The Mums in Biz Show is about you and your business journey as a corporate mum. I really believe that we succeed so much better when we do it together, AND when we are brave enough to learn from the experience (and mistakes!) that others have already made.My goal is to help you to step away from the hustle, pressure, overwhelm and guilt of the business building journey. The show is all about key strategies you need in your business to succeed, but MORE importantly, who YOU need to be to succeed. How to tap into your innate confidence and kick those limiting beliefs to the curb. When you take a moment to pause, OWN your worth, embrace your awesome self and your choices, and just feel grateful for where you are at, that is when you are freed to be your best self. As a woman, mum, and Empowered CEO
Episode 25: The Two Things You Are Thinking That Get In Your Way Every Day
18/07/2019 Duration: 20minEpisode 25 - The two things you are thinking that get in your way every day Hey there! Today, we are talking about the two things that you are thinking that are getting in your way every day. There are a couple of little phrases that creep their way into all of our heads at one point or another, and I'm telling you—they can have a serious impact on your confidence! I KNOW THIS / THAT The first one I want to talk about is three little words… "I know this" or "I know that". If you try to tell me that you never say this, then I'm gonna call you on it my friend because ALL of us are guilty of doing this. You know what I mean. Those little words that pop into your head whenever you hear something that might have been heard before. Or it could be a strategy that you know about—and most likely have never implemented—or you did, and it didn't work for you. Notice that distinction there? It didn't work FOR YOU…? Think for a little second what this means. Just by thinking these three little words, you are shuttin
Episode 24: What If The Way You Treat your Business Is Stopping Your Growth?
04/07/2019 Duration: 19minEpisode 24 - What if the way you treat your business is stopping your growth? Welcome back, pretty lady! Today, let’s talk about whether the way you are treating your business is stopping you from growing! I want to kick off by asking you a crazy question. Are you ready? When was the last time you talked to your business? Heh-heh-heh. I can see you rolling your eyes at me, you know! Seriously, though, I've noticed that when we are getting started in our businesses—or maybe if you are not seeing the growth that you want to—we start to step back from it. It's like the business is either a hobby that you can pick up and put down…or that it is a friend that has betrayed you. Think about it. Have you ever felt like this? Be super honest with me now… because you probably don't even realize you are doing it. It's like we have a slightly passive-aggressive relationship with our business, and when it doesn't do right by us… well, we respond in kind. Let's explore a bit. You have an idea for a product/service or
Episode 23: Who Does Your Business Need You To Be?
03/07/2019 Duration: 24minEpisode 23 - Who does your business need you to be? Hello there, my friend! This time, we are talking about who your business really needs you to be and how you can be showing up differently TODAY. Now, you have probably heard someone say online, "If you want your dream business, then you need to show up as the CEO that your dream business needs." Ummm… What? On your good days, this probably sends you into a frenzy of overwhelm and self-recriminations. On your bad days? I'm guessing it makes you want to throw the computer out the window. Love, I know that you are determined to grow your biz. That you are committed… that you probably feel like you have tried all the things… When I was getting Nic T coaching off the ground, I was completely unsure about what to do next and like a deer in the headlights at the prospect of just how much there was to learn. It can be daunting as you need to be everywhere. It is challenging to figure out how to be what your business needs NOW, much less being what your FUTURE
Episode 21: Stop Relying On “Hard Work” For Your Success...And What To Do Instead.
