Mums In Biz Show

Episode Eighteen: Using Storytelling To Build Your Message Foundation



Episode Eighteen: Using Storytelling To Build Your Message Foundation What does it mean to you when I say “storytelling”? You’d be forgiven for thinking that I was dancing down a path of fairy tales but I promise that there is both art and science to creating messages that convert. It is hard to know where to start when you’re talking about copy. Don’t you agree? Copy is anything to do with words that you brought for your business to get your message out there and to grow your business. It can be challenging to create but honestly most of that is in your head, and it is one of the keys to your success. Nailing your copy helps you stand out from the crowd in terms of your message. It helps you really connect with your ideal client. But it’s so important to find your voice! There’s so much noise in the marketing world today that if you don’t find a way to get comfortable with your voice and your message, it can really let you down! Creating copy is a learned skill, and it’s true that practice makes perfec