Fabulous Fempreneurship

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 122:47:48
  • More information



A community that empowers, supports and mentors women entrepreneurs, worldwide.


  • The Ups and Downs of Creating a Groundbreaking Dating App

    07/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    This is the story of an amazing journey of a first time young entrepreneur and Arab American, Leila Muhaizen, who talks about the ups and downs of creating a groundbreaking dating app, Bakllava,  that has taken Europe by storm! In this podcast you will discover: Where did Leila's entrepreneurial spirit come from? Was this Leila's first jump into entrepreneurship? Did Leila always see herself becoming a Founder and CEO? What advice would Leil give to young girls back home? What are Leila's next big entrepreneurial steps? Was there a point in her journey Leila felt like quitting?

  • Making Sense of Online Marketing

    03/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    Our guest expert, Michelle Nedelec, guides us in making sense of online marketing and how to automate much of your marketing. Through a series of questions, we can all navigate making sense of online marketing and increasing our business revenue. In this episode you will discover: What you need in place for effective marketing What do you need to have in place for effective marketing? For online marketing let's discuss your audience. What makes you different from other digital marketers? What are the steps to effective digital marketing ? How quickly can someone scale their business ? How effective marketing saves you money and increases revenue?

  • Building Self-confidence and a Strong Identity to Face Challenges in the Post Pandemic Era

    24/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    During the pandemic times have been rough for some entrepreneurs, so how what goes into building self-confidence and a strong identity?  Our guest expert, Fabienne Lindholm, has lifted women entrepreneurs to be the best of themselves.  She has been traing women for global cosmetics brands all over the world. In this podcast you will discover: The challenges in the post pandemic world for entrepreneurs How to build your identity Why is self-confidence so important? Examples of what women do to destroy their self-confidence What are the solutions enterprises have to alleviate stress and anxiety What are the tips to create a mental boost?

  • The Paradox of Success: Why so many "successful" women hate the their life and what to do about it

    16/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    If success isn't bringing you the happiness you expected then the paradox of success podcast with guest expert, Tamsen Taylor is just what you need to get your life back on track so that you love your life. In this podcast you will discover: What exactly is the Paradox of Success? Do you think that women being caught in the Paradox of Success is common? Why do you think that actually feeling successful has become so difficult for women? Why are you so passionate about helping women feel successful? You lead a mom’s group and a mom’s business group on Facebook (FYI - Guelph Moms Supporting Moms, we’re over 4.6K members right now, Guelph Business Moms, we’re over 1.4K members ) - in your opinion, do moms, especially moms who are entrepreneurs, face particular struggles in feeling successful? If a listener hears this and realizes that she’s caught in the Paradox of Success, what should she do?

  • The Difference Between Expertise and Thought Leadership

    13/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    In this podcast, Bryna Haynes explains the difference between expertise and thought leadership.  She has helped hundreds of thought leaders deliver their messages. In this podcast you will discover: What is the real difference between an expert and a thought leader? What kinds of questions do thought leaders ask themselves? What is the single biggest thing you MUST do before creating a thought leadership brand? Why is writing a book the best way to establish thought leadership in your niche? Do you have any advice for new business owners when it comes to stepping onto a thought leadership path?

  • Task Discovery - How to Decide Which Task to Delegate?

    06/06/2022 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast with Michelle Thomposon we talk about how to decide which task to delegate as an entrepreneur.  As entrepreneurs we tend to do too many tasks ourselves, but with training and delegation we can free up so much more time. In this podcast you will discover How to decide which task to delegate? How to figure out your why? How to figure out your vision? How to fill up your task discovery list? What can you virtually outsource? Creating The System - How to set up a virtual training system so once you teach somebody how to do something you'll never have to do it again.