02/07/2019 Duration: 19minWell, hey there! Are you ready to learn something new to grow your thriving business and get the freedom you are looking for in your lives? Today, we are talking about a really exciting topic—what you need to “stop doing”, to succeed! My view is actually pretty different to what nearly everyone else is saying. There’s a lot of noise in the online world, and you will notice that it is full of advice on what you “should” be doing. And that’s a pretty deep rabbit hole to go down. Because unless we are fully in alignment with our businesses, with ourselves, with our purpose and what we want to achieve, then it is almost impossible to know exactly what it is that we need to be doing to create our results. But because we don’t trust ourselves, because we don’t really believe in what’s possible, and because we don’t have the confidence to show up as ourselves as our unique expertise, we may find ourselves chasing out all the bright, shiny objects. There is a finite number of ways to market your products and services
Episode 22: Why Setting Your Intention for the Year Is Important
01/07/2019 Duration: 18minHi there, ladies! We’re almost finished with the financial year, but this episode on setting intentions for the year is going to be super helpful for you as you move into FY2020! It’s truly never too late to refocus your attention, so let’s talk about why it is important and how it will help you finally hit your goals! How do you go about setting goals? There are lots of different ways: BHAG, SMART, Dreams, 90-day goals, 30-day goals, the short-term planner… In fact, there is a whole industry around goal setting. You can definitely achieve things with these goal-setting methods. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to market them. And each one will tell you that the others aren't as good… But they won't all work for you…and maybe none of them will work for you! Because one of the most important parts of setting goals is being sure that you are setting the right ones and that they are in alignment with where you want to go. Love, I know that you are probably in a place where you are feeling a bit weary.
Episode 20: Resistance And What It Is Doing To Your Progress In Your Business…
01/07/2019 Duration: 24minResistance. This tiny word encompasses so much, and I absolutely guarantee you that this is something showing up in your business. Today’s post is all about how you can start “getting out of your own way” in your business. We are so good at helping others with "well-meaning advice" about what they 'should' do to overcome that challenge that they are facing. Or watching from a lovely safe distance while people dither around just not doing the THING that they need to do to move forward. But the reality is that it is something that affects all of us. Every time we try to do something new or a task, something that always generates a big result, or which actually moves us forward towards a goal or even your dream life, resistance is something that shows up. Let me give you some examples of what I'm talking about and you tell me which ones are ringing true for you: Procrastination - putting off something that is important in favour of “urgent” or irrelevant things. This is the first major way that resistance
Episode Nineteen: What Does Confidence Have To Do With Success
15/05/2019 Duration: 22minEpisode Nineteen: What Does Confidence Have To Do With Success It's pretty ironic that in striving to be more confident we can undermine our confidence completely. So in today’s post we are talking about what exactly IS confidence and how is it linked to our success…in any part of our lives. Little hint: It's something you have more influence over than you think. So, what is confidence? A dictionary definition says it is “the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.” Notice a few things here: FEELING, BELIEF, FAITH. Confidence isn't a concrete concept and yet we think of it as a tangible thing and we place all this meaning on it and what it depends on. WHEN I have this experience or achieve this result, THEN I will have the confidence to do XYZ. We think it’s tangible but it’s not. It’s about our feelings, our belief systems, and having faith in outcomes or that something will happen. Think about the words we often use: I just don't have the confidence to do or try that… I
Episode Seventeen: What They Really Mean When They Say "Change Your Mindset"
29/04/2019 Duration: 16minEpisode Seventeen: What Does “Change Your Mindset” Really Mean Up there with some of the most overused words - mindset!!! What the heck is it, what does it actually mean for your business, and where on earth do you start? Nobody ever thinks that they need to work on their mindset - it’s like taking vitamins, we know they are important but who prioritises them?? (no? Just me? Ok then…) I’m gonna help you understand what this “mindset” thing is all about today and why you should care. ------------ What I have found both working on my own journey to what Nic T Coaching looks like today, and in working with my clients is that 90% of the things that we struggle with are about figuring out who we are... ...and trusting ourselves to show up as that person in our business. Most women that I talk to, mums in business, even people that are growing their career, most of them are pretending to be someone else to get ahead. Very few people are really showing up exactly as themselves with all their beliefs and
Episode Eighteen: Using Storytelling To Build Your Message Foundation
