural time to reflect on our progress toward goals we set earlier in the year. But you certainly don’t have to write romance (or write at all) to stage your own creative reset. All it requires is setting aside some time to think about things like whether your actions are in harmony with that big goal you are working toward? Are you having fun? Did you set too many goals at the beginning of the year? Are your goals really dreams?   We tackle these questions, and share some of our favorit

  • Networking - How to Break the Ice, Follow-up and Fake it like an HBIC! (Role-play, that is.)

    31/05/2018 Duration: 51min

      Highlights: Crossover episode w/ First Draught We answer Laura’s cousin’s questions on networking at the beginning of your career Networking peer to peer vs networking “up” Icebreakers & tips for approaching people Helpful strategies for following up appropriately Adding value to relationships Approaching mentors Media relations also B2B networking Networking by connecting other people Adding value by being generous! You have value, no matter what stage of your career you’re in. We promise. At minute 32:00,  Alexandra Haughton made us do the most embarrassing/amazing parlor game where we roleplayed networking with a big wig. We were uncomfortable but also kind of loved it. Julia Kelly may never forgive us for casting her as Perpetua Winterborne. LInks: First Draught 2017 Networking: https://firstdraughtwriting.com/2017/07/05/networking-at-conferences-july-2017/ HBIC Conference Survival Guide (with networking article): https://hbicnation.com/conference-survival-guide Network with us in our FB group!

  • Real HBIC Money Talk- Pounds, Dollars and Sense

    30/03/2018 Duration: 46min

    We’re wrapping up March Money Madness here at HBIC Nation!   We’ll be honest this isn’t the easiest topic to talk about. But that’s probably because people don’t talk about. How do we make that better? You guessed it-- by talking about it. So that’s what we did this month.   We’re sharing practical tips (from personal experience, none of us are financial advisors) and budgeting apps we love, but we’re also talking about broader concepts like your thoughts about money and the energy this puts into the world. Oh, and we call bullshit on the starving artist story that it can be oh so tempting to buy into (hint: HBICS don’t starve).   Here are the apps and resources we mentioned in the show: Money Dashboard (available in the UK) Good Budget 4 accounts you need as a freelancer The HBIC Conference Survival Guide (see the #moneyhoney section on p 25) You are a BadAss at Making Money by Jen Sincero {What the heck is joint accounting, anyway?} This podcast isn’t meant to be the end of the money conversation. It’s a

  • Making Connections - Authentic, Sustainable and Lucrative

    14/02/2018 Duration: 52min

    Show Notes:   Our show this month starts with an Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday worthy sermon from Laura about the importance of finding your “why” in order to connect with people who will love the things you create and support your business. She reminds us that as creatives, we are master storytellers and that marketing is really just an extension of our creativity. She also issues a staunch warning against falling prey to the advice of “dudebro-preneurs”.   Preach on.   While ultimately connection is about growing our businesses and making sales, here at HBIC Nation we wholeheartedly believe that connecting with your audience doesn’t have to be gimmicky or inauthentic. This show is full of practical tips about how to make those connections.   We start by dissecting Julia’s recent newsletter as an example of how to use your “why” as the driving force behind engaging content. Then Lindsay shares her take-away from a Tim Ferris podcast about cultivating the “intense few” followers instead of pursuing the masses (ak

  • Goal Getting - Practical Tips, Creative Tools & Sexy Calendars

    26/01/2018 Duration: 35min

    We’re so excited to share the newest addition to our empire with you: HBIC Nation-- The Podcast! Every month we’ll be bringing you a conversation about topics related to being a boss lady and growing your own creative empire.   This month we’re talking about goal getting. There’s always a lot of excitement at the beginning of the year about setting your goals and intentions. We love words of the year, and vision boards, and those specific/measurable/attainable, etc. goals just as much as the next HBIC. But once you’ve dreamed up your shiny, lovely, amazing plans for total world domination, it’s time to get to the business of doing. That’s the part we’re talking about this month on our inaugural podcast.   Fitting, since one of our goals for 2018 was to start a podcast-- see how we did that?!   We mentioned these resources and tools on the show: Mind Mapping (You’ll need to join our Facebook group to see this!) Back Timing (Same as above about Facebook, *hint, hint: we want you to join!) Bullet Journaling W