  • Swagger – Unleash Everything You Are and Become Everything You Want

    28/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    What is Swagger?   It's unleasing everything you are, so you can become everything you want!  Leslie Ehm explains You will discover: What is swagger and what it will do for you? Is everyone born with swagger? If so, what happens to it over time? Does 'fake it ‘til you make it’ work? If not, what does? What are Swagger blockers and drivers? What stops us from unleashing our most powerful selves in the business world? How to use your swagger to build your business and brand with integrity

  • How to Take the Crappiness Out of Content Creation

    19/05/2022 Duration: 24min

    Content creation scares a lot of business people.  They want to be able to do content creation quickly and efficiently.  Our podcast guest, Deidre Tshien can help you explode your list because you will have so much content creation and spending so little time creating it! In this podcast you will discover A little bit about Deidre's entrepreneurial journey? What does Deirdre do in her business today? What is a common misconception out there about growing a business? Where do you think that comes from? Learn more about Viralocity Marketing… what is it and how does one do it? A lot of time and energy can go into creating content for entrepreneurs. Is this what they should be focussing on, and if so, how? If someone was only going to take away just one thing from this episode, what would would it to be?

  • How to Use Your Face and Body Analysis to Create Impact Without Exhaustion and Self Sacrifice

    11/05/2022 Duration: 18min

    Have you ever gone through your life without really being in each moment?  Are you just going through the motions and at the same time feeling empty? Tammy Cho, explains how to use your face and body analysis to create impact without exhaustion and self sacrifice. In this episode you will discover: Tammy tells her story and what she discovered. What is face and body analysis? How does the face and body analysis help leaders chronic exhaustion and self sacrifice? Tammy talks about why it is importanct to be in touch with our emotions What is the connection between our soul's work and the body? How you can connect with Tammy to find out more about what she does

  • Brandon Leibowitz - Edited

    05/05/2022 Duration: 17min
  • Leah Forney - Edited

    28/04/2022 Duration: 24min
  • Get Where You Want to Go Faster With This Business Growth Roadmap

    21/04/2022 Duration: 23min

    Our guest expert, Madylyn Dunlap can help entrepreneurs with growth.  Let's learn to get where you want to go faster with this business growth roadmap.  Step by step you will learn: The ReWild organization has a “roadmap” for growing businesses. tell us about that What is this roadmap, and how does it help businesses? Simplifying the roadmap into the major “steps” How is there just one roadmap? Isn’t every business different? Story of a female entrepreneur and how this roadmap helped her Advice for our listeners, based on this roadmap How to get access to the roadmap?

  • Money Mindset for Female Entrepreneurs

    16/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    Our podcast guest, Sandy Forster, from Australia knows a thing or two about money mindset for female entrepreneurs.  At one time she had no money!  She was $100,000 in debt and went from welfare to millionaire.  Women struggle to create success and prosperity, so the topic of a money mindset for female entrepreneurs is so important in your life journey.  You can manifest more money and Sandy will show us how. In this podcast you will discover: Why Sandy thinks so many women struggle to create success and prosperity? The secret to creating abundance is combining practical actions with mindset techniques – why is that? Creating space for prosperity. What does Sandy mean by that? Sometimes we have big dreams but we don’t believe its possible to achieve them. What can we do to turn that around? What are some of the ways women sabotage attracting (or keeping) more money in their life? A final piece of inspiration for our listeners from Sandy

  • Why Reinvention Is THE Most Essential Skill for 2022

    08/04/2022 Duration: 41min

    In this podcast, we explore with Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva why reinvention is the most essential skill for 2022.  In this changing business world, businesses and individuals need to reinvent themselves constantly.   It is a challenging business environment we are in right now with world events putting a lot of pressure on businesses across the globe and change occuring at a very rapid speed.  We all need to be our own Chief Reinvention Officer. In this episode you will discover: What is reinvention? What has been Dr. Nadya's path as entrepreneur so far and how she arrived on the topic of reinvention as the focus of her work? How is reinvention different from innovation or change management? Why is reinvention THE most essential skill? What key trends does Dr. Nadya see emerging in female entrepreneurship? What would be Dr.Nadya's most important advice to our listeners?