16/04/2019 Duration: 23minEpisode Eighteen: Using Storytelling To Build Your Message Foundation What does it mean to you when I say “storytelling”? You’d be forgiven for thinking that I was dancing down a path of fairy tales but I promise that there is both art and science to creating messages that convert. It is hard to know where to start when you’re talking about copy. Don’t you agree? Copy is anything to do with words that you brought for your business to get your message out there and to grow your business. It can be challenging to create but honestly most of that is in your head, and it is one of the keys to your success. Nailing your copy helps you stand out from the crowd in terms of your message. It helps you really connect with your ideal client. But it’s so important to find your voice! There’s so much noise in the marketing world today that if you don’t find a way to get comfortable with your voice and your message, it can really let you down! Creating copy is a learned skill, and it’s true that practice makes perfec
Episode Sixteen: The Possibilities Of Creating Stronger Connections
10/04/2019 Duration: 18minEpisode 16: The possibilities of creating stronger connections How To Create Stronger Connections With Your Ideal Clients Hello there again! Today, we’re talking about creating stronger connections with our ideal clients. I really believe that we are creatures of connection. Isn't that what we all strive for? I remember when I was a new mom with my firstborn. I craved connection. I pretty much lived at my best friend’s house for the first three months of my daughter’s life! I was always there. She had a baby too, her second, so I craved connection and it helped that it’s with someone who clearly knows what she’s doing because her first daughter is still alive! I would be on the phone to talk to people. And when people reach out to me, I was like a moth to a light. Everyone needs a connection. Our newborn, our children, our partners. Even our friends and our families. It’s in our human nature. We are ALWAYS seeking to connect with others in some way. It's absolutely no different in our busine
Episode Fifteen: How To Trust Your Instincts On Your Biz Growth Journey
08/04/2019 Duration: 16minEpisode Fifteen: How To Trust Your Instincts On Your Biz Growth Journey Today, I'm using the "j" word—journey. It is such an overused word! I'm probably super sensitive to it because I've spent over a decade consulting, and we are freaking experts at using fancy words that don't really mean anything. BUT, business IS a journey. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth. Any journey started without the end in mind becomes a meandering wander. So today, I'm talking about: How we can stop sabotaging our confidence by using the end goal to our advantage along the way. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here -- If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you to take action in your business, I'd love to hear about it and your biggest take-away! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, po
Episode Fourteen: Releasing Expectation And The Meaning That We Attach To Outcomes
03/04/2019 Duration: 24minEpisode Fourteen: Releasing Expectation And The Meaning That We Attach To Outcomes I truly believe that there is no such thing as failure - there is only the result that you get and the lessons that you learned. Today, let’s talk about what it means to learn how to release the expectations that we place on ourselves and our businesses and how the meaning that we attach to the outcomes that we achieve impacts upon our success. Why have I gone all woo-woo on you lately? We’ve talked a lot about mindset, beliefs, being open to opportunities and deliberate about your happiness, and how that impact your business. I promise there is science in my madness. Well, I’m actually a scientist at heart. I studied biomedical sciences. And I know there is a scientific foundation to a lot of stuff that people talk today, like our belief system, how our thoughts control our actions, the thought patterns that we have that influence our success. So let's dive in! Let’s talk about expectation and the meaning that we att
Episode Twelve: Why Face To Face Is Still So Important with Sophie Musumeci
29/03/2019 Duration: 25minSophie realized that many entrepreneur mums are in need of a support group that would help them in growing their business. They believe that it is not okay for mums to be isolated, alone with their laptops at midnight, trying to figure out what to do next with their business. With Real Entrepreneur Women, you are able to connect with other amazing women who have your back and who can provide you with opportunities without worrying about being in competition against each other. Collaboration over competition is one of the core values of REW. And I have to say, I’m proudly a Community Leader for the Melbourne Central group of REW and it is this single core value that drew me to being involved with them. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here >> If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you
Episode Eleven: How To Future-Proof Your Business From The Online Bubble
27/03/2019 Duration: 27minEpisode Eleven: How To Future-Proof Your Business From The Online Bubble Things are going to keep on changing, just like look at how Facebook has transformed from a mere platform to connect with friends to a medium one of the most sophisticated data analytics platforms around, one that can grow your business or organization more effectively than any other platform around today. But even FaceBook has seen ground-shifting changes in regulations and how they can do business in the last twelve months. Being adaptable and flexible to follow the shifts is one of the most important things that you can do. Adopting different techniques as you go along is important, and so is continuing to be genuine about how you do your business, you will continue to create a following that is loyal to you. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch her
