Anna Sophia's Magical World Part IThe Prophecy Synopsis"The Story Of Little Anna Sophia, An Ordinary Little Girl, Who Fleeing A Punishment Inflicted By Her Father, Finds A Secret...
"Principles of Gamification for Educational Software" is an essential guide for educators and designers seeking to transform learning through gamification. With a...
Esta é a história de um professor universitário americano que decide voltar para o seu país. Seu objetivo é modificar a estrutura educacional de um país pobre, que ele...
When God gives life a purpose, everything is transformed, and the sun will always shine, even in the midst of winter! This is the author's personal account of her life journey,...
This book is written and edited by experts and academics already active in the oil and gas industry, and addresses students and practitioners alike. It aims to familiarize them...
"Quilombola Communities and Land Overlapping Challenges in Brazil" delves into the complexities of quilombola communities in the Brazilian context. The author explores the...
Amidst the transition from Open Banking to Open Finance across the European Union (EU), this insightful book delves into how individuals' control over their data is impacted. With...
In an increasingly interconnected world, rules of origin—laws determining the national source of a product—play a crucial role in international trade. Yet, with each country...
At present, a highly efficient tool for organic synthesis is the combination of organocatalytic and multicomponent processes. In the organocatalysis reaction it is possible to...
This research evaluates whether the new model of investment agreement developed by Brazil (CFIA) is a mechanism for enhancing protection and respect for social and economic...