  • How to Live Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life

    04/04/2022 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, our podcast guest, Terry Tucker talks about how to live your uncommon and extraordinary life.   He knows first hand how to do this.  He shares with the listeners his 10 year personal struggle with cancer and how this has led him to live an extraordinary life.   There is not a minute to lose in celebrating the life we already have.  What are your 4 truths? In this episode you will discover: What do you believe your purpose in life is? Terry describes his 10-year battle with cancer and how it has led him to an uncommon and extraordinary life? Did Terry have a point in his life when he felt helpless or hopeless? What are Terry's 4 Truths and how did he come up with them? How did Terry come to write your book, Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles To Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life? What is next for Terry in his life?

  • How 6 Key Numbers Can Make a 6-Figure Difference to Your Business

    26/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Brooke, Lively, CEO and Founder of Cathederal Capital, discusses how 6 key numbers can make a 6-figure difference to your business.  She explains how to get comfortable with your numbers and know how 6 key numbers can make a 6-figure difference. In this podcast you will discover: 1. What are the 6 key numbers and why do they matter? 2. In what order of importance should a business owner implement these numbers? 3. Sales is not the go-to solution for today’s small business owners. What is it actually? 4. If someone implements all of these numbers, can they really shift their life to doing the things they love vs constantly working in their business? 5. Why did Brooke start her company? 6. Brooke says that her company culture sets you apart in your industry. Brooke  shares this with us why that is and how she created it? 7. If Brooke had one piece of advice for other business owners, what would it be?

  • Empowering Women in the Social Tech Space

    18/03/2022 Duration: 25min

    Our podcast guest, Gabrielle Sinacola talks about empowering women in the social tech space.  What does it take for women to succeed in this type of business or career? In this podcast you will discover How Gabrielle was able to distinguish herself from other job-seeking candidates in the social tech space? What advice does she have for women looking to climb their way to a c-suite position, as she has with Clash? What is the most important skill Gabrielle developed as a young professional, which has helped her achieve success in social tech? How has she worked to develop strong collaborations across creative, tech & business development departments in her role as Chief of Staff? Has she ever experienced imposter syndrome? If so, how has she overcome it? What is it about the Clash company culture that’s allowed her to thrive?

  • What We Do, Why It MATTERS to Us And Why It Should Matter to YOU

    14/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    Our podcast guest, Jodi Monelle, CEO of the world's leading sustainable-lifestyle platform Live Kindly, firmly believes what we do, why it matters to us and why it should matter to you is at the source of everything we do.   Listen to this podcast to learn The journey that Jodi took to be the CEO of a major media platform. How has embracing a sustainable and plant-based lifestyle changed her life, personally, separate from the success of LIVEKINDLY? What have been the most prominent outcomes? LIVEKINDLY originated as a side hustle. How did Jodi balance building it out in your off hours, especially to its market-leading position today? When you look at LIVEKINDLY, what parts does Jodi see herself in most? What about the platform makes her most proud now and for the future. To the dreamers who are listening, what advice does Jodi give on crossing the bridge from desire to action? What first steps can they take to bring their dream to fruition?  What should the world expect next from LIVEKINDLY? What does 202

  • How to Escape Your 9-5 Job and Become a Digital Nomad

    03/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    Our podcast guest, Rachel Smets, who is a Clarity coach, 2xTEDx speaker, author, YouTuber and online course creator, has travelled all over the world in the last 10 years.  In this podcast Rachel explains how to escape your 9-5 job and become a digital nomad. In this podcast you will discover: Why Rachel  escaped her corporate job The Digital nomad lifestyle Many people are afraid to do this at 40+, what about those fears? How to overcome them How do you get the confidence to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle is it still possible at 40+ ?

  • How to Manage the Expectations as an Entrepreneur and Mother

    26/02/2022 Duration: 38min

    In this podcast episode we explore first hand from Katrina Summers how to manage the expectations as an entrepreneur and mother.   Breaking through the corporate ceiling and launching her own consulting business, Katrina will share her thoughts on how she was able to do this while raising three kids and their puppy, Sophie. In this podcast you will discover: How do you make time for your business and your family? How do you separate business and family time? How do you stay motivated when insecurities creep in? How do you overcome the feeling of failing as a mother or business owner? What are some signs that to look for when I need to ask for help? What expectations do you have for yourself as an Entrepreneur & Mom?

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