Episode Thirteen: How To Get Really Specific About Your Ideal Client
26/03/2019 Duration: 23minEpisode Thirteen: How To Get Really Specific About Your Ideal Client It is important to narrow down your ideal client—know who they are and what are the specific details about their problems. Let’s talk about why. Knowing your ideal client is the second most important thing in your business (next to sorting out your head!). Your ideal client is that one person you are inspired to help and make an impact for. There is that one person who is the reason why your business exists. As mums in business, one of the things you need to identify is the purpose of your business. Why does your business exist? And knowing who your ideal client is will help you get there. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here >> If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you to take action in your business, I'd love
Episode Ten: Designing Your Happiness - Why We Need To Stop Giving It Away
25/03/2019 Duration: 25minEpisode Ten: Designing Your Happiness - Why We Need To Stop Giving It Away True success is only achieved when you feel successful…and while we can go about a structured approach to figuring out what success looks like of us (in fact I definitely think this is something you would benefit from doing) … unless you really know what makes you happy AND how you feel when you are happy, it can be hard to know when you are there. In fact - I would argue that if you can find your happiness right now then you will feel successful right now because you start to release your tight control on the outcome you are looking for and live more in the moment. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here >> If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you to take action in your business, I'd love to hear about it an
Episode Nine: Being A Mum Is Your Competitive Advantage
22/03/2019 Duration: 20minEpisode Nine: Being A Mum Is Your Competitive Advantage Practice putting you, your needs and your priorities first…let's talk about all those things you do…I know that we are constantly juggling between ALL the nappy changing, constant challenge of finding food that they will eat, playing, housework, business admin, business marketing, serving clients, planning next steps...and that is BEFORE you throw in all the things we seem to commit ourselves to outside of #mumlife and #bizlife. I know that you know exactly what I’m talking about. And I’m willing to bet that you just can’t see HOW you can cut even a couple of things out of your schedule. I know that because that is exactly how I felt. Until I worked out a way to jolt my tired and overwhelmed brain out of it so that I could start prioritizing and saying no without feeling like I needed to explain myself. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know
Episode Eight: Why You Need To Take A Break From Your Business
20/03/2019 Duration: 18minEpisode Eight: Why You Need To Take A Break From Your Business Have you ever noticed that when you are really distracted or doing something that let’s your mind wander aimlessly (not the kind when it’s frantically flitting from to-do item to to-do item - the other kind of wandering aimlessly...where it’s kind of empty...) that that’s when your best inspiration comes? Well - there is a reason for that you know! Your subconscious is working away in the background trying to solve some of the problems that you are facing. It is processing little bits of inspiration that you have come across and percolating through the patterns in all the information you have… And the only way that you can take advantage of the inspiration that comes out of your subconscious is to have time when you aren’t diligently working through a structured to-do list that outlines every step you think you need to follow to hit that goal. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing g
Episode Seven: What Habits Mean To Your Health And Your Business (with Stephanie Gillis)
18/03/2019 Duration: 29minEpisode Seven: What Habits Mean To Your Health And Your Business (with Stephanie Gillis) Stephanie is a nutrition and fitness expert and she firmly believes that we all have it in us to make healthier choices - whatever that looks like for us. Her approach to fitness is definitely not a cookie cutter way, she works with her clients to find what their core reasons for wellness are and then builds from there. Did you know that your cornerstone habit is something subconscious that you are doing that is keeping your ingrained behaviours constant? We are constantly REINFORCING these behaviours, even if they are something that we want to change! Listen to this episode to find out how to embed your cornerstone habits! Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here -- If you enjoyed this episode and it
Episode Five: How Can You Use Journalling For Success In Your Business?
13/03/2019 Duration: 22minEpisode Five: How Can You Use Journalling For Success In Your Business? In practice, journaling can be whatever you want it to be. But the reason that it can be so transformational is that it’s a gateway to understanding more about yourself… to recording your life, experiencing all manner of emotions and uncovering parts of yourself you never thought existed. It is also a profound way to uncover resistance, and blocks that are holding you back…and when you get good at it…you can use it to learn how to actually be honest with yourself. At it's best, journalling can allow you to really get to know yourself…to dream and create a vision for where you want to be…to understand why you aren't already there, and to get super honest with yourself about your beliefs and what is important to you. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch