Hbic Nation Podcast

Networking - How to Break the Ice, Follow-up and Fake it like an HBIC! (Role-play, that is.)



  Highlights: Crossover episode w/ First Draught We answer Laura’s cousin’s questions on networking at the beginning of your career Networking peer to peer vs networking “up” Icebreakers & tips for approaching people Helpful strategies for following up appropriately Adding value to relationships Approaching mentors Media relations also B2B networking Networking by connecting other people Adding value by being generous! You have value, no matter what stage of your career you’re in. We promise. At minute 32:00,  Alexandra Haughton made us do the most embarrassing/amazing parlor game where we roleplayed networking with a big wig. We were uncomfortable but also kind of loved it. Julia Kelly may never forgive us for casting her as Perpetua Winterborne. LInks: First Draught 2017 Networking: https://firstdraughtwriting.com/2017/07/05/networking-at-conferences-july-2017/ HBIC Conference Survival Guide (with networking article): https://hbicnation.com/conference-survival-guide Network with us in our FB group!