Mums In Biz Show

Episode Twelve: Why Face To Face Is Still So Important with Sophie Musumeci



Sophie realized that many entrepreneur mums are in need of a support group that would help them in growing their business. They believe that it is not okay for mums to be isolated, alone with their laptops at midnight, trying to figure out what to do next with their business. With Real Entrepreneur Women, you are able to connect with other amazing women who have your back and who can provide you with opportunities without worrying about being in competition against each other. Collaboration over competition is one of the core values of REW. And I have to say, I’m proudly a Community Leader for the Melbourne Central group of REW and it is this single core value that drew me to being involved with them. Are you ready to move from Conflicted and confused in where to go next in your business to smashing goals with confidence like the rockstar CEO I know you are? You can learn how in my latest masterclass - register to watch here >> If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you